test. what state requires by law the teaching of fag history?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/16/2011 at 10:48 AM   
  1. Gay history? Oh, the history of happiness! I refuse to use the term gay to define a sodomite. They are the least “happy” people there are.

    The ones who are very open are pushing their lifestyle down your throat. (No pun intended - yuck!) They are constantly screeching and wailing about their “rights” that are being infringed upon. Meanwhile they have no problem interfering with “straight” folk’s rights.

    The ones who just keep to themselves, just seem sad, and worry about what people think of them. They seem to kind of hide out, but they are far from gay (happy) as well. I don’t mind this group too much. I feel sorry for them to an extent, because they know what they are doing is wrong and yet there they are. At least they are not in your face.

    As for the history of sodomy, it has been around about as long as people have been here. Here is some history - how about when two cities in the well-watered plains were “smoked” by God for many reasons, but chief among them was their queer lifestyle. Nothing much was left after that. I bet they won’t teach that history in the land of fruits, flakes and nuts.

    As for sodomites, I don’t hate them. I just don’t want them forcing their “lifestyle” on everyone else. Just stay in your closet to do your fudge packing, and box bumping. It ain’t right, but that is your problem. Don’t push your agenda on the rest (huge majority) of us. Speaking of that they inflate their numbers as well. As loud and screeching as they are, you would think that they are the majority. I don’t know what is currently being reported, but you can be sure they have upped the percentage by double or better. Gotta spin the numbers!! Just as the Demoncats. And I know about the “Conservative fags.” They fall more into the second “quiet” group I guess.

    Nuff said. Stepping off the soap box.

    Posted by BaldEagle    United States   04/16/2011  at  05:05 PM  

  2. Dude, You almost wrote a qualified POST,Bravo.
    Anyway,what was I going to say?Oh,Ya. I want to thank the gods who had me born when schools taught the shit I needed to know and left the rest to my imagination.
    Nuff Said.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   04/16/2011  at  11:51 PM  

  3. I have a serious problem accepting the idea that I must or at least should consider them as just ‘folks.’ Like us.  Well, they aren’t and we aren’t like them but I guess the way the frackin world is set up today, it’s not legal to question the more militant.

    I think the guys in that other story were looking for a way to sue, after the other fag couple won a law suit against a Christian B & B who refused them a double room.

    Of course, this post isn’t just about what I call odd couples.  It’s also about Calif’s insane do good lefty feel good new regs that now make almost everyone a “special group” that no doubt will be made free of criticism.  Just watch.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   04/17/2011  at  04:27 AM  

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