Texas Guns up over politics


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/08/2008 at 02:33 PM   
  1. What do these Texans know that we don’t?  Nothing, it’s just good common sense to assure your right while you can.  It will be a much harder fight for anti gunners to take away permits compared to putting a ban on new ones!

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   05/08/2008  at  08:10 PM  

  2. Now you know why I live here. Texas has its share of issues, just like anywhere else. But the very things everyone in adjoining states hate about Texas and Texans are the very things that make her a keeper. They are proud, to the point of appearing arrogant, of being who they are. You know, like all Americans, all Brits, and pretty much all of Europe used to be. They believe in themselves, they act as if there isn’t anything they can’t accomplish. When asked why they think so, They either grin, or more offensive still look baffled by the question, and reply, “We’re Texans, we can do anything.” Much as Americans and British used to react in a similar fashion. Those who don’t believe in themselves to such a degree can be counted on to hate you if you *do*.
    And last but most certainly not least, they tend to take the sovereignty of their country as a personal issue. Perhaps that’s a leftover from the Republic of Texas, in which we are taught to take an inordinate amount of pride. But the net result is that Texans are less likely than most to say “Somebody needs to do something!”, or even “We need to do something!”, and more likely to say, “What do *I* need to do?”
    The reason so may Texans are applying for CC licenses may be because so many of them seem to see no distinction between someone breaking into their homes and someone invading their country. It’s a violation of the sovereignty of an American citizen and, according to the history we are taught as kids, the citizens ARE the government. Therefore “call the police” or “call out the home guard” doesn’t seem disconnected from “I got yer home guard. Me with a 16 guage filled with dimes. Better run FAST, boy.”

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/09/2008  at  06:36 AM  

  3. Short version: We have an honored tradition of individualism, and no one has succeeded in making us feel ashamed of that… yet.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/09/2008  at  06:38 AM  

  4. Hey Grumpy,

    Ya know next time we need another war, all we have to do is elect a Texan.  President Johnson got us into Vietnam, President Bush got us into Iraq, and what do you figure Could be President McCain(I’m so sorry, he’s from Arizona) do, get us into the Iran war waiting to happen?  I really respect the proud stuff mr.,and well you should be, but please stay out of politics.

    Posted by lateforwork2    United States   05/09/2008  at  09:10 AM  

  5. Well, Actually, it was Ho Chi Minh (sp?) who got us into Viet Nam, and Saddam Hussein who got us into Iraq. It will be Mahmūd Ahmadinejād who gets us into a war with Iran, if there is one. Don’t forget, both democreep candidates want to sit at the campfire with him, hold hands and make s’mores with this idiot, while offering him, probably, looking at history, offering billions in “peace incentives” to be our best friends.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   05/10/2008  at  04:20 AM  

  6. I have no problem with Texas politicians staying outta politics. Doesn’t matter to me one way or another. Of course, I sometimes wonder why Bosnia, Somalia and Haiti always seem to get a pass, even though Bosnia went on for longer than Iraq has, Somalia was nothing more than lives and money thrown away as NOTHING was accomplished, and Haiti was an instant embarassment right off our coast (still is) that the news media nonetheless resolutely ignored.

    Oh, and I’m not sure who was President when we got into Vietnam, but it was well before Johnson. We were in Vietnam from the day it ceased being French Indochina, sometime in the mid to late 40s. There just weren’t enough Americans dying or protesting to be considered newsworthy until Johnson.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   05/10/2008  at  08:49 AM  

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