Teachers and Guns


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/18/2007 at 07:45 PM   
  1. I say, You need to raise and train sheepdogs from pups; you can’t glue a set of canines onto a sheep and expect a miracle to occur.

    When you have a culture, like Israel, that values education, that respects educators, and that knows that adults have to be responsible, sometimes at the cost of their own lives, then you can have armed teachers, like Israel. When you have a culture that understands that the primary reason for guns is to protect each other, then you can arm the teachers. And everybody else too. Right now we have way too many folks who would “bust a cap” because they were being “dissed”, which is about as wrong an outlook you can have when lethal weapons are around.

    While it is their right to carry, I do not feel that the vast majority of teachers could/would/should step into the role of classroom protector. Teachers who feel the need to be armed to protect themselves from their own students need to find another job ASAP, and those students need some good old fashioned parenting to “set behavioral boundaries” (I think you know what I mean).

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/18/2007  at  09:36 PM  

  2. Agree 100% with you, Mr. Christian. That same principle has been successfuly applied to overturn ridiculous laws and ordinances that prohibited weapons in City/County Owned buildings, Libraries, Parks here in VA. I know you are familiar with the area.  Did you know that until about 2 years ago, you could have been arrested if you were stopped by a MWAA Police Officer if you were driving on VA Rt. 28, between Rt. 50 and Old Ox Rd (Near IAD - Wahington-Dulles Airport) and if the Officer found a firearm on you or your vehicle, regardless of permits? Rt. 28(as well as the Toll Road/Access Rd and some say Interstate 66 Between Rt. 267 and GW Pkwy) fall into their jurisdiction, and these punks took upon themselves to enforce Airport Terminal regulations on those very busy roads. Luckily for us, groups like VCDL have assumed the task of finding those little distortions and fixing them. Don’t know about other States, but all of them need organizations like it. wtf

    Posted by Mile66    United States   09/19/2007  at  10:27 AM  

  3. Why should being at work restrict one to ‘victim’ status?  A citizen is one who - among other things - may possess and carry firearms at one’s own pleasure.

    Of course, the reason to to allow teachers to have guns on school property is to ensure the ability of mass murderers to commit mass murder.  So the cry for gun control can be raised again.  That’s the ONLY reason.

    Posted by Archie    United States   09/20/2007  at  09:21 AM  

  4. The reason NOT to allow, right Arch?

    Posted by Mile66    United States   09/20/2007  at  09:38 AM  

  5. I think that maybe teachers should be required to carry in light of this article. Remember Breslan?

    Experts predict smaller groups of terrorists at any single location in the U.S. But Grossman expects simultaneous attacks at multiple school locations – at least four. Middle schools are the most likely targets because girls are old enough to rape but students are not big enough to fight back effectively.

    They say the attackers will kill everyone they see – students, teachers and parents alike – as they move in to seize the school. They will plant bombs throughout buildings, while raping and murdering and throwing out bodies as they did in Beslan.

    The pair of trainers say the most effective deterrent to such attacks is to ensure there is an armed presence within every school. They recommend armed security as well as encouraging teachers and administrators to carry firearms.

    The whole article is scary. Try this:

    They include last year’s surprise boarding of a school bus in Tampa, Fla., by two Saudi men dressed in trench coats. Authorities suspect they were making a dry run to see how easy it would be to hijack or blow up a school bus filled with innocent American students.

    Highly recommended reading.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/20/2007  at  06:11 PM  

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