The 545 - Pass It On


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/27/2009 at 12:02 PM   
  1. Oorah! We need a purge. Remember when the left said that W was Stalin reincarnate, and there would be such? Why wasn’t there? Damn, and here we let a “good crisis go to waste”. shut eye

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   03/27/2009  at  05:04 PM  

  2. Thanks for the tip. I believe I’ve read part of this before, but did not know its provenance. I will pass it along.

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   03/27/2009  at  10:08 PM  

  3. It is very easy - We The People are continually looking at the results of Congress - higher taxes, corruption, crappy economy - which as pointed out - is exactly what these idiots want.

    The answer - Gin up the Population (You know We The People) to do the one thing that will instantly bring those in Congress to a screeching halt - Repeal the 16th Amendment.

    Imagine if you will if you simply start asking - Would you support a Repeal of the 16th Amendment (Federal Income Taxes) and the dissolution of the IRS. But take it step further - and explain - then all roads, schools and LAWS would be STATE controlled. You can protest at your state capital a lot easier than in DC, you can oust your state Gov and Representatives a lot easier (and sooner) than those in DC - but more importantly - it Removes the power and control from DC to the States. Which is exactly what the Founding Fathers envision America to be. Control and accountability would be back, closer to We The People than it is now.

    Use this as an example to defend your position: Think about this $40B comes in annually to the states for Transportation - that is indeed billion from license fees, gas taxes, etc for Transportation. 27B (yes, that is billion again) is taken off the top in ‘administration costs’leaving 13B left - and guess what approximately 3B of that does not go to Transportation but rather to social programs.

    And the taxpayers and citizens don’t know and don’t even seem to care. If you or I opted not to pay our taxes in lew of, oh say, a new big screen tv - think that Government would be so un-caring and laissezfaire about it?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/28/2009  at  08:13 AM  

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