The Difference


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/29/2007 at 10:02 AM   
  1. Sad that one’s job, political party and/or association makes some people feel free to be so mean spirited, vile and just plain nasty.

    So much for their civility in government, tolerance, and compassion - and they call conservatives hateful - the pot calling the kettle black.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/29/2007  at  04:07 PM  

  2. Lack of civility and compassion barely begin to describe it.  The hypocrisy of a party that is pursuing Atty. General Gonzales over a handful of firings, yet will not even consider that Bill Clinton fired virtually every U.S. Attorney is mind boggling to me.  Add to that a demonstrable denial of reality, an insistence that you are morally lacking if you don’t agree with them and finish it off with the “progressives” telling you that they will dictate your life to you for your own good and you have a party that I am ashamed to ever have been associated with. 

    I value freedom.  I value independent thought.  I will not call you names even when I disagree with your position.  How can the liberals claim to be liberal when their standard debating tactic is the ad hominem attack?  How can they claim to be compassionate when they enjoy the suffering of their opposition so publicly?  Josef Goebbels would be proud of his ethical descendants.  You folks have heard me say this many times before.  The people currently called conservatives are the real liberals of today.  I have found more willingness to engage in honest debate, more tolerance for dissenting view points, more tolerance for differing races and religions on the “conservative” side of U.S. Politics than I have seen for years on the “liberal” side.  Honesty, open mindedness and willingness to learn are much more the hallmarks of a liberal as I understand the concept of liberal.  Today, those qualities are found mostly on the “conservative” side of our political spectrum.  What irony.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/29/2007  at  04:59 PM  

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