Television producers say swearing reflects “the way we live” - but so does the production of sewage.


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 10/26/2008 at 09:25 AM   
  1. I stand by the opinion that I have held for most of my adult life.

    Swear words do have their place in language. As a form of communication, the purpose of swear words is to express *extreme* emotion, to punctuate and accentuate a concept in a very abrupt, shock-you-to-get-your-attention, fashion.
    As such, the regular or even constant use of swear words indicates what? Poor command of the language, that’s what. Given that swearing is most often the verbal equivalent of a slap to get one’s attention, for a producer to allow a constant stream of profanity indicates what? Poor understanding of *both* the function of language and of human psychology, that’s what. Would you buy tickets to see a stand up comic who’s show consists of him slapping his audience members every few seconds? You’d expect an audience member to knock him down and stomp a mudhole in his ass before very long, would you not?

    And they wonder why they are losing audience. I’ve seen better brains in a gameboy cartridge.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/26/2008  at  10:57 AM  

  2. I had a run-in with a ‘customer’ Friday.

    I’d finished delivering my mail route and was assisting delivery of another. As I climbed the porch steps to a residence I heard ‘’SCuze Me!’ being yelled behind me. Repeatedly.

    Since the ‘Scuze Me!’ didn’t have an attached subject like ‘Mr. Postman’ I ignored it.

    Upon descending the steps I was accosted by a very angry black girl on the sidewalk. Her age could have been anywhere from 15 to 20.

    “Didn’t you hear me?” she shouted in my face.

    “I’m not sure Ma’am, what did you say?” I answered politely.

    “I was f**king yelling F**king ‘Scuze Me’ motherf**ker!”

    The bottom line is that I let her know, politely, that her language skills could be equaled by a young blowfish...that her ancestry was in some doubt, her lack of vocabulary was not in doubt, and that I wasn’t accustomed to dealing with prostitutes. All of which was said with a smile and not one swear word. In fact, I’m not sure she understood English well enough to know what I said. I think she just knew that I’d ‘dissed’ her.

    As I continued the route, I found out that I was a) a racist, b) a motherf**ker, c) a faggot, though what a bundle of wood had to do with this escaped me.

    BTW, I am a motherf**ker. My wife is a mother. And we f**k often. Just not often enough.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/26/2008  at  01:55 PM  

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