Testicley Challenged?


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/03/2007 at 10:22 AM   
  1. While I agree with you guys that President Bush should stand up for somethings (treason, flagrant and public refusal to pay taxes, ‘FrozenAssests’ Jefferson, pardoning the border guards and Libby) I understand exactly why the President does not do as much as we would like to see 1) he is giving the lunatic left the rope to hang themselves (and boy are they all piling on the longer it goes on) and 2) he is not ever going to go into the gutter those lunatics live and dictate from. Comeon, we have seen nothing but lies, more lies and damn lies from the moonbat bunch. And nothing to protect the Nation from the real enemy.

    Look at the position which the British loser pc whinners have gotten them into with their ‘weak’ handling of the entire Hostage situation. Comeon, is it not a redo of 1979 and Jimmy Carter? For America, the question becomes (Ms Pelosi) how much diplomacy is enought, when the rogue nation does the exact same thing again? When does it (or will it ever) become apparent to you (Ms Pelosi) that diplomacy is not working (Iraq, Hostages, nukes)?

    Did you know it is up to 80% of the ‘insurgents’ in Iraq are not Iraqis - they are from Syria (hello, Ms Pelosi - how ‘bout asking Assad about that little ‘inconvenient truth’?) and Iran (again, Ms Pelosi, is diplomacy working here at all?). So much for a damn Iraq civil war and Iraqis not wanting us there. It is just more of the lies, more lies and damn lies that they have been telling since they turned on OIF.

    By my estimation, it is the Democrats and anti-war mongers and their lies that have kept us in Iraq (so long) and caused the serious problems with OIF - and so the blood of all these Troops is on their hands and if they keep up with this cut and run, date-out and defunding bs - even more American, Iraqi and World blood will be on their hands.

    And so it goes with those who only want what they want - not a single thought or consideration for the other side (how tolerant is that), America or the good of the World. I like the ‘who made us king of the World’ crappola - even my 18 year old daughter can come up with a more cogent argument in support of stablizing Iraq than that one. How childish can an adult be? I guess if you are a moonbat, extremely.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/03/2007  at  10:39 AM  

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