Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/15/2006 at 09:00 AM   
  1. Here goes - we are in WWIII, clash for civilization, armeggedon, end of times, GWOT whatever you want to call it. These lunatic terrorists have continued to attack their own and innocents while declaring to rid the world of Israel, infidels, America, Western civilizations, humor, the internet, cartoons, Christianity, Jews, Bush, Blair and general freedom, sanity, peace, democracy, free enterprize, rational thought, religious freedom and freedom from torture, persecution and terror.

    And why any one in the US Government, Congress, US Military, US religions, US justice system and anyone in the World with a single functioning brain cell does not stand up and say NO, lan astaslem - I WILL NOT SUBMIT is beyond me. (lan astaslem, is arabic and from Michelle Malkin’s site, I made a pledge)

    These are not members of a standing Armed Force, these are not signers of the Geneva Convention, the UN Charter, these are not abiders by any legal, moral or civil law, rule or sane thought. These are rabid, uncontrolable, insane terrorists who will destroy the World if they are not killed, shortly after being intensively interrogated to obtain any and all information that they might have on locations, plans, names and financial resources.

    The ACLU - champion of anyone that is them; the Dems - champion of anyone they can enslave and keep stupid and the lunatic left - champion of anyone not Bush are leading America to destruction and they will be among the first (hopefully, if God is indeed as Vengeful and Merciful as I believe HIM to be) to be killed by these terrorists.

    lan astaslem - I WILL NOT SUBMIT.
    It is getting close to Nov Elections - do not waste your vote - if your Repub is a McCainCo turncoat, then try to find someone NOT DEM who has a majority of your core values, but more importantly who is willing to defend and stand up for America. We can no longer simply vote along Party lines, we can no longer hold that ‘what’s one Vote?,’ we can no longer just Do Nothing. It is not too late - don’t make Nov the end of America and her freedoms, her values, her possibilities and her future.

    lan astaslem - I WILL NOT SUBMIT. EVER.

    big_us_flag  big_uk_flag  big_israel_flag

    End of Rant: lan astaslem

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/15/2006  at  10:28 AM  

  2. Why is the new Survivor consist of just a bunch of young (but pretty), vain, moronic kids?  Where are the cool people that we can actually root for?

    The new season sucks.

    Posted by outdoorspro    United States   09/15/2006  at  11:25 AM  

  3. It’s those gray UFO aliens from Roswell what done it to us gulp


    Guard ALL the borders!  big_canada_flag  big_us_flag  mexico_flag

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   09/15/2006  at  01:09 PM  

  4. Wardmama, I saw that the other day too. Makes sense, I might even buy the Tshirt. Orianna Fallaci died today; I hope you’ve got a copy of at least one of her books. I agree with what she writes 110%, and I’m even proud of the Pope’s slightly wishy-washy statement the other day (too much quoting somebody else. Give us your words, sir, or God’s!) Naturally the muzzies are cranked up to Insanity Level IV over it ... par for the course.

    ODPro, I have to admit that I watched the first 3 episodes of the very 1st season of Survivor, and pegged it as a load of crap. The fix was in even then. Since then I’ve kinda sneered at Survivor junkies who buy into it, but after hearing the racial crap surrounding this season I watched last night. 15 minutes into the episode I knew that the fat black guy would be the one voted off. Next to go will be the pudgy lazy hispanic guy in the Death Metal T-shirt. I can’t pick the winner quite yet, but if I had to bet I’d put my money on Cou Boi. I will give the show props; last night’s challenge was pretty complex. Shame that they handed out fire to everybody by the end of the episode. Guess the seasons where the competitors went without it for weeks were too onerous, and they didn’t want the gay guys sneaking in anymore with a lighter tucked up their bum.

    Yeah, let’s take a day off from political ranting. McCain, Durbin, Al Sharpton, Howling Mad Howie will all be here tomorrow, and they’ll still be arseholes then too.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/15/2006  at  02:09 PM  

  5. Rat Patrol - Guess I’m dim today; I don’t get that cartoon. I remember that the Border Patrol did stop one loonie with a carload of BANG coming down from Canada on the eve of the millenium, and there was one of those terror plots discovered up there just a month or so ago. And all sorts of illegal alien smuggling going on in BC, mostly with the Chinese. Not to mention the school shooting they just had, even with their intense levels of gun control. So my guess is this cartoon is from a Canadian perspective? I’m trying hard, but I still don’t get it. Grumpy old US sees happy/gentle/diverse/socialist Canada as a threat? Well ... sometimes threats do come from there, and loonies too. So?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/15/2006  at  03:06 PM  

  6. While the skipper is gone i’ll pass on some advice my dear ole’ dad passed on to me.....
    ALWAYS marry a woman with small hands..............they make your pecker look bigger!!.....® :-Þ

    Posted by Rancino    United States   09/15/2006  at  05:58 PM  

  7. Hey, I wonder if the Spinach Alert is actually a terrorist action? It seems to be only bagged spinach, but quite a few different brands.

    Ok, that seems crazy on the surface ... but is it really? Who does the picking and the bagging? Does it all come from one place or from several? Could this event be an extension of insecure borders and certain separatist movements? Face it, if a certain group handles most of our produce, and they have a gripe or a mission, then we’re pretty vulnerable to them aren’t we? If the companies that do this kind of packing don’t check up on their employees, do you really think they check up on sanitary conditions? I think the government should be doing some intensive back tracing right about now, and be honest with what they find out. I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I think it is at least possible.

    Oooh, that was my very first conspiracy theory, and me a right winger! Think the KosKids will send me a badge or something?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/15/2006  at  06:45 PM  

  8. Oh, and I get to call “I question the timing!!!” too: the spinach takes a day or two to get to market, and the germ takes a day or two to incubate ... today is the 15th, which implies that the contamination could have happened on September 11.

    Damn, where’s my Reynolds Wrap? Gotta make me a foil hat pronto!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/15/2006  at  07:44 PM  

  9. Who bit off that poor kitty’s ear! Was it Howard Dean! YOU BASTARD!!!!!

    Posted by Yellow Dog    United States   09/15/2006  at  08:50 PM  

  10. You will like this one. The Dhimmicrats wre running web site to allow their members to send their congresscritters an email demanding the the ‘Path to 9/11’ TV show be stopped for whatever reason their little hearts could grasp. I used the section of “Add you own comments” to tell mine the Dummycrats were FOS. I am now on the official Howard Deaniac mailing list. I get one a day and reply to it with a diatribe about what clueless idiots they are. They have YET to catch on! What fools!!!!!! The fun continues!

    The Hobo

    Posted by Robohobo    United States   09/16/2006  at  02:02 AM  

  11. Anonymous-

    I’ve been saying for a while that there should be shock collars on all Democrat and RINO congessmen and senators and let Dick Cheney and Dennis Hastert have the controls to give them a zap when they get out of hand.

    The only that I see with that is giving enough power to effect Ted Kennedy without killing everyone else.

    Posted by U2warrior05    United States   09/16/2006  at  02:22 PM  

  12. The best BBQ in St Louis is at Miss Piggie’s Smokehouse on Pace.

    Posted by Kirk    United States   09/17/2006  at  08:28 PM  

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