Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/13/2009 at 04:03 AM   
  1. Didn’t you all have a Postal Strike not too long ago? So much for government run organizations - find it funny (don’t know if UK laws are the same) but the only government entity not allowed to strike - are the Armed Forces.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/13/2009  at  06:44 AM  

  2. Wow. Rush Limbaugh had a caller this week that said she was a Postal employee who didn’t get her check.

    Now, to be honest, I remember once when the checks didn’t show up. Back in the early ‘90s. Unlike the caller, they did not issue certified checks. We just waited until Monday, and there the checks were.

    Actually, this has happened several times. I don’t subscribe to ‘direct deposit’ because you are also giving permission for ‘direct withdrawal’. If they decide they’ve overpaid you for whatever reason, they can just go in and take it back. That’s part of the ‘direct deposit’ agreement.

    I prefer to pay them back, if it’s legit, on my own schedule. I will not let them seize funds I may have written checks on. IF they overpaid me, that’s their problem, not mine.

    (not to be confused with the time they screwed up MY check. Everybody else got theirs but me. But that was two decades ago now. I don’t even remember the circumstances. The local post office DID give me an advance, which I paid back when the check arrived, a week late. I was a newbie employee at the time.)

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/13/2009  at  08:23 AM  

  3. Didn’t you all have a Postal Strike not too long ago?

    Didn’t you all have a Postal Strike not too long ago?

    Yes. Now we have another. It never ends.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/14/2009  at  01:05 PM  

  4. Once they get their foot in the door the commies are very difficult to get out.

    Meh, not necessarily; give ‘em a few grenades followed by a quick trip with the flamethrower, and that should get them out.

    Unfortunately, while it may be easy to get the Commies themselves out by bayonet or ballot, their legacy is far more difficult to remove. And therin lies the problem.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   09/14/2009  at  04:23 PM  

  5. their legacy is far more difficult to remove. And therin lies the problem.

    It has just dawned on me upon seeing that comment, you’re right.
    I always think in terms of the people who cause the problem(s) and lost sight of that word, legacy.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/16/2009  at  06:41 AM  

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