Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/26/2015 at 07:42 AM   
  1. Is it too much to ask that those inciting terrorism or other treason be stripped of all legal entitlements and punished? Seriously, Welfare reform and cutting down entitlements is crucial, and this should be an absolutely uncontroversial and popular way to do it! Even the most dyed in the wool Leftist would have a hard time saying otherwise.

    God, this stuff makes me want to rage.

    But instead, let me focus on showing you a wonderful old game since you mentioned 1864, Peiper. One that has scenarios that cover that war (at least with fanmade scenarios and campaigns), but also almost every other war you can think of between Napoleon and WWI. Including-yes- the Schleswig-Holstein Wars. And dozens of Victorian era Jihadist-shooting as a bonus.

    Namely: Wargame Construction Set 3: Age of Rifles: 1846-1905.

    This is am absolutely fantastic thing that I just have initiated myself into, and it beats most of the games out there today- as well as Hollywood- to death. If you want a massive strategy game that’s both accessible and rather accurate, this is one.

    If I knew a way, I’d try to upload it to you guys directly (since mine has already been downloaded and has all the fan add ons already there). But in lieu of that.... you can get it from here for free.

    Click the “Download - Easy Setup” and it’ll do the job for ya.

    Over the course of hours and hours.

    This website is almost as dodgy as a Democrat.

    It takes hours to download something that should only take minutes (average speed is something like 5-6 Kb/Second). You can only download two files per day. And I’m not entirely sure the website is on the legal up and up.

    But I think long out of market games like this are safe. Especially since the copy from this site was the only way I could get a working copy of a game I already legally owned.

    And with God as my witness, it was So Worth It.

    Once you’ve got the base game installed, you might be interested in registering on this Yahoo group so you can download the rest of the scenario and campaign files available. including the Schleswig Wars.

    Be warned that fighting for the Danneborg in the Second Schleswig War scenarios (and campaign) is not for the faint of heart or inexperienced. This is brutally down to earth as far as strategy games go.

    You will be outnumbered and probably outgunned by the Germans in almost all of your battles. Your troops’ quality and equipment are roughly equal to the Habsburg Austrians, but NOTABLY inferior to the Prussians and their Dreyse Needle Guns and Krupp artillery. So victory will ultimately come down to you commanding better, knowing how to use your formations and terrain, and doing it better than the Germans, because you cannot rely on superior numbers, training, or firepower.

    And have I mentioned that the AI in this game is pretty good?

    So I’d suggest holding off on it until you’ve got your feet wet. Go kill the Madhi’s thugs for a bit, fight in the other war in 1864, and maybe sound out German capabilities when they’re directed at less sympathetic and easier targets (like each other with the Austria v. Prussia scenarios).

    But above all, have fun.

    Hope this will give some way to vent frustration over the idioticy here…

    Posted by Turtler    United States   05/26/2015  at  04:19 PM  

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