That Didn’t Take Long


I’m thinking ... hide your guns under the sofa, behind paintings, inside hollow clocks, in wall spaces hidden behind secretly hinged panelling ... and have a gun safe somewhere, prominently labeled and perhaps visible from one window. And seriously boobytrapped inside with cameras, tasers, pepper spray, etc.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/14/2013 at 08:37 AM   
  1. There’s no question but that what the paper did was a self serving bit of hype. All in the name of press freedom I suppose.  Someone should shoot out the eyes of the editor. Worthless scum. Something ought to be done to ppl like that to instill so much fear, that no other paper would even dream of doing it again. That really is one hell of an outrage, and I was royally PO’d when I first heard about it.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/14/2013  at  12:10 PM  

  2. Yeah and the big o was out there claiming that people are lying about the government taking our guns - and the bitter clingers are too damn stupid to know that they are being duped by those evil groups who won’t go along with sensible gun control laws and oh yeah, btw if the evil republicans don’t raise the debt limit (again) - the veterans and social security recipients won’t be paid - even though he also said that this debt limit increase isn’t about spending (which is why spending cuts shouldn’t be part of the ‘deal’) but about money already spent. Imagine someone (the individual) who has such massive bills and debt payments - who continues to increase their spending.

    I’m so sick of this idiot - too damn bad that the evil republicans didn’t cut the ‘bush tax cuts’ a long time ago - maybe the low information voters wouldn’t have voted for the big o this time - but then we all know that the reason the damn taxes went up in Jan was dumbocare taxes taking effect - but of course the State Media will always blame the republicans for all that goes wrong in the big o’s AmeriKa.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/14/2013  at  02:21 PM  

  3. You all have to see this,its awesome, head to the link:

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2013  at  04:39 PM  

  4. Sadly its not Illegal to do what they did in NY and that is gonna be tough to overcome in court.But all the bad publicity will most likely have the proper affect on the personel and profits of the rag very soon.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2013  at  04:41 PM  

  5. The people should own this paper through class action.  mad

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/14/2013  at  05:20 PM  

  6. "The people should own this paper through class action.”

    Words don’t mean anything to these people. Money does. SUE THE CRAP OUT OF THEM. One person at a time. Think of all the legal fees they will have to pay if two hundred people sue.

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   01/14/2013  at  07:52 PM  

  7. More Fun Facts:
    It is true that all countries in Southern and Western Europe had lower murder rates than the U.S. But it might be worthwhile to parse the U.S. number if we continue to make such comparisons.
    In over 52% of the murders in the US in 2011 in which the race of the murderer was known, the murderer was black. Over half of the victims of murder were also black. But blacks are only 13.6% of the population. Put all that together, and the murder rate in the US for non-blacks was more like 2.6 per 100,000 in 2011.
    As Peter Baldwin put it in his book, The Narcissism of Minor Differences, “Take out the black underclass from the statistics, and even American murder rates fall to European levels.”
    Very Interesting Huh.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2013  at  11:00 PM  

  8. Wow.  I followed the link over to “Jeanine Pirro Goes Nuclear”.  There are very few people I’d be afraid of in a battle of wits.  She’s one of them.  That is one awesome lady with an excellent command of facts and logic.

    Now, how do we turn her loose on Obama and company?  The New York State Legislature?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/14/2013  at  11:04 PM  

  9. Abusing my power to post I also give you this:
    “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.”
    “Noah Webster”.
    And this:
    “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms… disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes… Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.
    “Thomas Jefferson”

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/14/2013  at  11:05 PM  

  10. Rich, Thank you for that link. That is one tuff lady.

    Wonder what their reaction might be if the employees of that paper had their names and addresses made public. We can guess.


    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   01/15/2013  at  11:50 AM  

  11. LOL Peiper, check the news about a week ago!  Someone did post the employees names and addresses on line.  The newspaper editor went ape and hired armed guards for the building.  Of course they had a hissey fit over invasion of privacy and why the public had no need/right to know the information.

    What goes around, comes around.  They can’t stand to be treated as they treated others.  Typical punk a** limousine liberals.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/16/2013  at  12:20 AM  

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