Terrorist Government In Palestine


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/26/2006 at 07:06 AM   
  1. If anybody thinks things were tough there before, just wait, it’s gonna get real ugly now.

    I wonder if these critters will be taking off the hoods or if the parliament will be full of hooded terrorists.

    I hope that Dubya has the balls to follow through on his promise not to fund them if Hamas was elected. Hell, I’m still pissed that we’re funding them at all.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   01/26/2006  at  07:31 AM  

  2. The exchange of whips for scorpions.

    There will be fire, blood, tears, and little else.

    I agree, Stin, not one red cent should ever have been wasted on these specimens.  But this is what happens when one attempts to force civilization on devout barbarians.  There is only one cure for these.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   01/26/2006  at  08:12 AM  

  3. Time to just push the paleo-simians into the sea… Let them swim with the fishes skull

    Giving these thugs money is tantamount to “supporting and harboring” terrorists, according to the “W Doctrine"…

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   01/26/2006  at  08:33 AM  

  4. You hit it right on the head when you said Israel should have wiped the Palestinians out.

    The problem is when it comes to this very point the Israelis always get stupid.

    The Bible clearly states that God ordered the Jews to kill ALL of the Canaanites, not just kill the men and boys so they could keep the extra women around as concubines. Do they listen to God? No, and it cost them centuries of misery and death and finally they were destroyed almost completely.

    Centuries later, after the NAzi’s almost wipe them out again, they finally get their homeland back again and what do they do? The leave the f**king Canaanites around to cause trouble again.

    After the Canaanite areas are used by the rest of the towel-headed camel fornicators to invade Israel for like the 5th time in 1967, the Jews take the whole thing over as a defensive buffer.

    But!!! Do they remove the Canaanite scum from these lands? No. Does the rest of the Arab world accept the Canaanite refugees? No, because A) doing so would let the hated Israelis of the hook and B) the damn “Palestinians” cause trouble wherever they go.

    You think these a**holes are just a problem to Israel? Look at Lebanon and see how much troulbe they’ve caused there. Hell, Jordans’ King Hussein was personally involved in a firefight with Arafat’s men when they tried to take him out as part of a coup.

    If you look around you will find statements from Osama Bin Laden himself where he said that he would have respected the Jews if they had just eliminated the Palestinians and not gone on oppressing them year after year. He said the Arabs wouldn’t have any grounds for continued strife if there was no Moslems left to continue suffering at Jewish hands. The Umma only is concerned with the plight of the living.

    If only the Israelis would listne this time now that the Canaanites have made their choice for continuing terrorism and trouble clear. As soon as the election results were announced I would have had mushroom clouds blossoming over ever Palestinian enclave and there would be no more trouble. I would also have launched on Iran too because tehy will certainly be jumping into this frey very soon and eliminating them before they get nukes would be the smartest thing the Israelis could do.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   01/26/2006  at  08:50 AM  

  5. Even Al-BBC is admitting it’s time to pull the plug on funding. One thing that always strikes me when I watch footage of Palestinians (and many arab countries for that matter) is the huge amount of young men lounging around doing nothing. Seems the women do all the work around those parts. It’s time we weaned these deadbeats off the gravy train. On the good news front though Yasser Arafish is still dead.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   01/26/2006  at  09:18 AM  

  6. Although I tend to doubt it, perhaps Hamas will gradually change into more of a political organization in the mold of the Irish Republican Army.

    We ended up treating those thugs like legit politicians (yes, I know that’s an oxymoron), but stranger things have happened.  Hamas was elected as a “reform” organization, maybe they’ll be distracted by providing a better life for their own people.

    Hope springs eternal.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   01/26/2006  at  09:25 AM  

  7. Goes to show you how fucking stupid the Paleostinian electorate is.

    Posted by Macker    United States   01/26/2006  at  10:26 AM  

  8. They have Ham-Ass, we have the radical moonbat left-wing DNC…

    They have Al-Fatah, we have Al-Querry crazydickheads

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   01/26/2006  at  10:33 AM  

  9. OCM: Democracy is the belief that the voters should get what they want, good and hard. doggiestyle

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/26/2006  at  11:50 AM  

  10. OCM
    Hamas has been in the Palestine schools brainwashing children and paying paying off their parents for years.  Now imagine Hillary Clinton and her supporters are the only ones allowed access to your kids, and she’s writing checks payable to you.

    That dosen’t sound much like democracy to me.

    Posted by lumberguy    United States   01/26/2006  at  12:39 PM  

  11. OCM


    Main Entry: de·moc·ra·cy
    Pronunciation: di-’mä-kr&-sE
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
    Etymology: Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dEmokratia, from dEmos + -kratia -cracy
    1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
    b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
    2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
    3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
    4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
    5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

    I’m trying to find the part where it says coerced, bought, brainwashed, threatened, etc…
    I did find “vested in the people” under (1b) but it doesn’t say anything about vested in the party.

    Evil, yes, truely democratic, no.

    That’s my piece.

    I’m sure we could go on for hours, but I’d much rather do that over coffee in my kitchen.

    Out here.

    Posted by lumberguy    United States   01/26/2006  at  01:48 PM  

  12. Socrates dealt with that question.  By Democracy, do we mean the behavior of the masses as it actually exists, or the behavior that will preserve Democracy?  He faced that issue in a final and personal way.  The vox populi of these Koolaid-drinking lemmings deserves zero respect.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/26/2006  at  01:56 PM  

  13. I suppose we could just turn the entire Middle East into a sheet of glass, poke a hole in it and take their oil (well, at that point it would be OUR oil). 

    Multiple problems solved.

    Two wrongs may not make a right, but the cost of gas would probably drop in a hurry.

    Posted by lumberguy    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:19 PM  

  14. You know what, I think that with the crazies left - OBL, Ahmadinejad, al-Assad - and all the various Leader changes in some of the middle east countries makes the area ripe for extreme changes.

    With Hamas now an elected and therefore political entity rather than just a terrorist (sorry what are they ‘freedom fighters’, whatever) Israel has a legitimate geo-political (oh I hate to say this) ‘authority’ to blow Palestine off the map when (since we know it’s a given, not IF) they attack Israel again.

    As I said, this area is on the verge. It will be interesting to see if the euro-trash realize that putting up a strong front and insisting that some of this crap stops would be in their best interest - as they are closer to the crazies than America is. Or are they going to continue to rely on the US to solve all the worlds problems and then gripe about the US ‘imperialism’?

    There are days I could cheerfully insist on US isolationism - especially on the day where men in ski masks are considered acceptable to ‘run’ a country known for it’s violence. I am still trying to figure out if it is ironic or deserved.

    Either way, I think the area is headed to being nuked until it glows - just wonder if we can get our troops out of the way in time and who will actually fire the first shot. And I guess the enviro-wackos will then get their wish of the world no longer relying on oil. Hmmmm, wonder if they are funding and fueling this?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:22 PM  

  15. Even Hitler’s NAZI’s were elected.  Democracy broke down after they bullied the rest of the German national parties into submission and he had himself voted unlimited governmental authority in the Reichstag.

    Any elected government is better than an imposed solution.  Maybe, just maybe things can change.  Who knows.  At a minimum, the US needs to observe and see what we may do with a duly elected governmental authority.

    Besides, just because they’re elected doesn’t mean we have to agree with them.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:28 PM  

  16. Hamas was elected, and I have yet to hear that the elections were rigged. Hamas has run the social support system that Arafat and Fatah did not implement except as a means of siphoninf funds into their own bank accounts. In this way, Hamas is like many other revolutionery groups like Shining Path, FARC, drug lords like Pablo Escobar.

    The major difference is, now, Hamas is PART of the legitimate government, not just a terrorist organization that needs to be brought under control (yeh, right) BY the government. The result will be that, when another Hamas bomber courageously mass murders Israeli civilians, it will be not a terror strike but an act of war. Israel will have total legal sanction to do whatever needs to be done, to call on the UN for aid (yeh, right), to call on allies, etc.


    Hamas may have pulled the wrath of heaven down on their rag-covered little heads.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:33 PM  

  17. Why stop with the Middle East.  The world thinks were a bunch of Imperialistic bastards, so lets act like it.  We can expand up into Southern Europe, over to North Africa, into Western Asia.  It’ll be like playing Risk!!! 
    Quick, someone get me The President, I want to be Governor of Kamchatka!!!

    Posted by lumberguy    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:38 PM  

  18. Who said the US should do anything about it? They demonstrate a flaw in the Arab culture—when confronted with a problem/injustice they sit in a pile of dung and send their children out to commit suicide.

    As individuals, when they assimilate into Western culture, they excell.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:38 PM  

  19. lumberguy, only if I get eastern australia, I hear it doesn’t snow there grin

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:45 PM  

  20. Unfortunately Oink, some of them assimilate themselves onto passenger aircraft and fly them into large buildings, or try to burn down large cities one car at a time.  I don’t claim to have an answer, but the constant threat (even here in the US) is real.  We need to keep our eyes open and our asses covered.

    Posted by lumberguy    United States   01/26/2006  at  02:52 PM  

  21. This bunch of cretins is giving pond scum a run for its money.

    Couldn’t have said it better, Skipper!  I’m just hoping for a BRUTAL civil war.  Hopefully, we’re helping to facilitate that.
    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   01/26/2006  at  03:17 PM  

  22. Just imagine the benefits of US isolation:

    Iraq, Iran, and Libya would now have nukes. Afghanistan would remain a seventh-century Islamic terrorist haven sending out the minions of Zarqawi and Bin Laden worldwide. The lieutenants of Noriega, Milosevic, Mullah Omar, Saddam, and Moammar Khaddafi would no doubt be adjudicating human rights at the United Nations. The Ortega Brothers and Fidel Castro, not democracy, would be the exemplars of Latin America. Bosnia and Kosovo would be national graveyards like Pol Pot’s Cambodia. Add in Kurdistan as well - the periodic laboratory for Saddam’s latest varieties of gas. Saddam himself, of course, would have statues throughout the Gulf attesting to his control of half the world’s oil reservoirs.”

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/26/2006  at  05:29 PM  

  23. OCM / Mama4: Isolationism?  That’s a nice thought.  I too have wished we could go back to such a foreign policy.  Unfortunately, the world has gotten to be too small a place.  Now “everywhere” seems to be our (America) “backyard”.  downer

    Posted by shinjinrui    United States   01/27/2006  at  12:57 AM  

  24. MAJ Mike makes a good point re the IRA, however in Northern Ireland there are at least representatives from both sides in the government.

    In the case of the Palestinians you only have one side of the argument and the terrorists are now in charge. Personally I find it highly amusing. These clowns couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery, so he idea they could run a sensible government is laughable. Still it was a legitimate victory as far as that goes and OCM is right. We may not like the outcome, but give it time and the people that elected these idiots will realise that maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   01/27/2006  at  03:14 AM  

  25. "Couldn’t order a piss up in a brewery”—LBJ

    It’d be a poorer world if we all spoke The King’s English the same way.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/27/2006  at  07:09 AM  

  26. Just to set a commonly misconstrued record straight:

    Hitler was NOT elected Chancellor of Germany, let alone President.  The chancellorship was an appointive office, NOT an elective one.  Chancellors were appointed by Presidents.  After a series of elections had produced no parliamentary majority for any party, after a number of Chancellors had come and gone, Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, by the elderly and failing President Hindenburg.  And this only happened after a government in crisis disintegrated into a series of backstabbing intrigues behind the scenes (see Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich).

    After Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler MADE HIMSELF President by combining the offices of President and Chancellor.

    As for the Reichstag, the unicameral parliament of the Weimer Republic, the Nazis were NEVER elected in numbers enough to make them the majority party, even after Hitler became Chancellor.  Their best showing, in Germany’s last free prewar election (1933), was 288 seats, which was still short of a majority.  Hitler had to rely on a coalition of the Nazis and the Nationalists (52 seats) until after the “crisis” of the Reichstag fire, which was blamed on the Communists.

    Citing imminent Communist upheaval, Hitler was able to bully the Reichstag into passing the “Enabling Act,” which essentially made the Reichstag a rubber stamp and broadened the powers of Hitler’s office into those of a dictator.

    Hope this helps.


    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   01/27/2006  at  08:10 AM  

  27. It helps me, I was buying into the recent meme that he was originally elected democratically. I don’t claim to have studied the subject. Thanks.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   01/27/2006  at  08:39 AM  

  28. Remember, it is not the voters that count, the ultimate results are decided by Those Who Count The Votes.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   01/27/2006  at  09:52 AM  

  29. Actually, not all organizations(just by the mere virtue of their existance)should be allowed to participate in the political process, if they are intolerant/racist and violent in word and in deed.

    Hamas, like its cousin the nationalist socialists, are incapable of participating in a pluralistic democracy that respects the civil/human rights of minorities.

    The German establishment tried it in the 1930’s: they, too, hoped that the Nazis could be “domesticated” by offering Hitler the Chancellorship in 1933. They hoped it would normalize the Nazis and make them more responsible. They were very wrong—the Nazis immediately set out to disassemble the democracy.

    Its incredibly naive to believe that the concept of democracy is that “anything goes’’ even if its a genocidal movement like the Nazis or Hamas.

    The US forbids the KKK, the Germans and the French ultra right wing facists, the Spanish ban the Batasuna ect., and all for a very good reason, because they refuse to respect the rights of all and will end up subverting the very same system they use to achieve power with a “one man, one vote, one time” agenda.


    Posted by KGS59    Finland   01/27/2006  at  01:50 PM  

  30. KGS: I agree, we legitimately can ban those who advocate tho overthrow of the government by violence/terror.  Otherwise, if you accept election results when you lose, we don’t care how disgusting you are.  Well, we care, but we won’t stop you.

    My problem is when the Islamofascists win, like they did in Algeria. The Algerian government got general support when they nullified the election.  I’m conflicted—but not enough to denounce Algeria.  If these people win, that’s the last election you’ll ever have.

    What to do if the people vote democracy out?

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/27/2006  at  02:00 PM  

  31. Hi Oink,

    The problem here is, people believing they automatically have de-facto ‘ligitimacy’ as a party just by assembling themselves. The party platform expresses the message/need of that group and why it exists.

    Groups that are totally intolerant of others in a pluralistic democratic society, are incapable of allowing other parties with whom they disagree with, to compete with them. Intolerance/racism along with a penchant for mayhem and violence are qualties enough to negate them from political life.

    Not doing so, only gives their dangerous ideas credibility, and leaves the door open for future opportunity during times of national crisis. One point worth noting, just like dangerous facism, communism should be banned as well, and for all of the previously mentioned undesirable qualities.

    The problem in the ME, is that after many decades of being involved with facism,communism and racist pan-Arabism (nothing wrong with pride in race and culture but if it means diligitimizing all others, its racist)the Arabs have little experience with tolerance. When it comes to anti-Semitism, while most in the West are ashamed of it, the Arab world believes its their right.

    We need to keep sending a strong voice of approval for democratic changes, but not for groups that are incapable of defending a democracy for all.


    Posted by KGS59    Finland   01/28/2006  at  02:59 AM  

  32. KGS: I recall the book, “The Ugly American” telling how efficient the Reds were in infiltrating the Third World, as opposed to our own ignorant bumbling. But it just wasn’t so; we were bumbling yes, but the USSR doesn’t shine thru history as a model of efficiency.  Sure, being able to murder millions does give one a handy shortcut, but the philosophy & system was not true and did not work.

    Hayek pointed out that it’s not an accident that murdering dictators rise to the top in communist countries—they’re the only ones that can give the system even the illusion of operating.  The man with no scruples as to methods wins.

    And I agree with you concerning cultures.  For example, the worst damage to the Russians done by communism wasn’t the environment or infrastructure, it was the damage done to the citizen’s attitudes.  There’s a joke about God giving three men a wish before dying; the Englishman wished for a weekend on the Isle of Wight with his family, the Frenchman for a week on the Riviera with his mistress.  The Russian wished that his neighbor’s barn would burn down.

    Recalling European History (ugh), it seems that Us Westerners had a pretty steep learning curve.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/28/2006  at  08:05 AM  

  33. I agree Oink,

    When it comes to communism/socialism, they are extremely inept, but the diehards still abound. We only need to look south of the border to see it rearing its ugly head once more. What’s to blame is not capitalsim, but flaws within individual society structural systems, too many un-educated folks and governmental restrictions in the market place.

    Its easy to sway people with the blue smoke and mirrors ‘utopia’ that socialism offers, and add a little anti-YANKEE rhetoric and there you have it. These Leftist leaders remind me of the Peanuts character Lucy, promising the world to their constituants, and when it comes to ‘crunch time’ they take away the football (utopia) and the public lies flat on its back.....over and over again.

    But going back to the issue of democracy, the ME needs time, and these hiccups will most certainly happen (Algeria/Hamastan ect.)from time to time. But once the genie of democratic traditions is let out of the bottle(it has), the people will not settle for anything less, and it will swing its way back towards the trend of representative government. The west needs to be tough in demanding that only tolerant parties participate in elections.........this is something that didn’t happen, and now we have a Hamastan to deal with.


    Posted by KGS59    Finland   01/28/2006  at  11:48 AM  

  34. If ‘’kissing our ass’’ means: in not allowing intolerant/racist/violent/genocidal movements such as the Hamas/Hezbollah/National Socialists and other such like groups to be ligitimized by participating in political elections....then yes, you hit the nail on the head, they won’t be tollerated, nor should they be.


    Posted by KGS59    Finland   01/28/2006  at  01:47 PM  

  35. A sovereign state decides who should run, the PA is not a sovereign state and is answerable to the Oslo accords under Article III.

    That said, a sovereign state can field and candidate or party it wants to under its own rules, we on the other hand do not have to give it any recognition. Especially in a caretaker entitey like the PA.


    Posted by KGS59    Finland   01/28/2006  at  02:13 PM  

  36. In general, a people that has depended on food handouts from the UN for the last 60 years probably isn’t ready for statehood.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/28/2006  at  02:30 PM  

  37. They’ve depended on the rest of the world for everything they have. The U.S. has funded them to the tune of about half a Billion dollars and they have yet to put one brick on top of another to build something.

    When they were taken in by other countries they attempted to overthrow the rulers of the host country. See Jordan amd Lebanon. I recall a while ago that gunmen shot up a U.N. office because the new houses being built for them were not big enough to suit them.

    They need to be on their own and learn some of life’s hard lessons.

    Name their major trade export. Name any trade exprt. Anybody? Beuler?

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   01/28/2006  at  05:02 PM  

  38. Stinn: Bitching, pissing & moaning, victim status ...  They rated a bit of that—60 years ago.

    Posted by Oink    United States   01/28/2006  at  05:15 PM  

  39. Well, consider that the Air Force is already bombing Darfur ... with food and supplies. France and China are blocking pretty much anything being done about the Sudanese murder squads operating in Darfur. It really is about the oil, this time.

    Consider that the French have things in hand in Ivory Coast. They’re shooting down civilian protestors in the street. Dont see anything about that in the MSM, do we?

    What would you have us do with Robert Mugabe? He has taken his country from a food exporter to a starving nation begging for food aid.

    How about Somalia? Remember Blackhawk down? That’s still a state in anarchy. Their warlords are turning pirate and are attacking shipping offshore.

    Africa has been pretty much left as a European “problem”. This is because the EUros were the colonial masters there and as such maintain ties, to some degree, between themselves and the former colonies. This is how the French were able to go into Ivory Coast and start shooting people without so much as a tip of the beret to the U.N.

    What do you want US to do, OCM? Or were you just changing the subject?

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   01/29/2006  at  09:57 AM  

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