Taxing? Yes, and Vexing too.


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/29/2012 at 06:15 PM   
  1. Because there are too many people right now who actually believe that it is government’s money - who probably have never held a job, can’t read the faux diploma they got (if they even got it) from high school (or can’t even understand the language at all) - who have no grasp what-so-ever that this money is coming from people who work for a living and that every single person in the US (legal citizens) would be better off by a factor of 10, if government were even slashed by 10% much less down to the ONLY gov requirement stated in the Constitution - DEFENSE/b].

    And people continue to elect corrupt, lying power mad politicos who not only don’t fix the mess created, but up it by a factor of 10 - because they are amoral, immoral liars who feel superior to the very criminals that they elect who view them as the most stupid people alive. And they laugh at people like Palin, Cain and Santorum who would set them free and respect them beyond anything that the crapweasels in DC could ever imagine.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/30/2012  at  08:32 AM  

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