the deep divisions in American society


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/03/2012 at 04:40 AM   
  1. ignore the blatant unfairness of Mitt Romney paying just 14 per cent last year on millions earned from his investments, while most middle-class Americans pay more than double that rate

    … I am really, really sick and tired of the old rich Republican canard. Mitt Rommey was paying that blasted 14% on money he had already paid taxes on when he EARNED it - that is what investment money is all about - You INVEST your profits for your retirement, fun, kids college, or what-ever-the-heck you want to spend it on.

    And oh, by the way - Obama ain’t one of us middle class bums working away to stash a few into a ‘pension’ plan to be able to eat something other than cat food in his retirement. He and Michelle probably ‘stashed’ away (invested it or offshored it - with our Obama-run media, never sure what the truth with them is) most of her faux income ($375,000 for some gig that materialized the day the big o became a state Senator and disappeared the second she stepped down).

    What a pack of dangerous, lying and vile (the big o in OH: Voting the best revenge; Jarrett: the second term will be about getting even)these people are.

    Once again - I’m supposed to be WORRIED about what Mitt Romney does with HIS own money, while ignoring what Barack Obama is DOING with my TAX DOLLARS???

    God Help America. We are not all socialists now and (God willing and the DemocRATS don’t steal the election) Tuesday will prove it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/03/2012  at  03:09 PM  

  2. It is Galling isn’t it WM.You know what,If this Asshole wants fair ,send his ass to Angola or Central Africa and see how long his sorry carcass lasts in a Fair society.Idiot.


    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/03/2012  at  11:31 PM  

  3. Once again - I’m supposed to be WORRIED about what Mitt Romney does with HIS own money, while ignoring what Barack Obama is DOING with my TAX DOLLARS???

    You nailed it again Wardmom.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/04/2012  at  12:33 PM  

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