tax cuts USA/UK .. term limits … morons in DC and a flat tax ….


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/08/2010 at 09:23 AM   
  1. OH I am so impressed. Thank You for posting me.  grin

    I just can’t figure it out at all - Why this bs keeps on going on. Other than the majority (both sides of the aisle) in DC are lying to us - in that they know how to fix it - they just don’t because they use 1) class envy as a barter tool/election tool, 2) skim as much as they can on all these wasteful programs (and I’m not even talking Medicare et al- I’m talking the 20 mil to study the snout nosed warted beetle bs programs) - into their own wallets and finally 3) they obtain their only recognition and sense of being better than anyone else from this scam called government and they are loathe to let a fraction go - much less fix it - as they’d have to go to work, just like the rest of us.

    That is why TERM LIMITS and a FLAT TAX - would be a grand start to ending this governmental theft in DC.

    The Won this AM actually said - competition - did you get that F*#@ing COMPETITION today - AMERICA and it’s GOVERNMENT is not a GAME.

    He is such a danger to America and forget it all - we need to IMPEACH THIS CLOWN.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/08/2010  at  02:53 PM  

  2. I think a flat tax would be better as well. 10% for everybody, no exceptions, no deductions. It would thus put the IRS out of business, and save tens of billions of labor hours every year from not having to !##$% with those damn tax forms!!

    I’m willing to give the Fair Tax a go as well. Only get taxed on the money you actually spend. And then it’s a flat rate on everything.

    So I guess we could have a Fair Flat Tax. And the layabouts would soon realize they need jobs.

    The other side of this coin is that businesses pay NO INCOME TAX at all. Do that and watch the jobs come pouring in from all over the world.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/08/2010  at  03:27 PM  

  3. Atlas Shrugged was written/ published in 1959. We still have all the same crap related to government waste and corruption even with that tome of clarity as a simple guide,let alone the words of Freidman,Heyak,Shumpeter,etc.
    Change the nature of men and this might get done. Without that, we are just trimming the edges.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/08/2010  at  04:17 PM  

  4. No Drew NO - That is the catch the morons in DC want you to buy into - Flat Tax is not the panacea that they lead you to believe. First the Income tax is an Amendment (16th) thus it would take a Constitutional Amendment to REPEAL it - I have never, ever seen nor heard of that in any of their drivel. And just Google it - The morons in DC are crazy over what is ‘income’ and what level to ‘exempt’ it - Thus it will NEVER be a true flat tax in America as far as Income Tax

    Secondly of all - look to Germany (formerly the FRG, West Germany) they had the Value Added Tax (just the end (consumer) taxation - it started small and went up to over 21% when Merkel finally had to cut it - when we were there in the 80s some people in the cities were paying close to 80% in taxes - tell me how that works at all. Sounds good - pay ‘tax’ as you consume, sounds fair but like all taxes - IT WILL ONLY GO UP.

    The Government lives off, thrives on and spends most of their time figuring out how to get MORE taxes - We The People need to REPEAL, REPEAL, REPEAL and REPEAL - Obamacare, Shamnesty, C(r)ap & Trade(off) and most importantly the 16th Amendment - CUT THESE SOCIALIST THIEVES OFF AT THE WALLET.

    NOW. Before it’s too late.

    Come on everybody - Using the 10th Amendment, the States (now in Republican hands) and a call for a Constitutional Convention - We The People can Take Back America - Cut Government off at the Wallet and keep our hard earned money, Freedom, and the American Way of life. If we sit back and let it happen - it will come down to bloodshed.

    I believe that fighting back now - will be less painful and bloody.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/09/2010  at  08:55 AM  

  5. If the next Congress refuses to cut spending...may they be beset by even more massive Tea Party rallies!

    Posted by Macker    United States   12/09/2010  at  10:12 AM  

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