The age of the snitch: How public sector informers are creating Stasi Britain…!


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/04/2009 at 09:56 AM   
  1. The rumour I heard was that the presenter Adrian Chiles (pro Labour) and Jo Brand (fat slob “comic” and pro Labour) were the ones who heard Ms Thatcher make the remark and decided a witch hunt was the best option. Pathetic but not surprising given the mentality of Labour oiks.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   02/04/2009  at  01:00 PM  

  2. Wonder what they would get from polliwog (or was it pollywog?)?

    Posted by Hobie    United States   02/04/2009  at  01:04 PM  

  3. Forget it. Britain is a pismire and beyond saving.

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   02/04/2009  at  01:11 PM  

  4. This is no surprise. Great Britain ceased being great some years ago, and has willingly, eagerly turned itself over to rule by the leftist mob.

    Thus you have rampant crime, but a police and court system unwilling to put the offenders in jail, or even publish their names. It costs too much and it offends the criminal’s civil rights. Thus you have a disarmed law-abiding society because all weapons are dangerous and their merest presence turns normal people into blood thirsty maniacs. You have passed laws that make it a crime to even defend yourself or your property. As a result murder and robbery are rampant, and nothing is being done about it.

    You have given over the rule of your nation to jealous small-minded sniveling cowards in Belgium (the EU) and have opened your doors to unchecked immigration of the masses. All the scum in all the world is moving to the UK, and you do worse than let them. You provide them with free money, free housing, more than equal rights, and free access to all kinds of social services. Squatters, gypsies, islamofascists, gangs of thieves, anarchists, et al all operate with more than impunity; your current laws strongly encourage them at the expense of your own citizens.

    You have put in place a nationwide watching system so that all your citizens are under digital observation at all times any time they are in public. You have done this “for their own good” and “for public safety” yet such surveillance has not stopped a single crime. You have gone so far as to install special noise makers that only young people can hear, to stop them from the terrible crime of hanging out. Even free association is suppressed in your country.

    You have made Political Correctness the law of your land without regard to any unintended consequences. You have had a “snitch culture” in place for years now. Your own school system encourages children to rat out their parents. You have put similar rules in place in the workplace. “offenders” are given the Zero-Tolerance boot without the slightest consideration of context. “I am offended” costs you your job. Period. The response is never “Get a grip you wanker”. The “offender” never even enters into the picture; the accuser has all the powers of a 13th century witch-finder, and action is taken on their word and their word alone.

    So now the inevitable has happened. Private conversations are reported to the government or to the “powers that be” and are acted on in the same Zero-Tolerance manner ... and now you find it objectionable? It is to laugh.

    I am actually amazed that Miss Phillips has not been rounded up for her outrageous reaction, and fined or imprisoned. Why not? Your EU bedmates in Italy did a very similar thing to Oriana Fallaci, and your moral heroes the fwench did exactly that to Bridgette Bardot. Surely your own fascist mob must be calling for “justice” by now?

    Too shit England. Stew in your own juices until you drown. FOAD. You have created a nearly lawless fascist state, and you have done it on purpose, step by step, for years. You have disarmed and un-empowered the citizenry, while giving all the rights and powers to criminals and unchecked local microgovernment “councils”. You have put the Speech Police in place everywhere and the only downside to that is your disappointment that you couldn’t put the Thought Police in place instead. But not to worry, you’re using the education system to do that for you. In another decade the last few citizens capable of free thought and analysis will either be dead or retired, and you can have your utopian anarchy in which you all slowly starve to death while not offending anyone in the slightest.

    And your cousins here in America will follow you in lock-step, just a few years behind. Many millions of us will try to fight that, but we do not stand a chance. Our new national government is fully in favor of the same ideas that brought down your nation. Our new President, leader of the Executive branch, was elected on a promise of Hope & Change and “a new era of honesty, transparency, accountability, and efficiency in government”, so he has quickly surrounded himself with tax cheats and lobbyists at the highest levels of government. All the while trying to ram a “Stimulus Package” laden with pork and political payoff money through the legislature, that heavily funds all his pet leftist groups while laying an economically crippling new debt on the nation. He is the embodiment of the leftist lie, yet many see him as a moderate in comparison to the political views of the majority members of the Legislative branch. Our resistance will be loud and long, but ultimately futile. And we will wind up just like you, another nascent third world nation. And all the world’s problems will STILL be all our fault.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   02/04/2009  at  01:38 PM  

  5. Drew, that is the most remarkable post I have read in a long while. I have copied and sent it to all my email buddies. It should be posted everywhere. BTW, your use of the english language is second to none.  KUDDOS!

    Posted by Corsair    United States   02/05/2009  at  10:34 AM  

  6. Agree with Corsair Drew.
    Although you really should tell us what ya really think and stop holding back. lol.

    The Telegraph (and others) are still holding forth on this story and most people are outraged by the actions of the BeeB.
    To make more ppl even angrier, a spokeswoman for the BBC with great pomposity defended the org. on air last night.

    The corporation has become the self-appointed arbiter of what is appropriate behaviour.

    Telegraph View
    Last Updated: 8:21PM GMT 05 Feb 2009

    Few people can have listened to Jay Hunt, the controller of BBC 1, on Radio Four’s Today programme yesterday with anything other than incredulity and rising anger. Her condemnation of Carol Thatcher over the great golliwog imbroglio was almost a parody of the sanctimonious, smug, patronising and self-important attitudes that have infected the corporation from top to bottom.

    Viewed from Broadcasting House, the world is in a constant foment of indignation at any perceived affront – unless, that is, the offence is felt by people who object to gratuitous sex, violence, swearing, boorish behaviour, insults to the Royal Family or to Christians, or to the BBC’s insidious Left-wing bias. They can all lump it.

    Miss Hunt felt that a remark made in private by Miss Thatcher warranted a public apology, even though it had not been broadcast and only a handful of people had heard it. While Miss Thatcher did regret any offence caused, Miss Hunt felt she had not sufficiently abased herself before the nation. ”We have given Carol ample opportunity to give a fulsome (sic) apology and she has chosen not to do so.”

    What is so grotesque is that Miss Hunt evidently thinks she has behaved in a perfectly reasonable way. Miss Thatcher had failed to recant in a manner acceptable to the BBC, which is, apparently, the self-appointed arbiter of what is appropriate behaviour. If the Jonathan Ross affair confirmed how out of touch its executives have become from most viewers, this affair has exposed a McCarthyite world of denunciation and arbitrary punishment of those who do not hold an approved opinion. No doubt Miss Hunt and her colleagues regarded her interview as a triumphant exposition of the progressive creed. To many of us it was downright sinister.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   02/06/2009  at  08:28 AM  

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