the curse of justice …. lack of


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/15/2013 at 05:24 AM   
  1. Sad thing is she just might go back to him. Until we stop calling it ‘domestic’ it won’t change. It’s assault but since it’s within the family and this was all based upon the ‘I don’t want the court/government in my families business - it continues to go on and on. The attitude continues that the ‘b*tch’ is 1) stupid, she should have just left him, 2)mouthy and/or argumentative and started it/contributed to it and/or 3) she keeps going back/not pressing charges, so she got what was coming.

    VP Joe ‘just a run of the mill slap’ Biden’s comment should have the feminazi’s and every woman’s group up in arms - of course if the state controlled media doesn’t report it - it never happened. A ‘run of the mill slap’ from my ex sent me into the nearest wall (even if it was completely across the room) - as he was almost a foot and close to 70 pounds heavier. He only hit me once, not flat hand slap. I stayed at home for almost a week, when he kicked me in the head. It’s one of the reasons he is my ex.

    It’s always the stupid woman’s fault - and the criminal justice system compounds the problem more than 50% of the time by awarding any surviving children of these violent subhumans to the males family (like, come on sociology 101 - where the HELL do you think the monster learned it).

    Justice is no longer blind - it’s a raving pc maniac.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/15/2013  at  08:52 AM  

  2. It is kinda hard to feel for the girl in the ways you state WM, BUT, I just can’t wrap my head around the people standing by letting this asshole pound on her so violently.If I was in shouting distance of an event of this magnitude that guy would have broken bones at minimum and a fractured skull if I was being kind. Not Acceptable.
    censored  shit  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/15/2013  at  01:47 PM  

  3. You are correct WM one thing might help is if they stopped allowing solitary for women and child abusers, and then cut the entertainment for all inmates, Im sure they inmates could and would find ways to pass the time with the abusers in there! Lucky she aint my sister !

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   03/16/2013  at  02:32 PM  

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