Tax Cuts For The Rich


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/21/2011 at 08:22 AM   
  1. "Even when empirical evidence substantiates the arguments made for cuts in tax rates, such facts are not treated as evidence relevant to testing a disputed hypothesis, but as isolated curiosities.”

    Sad but true. The left has the emotion-driven spiel down pat - balancing the budget on the backs of the elderly and infirm; tax cuts for the rich; etc. - while the other side falls back on ‘mere’ facts. Unfortunately for this country, thinkers are outnumbered by feelers (or whatever term is appropriate for those governed by emotions in place of logic).

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   07/21/2011  at  01:22 PM  

  2. That term would be morons CenTex (exactly where in TX are you - we were in Ft Hood for like forever - now we’d give our right arms to be back there).

    I can’t believe that the very people who still emote on and on about slavery - sell themselves so willingly to Uncle Obama - seems like they got the master/slave thing in the blood - but it frosts me that We The People have to pay for it now.

    A FLAT tax - everyone pays the same percentage whether they make a $1000. or a $1,000,000,000 a year - that is truly the the only FAIR and JUST tax rate. But alas the complicated tax codes allow the welfare layabouts to scam and scheme to get money back and the poor to milk the system again and those at the other end - well they can hide it every which way to avoid paying taxes and it is those in the middle - who get taxed to death.

    That maybe the only great thing about our current situation - we’s not only po’ but most of what we are bringing in - isn’t taxed - so Uncle Obama is taking out and we get almost all of it back again.

    Still - we’d love to have jobs - I just never should have brought us back home. I remember now, exactly why I left.

    Drew - you need to post about the Canton Cop who arrested a guy for CCL - because the cop kept telling him to shut up when he was trying to tell the cop he was carrying. Big case here - as Canton has already been sued once over their non-acceptance of the state’s CCL laws. The tape :

    is just totally scary.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/22/2011  at  07:20 AM  

  3. Wardmama4 -

    I was stationed at Ft. Hood in the early 1970’s. Probably long before your time. I grew up in and around Central Texas and currently live in the country about 10 miles outside of a small town named Boerne (pronounced ‘Bernie’), which is about 20 miles NW of San Antonio.

    Posted by CenTexTim    United States   07/22/2011  at  10:58 AM  

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