Tell It Like It Is


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/30/2007 at 10:14 PM   
  1. ...and cameras cause pornography

    Posted by Kuso JiJi    Japan   05/01/2007  at  05:24 AM  

  2. Yup, that about sums up the no responsibility party of Amerikkka for everyone. Loser mentality at its finest.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   05/01/2007  at  07:58 AM  

  3. If guns cause crime, then mine are malfunctioning.

    .... and sheepdogs cause wolves.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   05/01/2007  at  07:59 AM  

  4. ....been one of my favorites for a long time.  My other favorite points out that not one item of the Bill of Rights is negotiable.  Not one, not now, not ever.  My compliments to Kim D.

    Scooter - I got mine at a gun show.  Yes, we still have them in California.

    To spell America with 3 K’s, you have to believe not only that our entire governmental and judicial systems are broken and corrupt, but that within the framework of the Constitution, there is no hope of fixing it....of course, that’s only my opinion.  I’ve also formed the opinion that no matter how screwed up our politics and society get, I just haven’t seen or even heard of any country or system I’d prefer.  For all our faults, we have built in self correcting mechanisms.  The mechanisms begin with freedom of speech and continue through the initiative process, representative (hopefully) government and the courts.  Our system was designed to self correct when things go wrong.  What have I missed?  We’re certainly a long way from perfection, but we have the opportunity on a daily basis to make it better.  This forum is but one example of a places where ideas can be exchanged and considered.  As the old saying goes:  “There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/01/2007  at  03:45 PM  

  5. I’ve got a lot of last thoughts - here’s more for your comments. 

    Do men or machines make moral judgments?

    How do you maintain your freedom of speech (or religion or...) if someone with a goon squad wants to limit it?  What if that goon squad IS the police?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/01/2007  at  04:28 PM  

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