Tattooed woman ‘told to put bag over head by Jobcentre’.. a major moonbat award?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/24/2010 at 12:15 PM   
  1. She claims this is her lifestyle choice...well, you now have to live with that choice.  What jobs does she really think are available to her now that she has screwed up her looks?  Maybe her parents love her for who she is, but no one else has to.  Does she really think that anyone wants her working for them where customers can see her?  I really have to question what the hell the mother was thinking as well.  Unless she is really gosh darn smart or invents the next great gizmo, I see nothing but phone sales in her future.  That or midnight shift at the local kwik-e-mart.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/24/2010  at  01:45 PM  

  2. I am (I can’t believe I’m saying this) with OCM on this one - while personally I think tats and piercings are the most dumb things possible one can do to their body - it is their body. And a number of years ago - I met a young woman so adorned with a hubby as tatted as the Army would allow him - probably the nicest couple I met and devoted to their two children.

    So given that the same job centre won’t comment on the rabble that enters (no matter how dressed, smelling etc) who are of different pigmentation - I have to agree mean, juvenile and simply discrimination. [To answer the vapid advisors question - a music store, a bar, a club, and any place that caters (such as Hot Topic here in the US) to the young and defiant]

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/24/2010  at  02:56 PM  

  3. I always thought discrimination was only for things a person had no control over.  I could be wrong, but that is how I think of it. 

    Scars and burns would be different as that person more than likely did not burn themselves purposely and that person was more than likely a victim of wrongdoing or an accident.  What this girl did was purposeful.  Her tatoos mean something completely different than that of a soldier who got a tattoo.  Just like the old adage, dress for success, same goes for what she did to her body...only a lot harder to remove than bad clothing.  If you are going to present yourself in a certain manner, you are going to be perceived that way.  Dress like a will be treated as such.  Dress like a gangbanger...same thing.  At what point did this girl start thinking about her future and what she would do with her life?  Hey, that look is great if you want to work in a tattoo parlor...but not in the business world or front line retail. 

    I am sorry, but I just can not feel bad for her.  She makes a long list of bad decisions and now the world is supposed to embrace her for being special.  Is the world is supposed to overlook what she has done to herself?  A large majority of people have attached a certain mentality to someone that looks like that.  Businesses focus on attitudes.  I am not saying it is right, but it is the truth.  Businesses do NOT want their customers to see someone looking like that.  And furthermore, no boss wants to deal with someone who looks like she has an attitude.  Businesses focus on attitudes.  You are right...Hot Topic, goth clubs, specialty novel shops, etc. may want this look.  But, if they aren’t hiring, too bad for her.  She has purposely chosen to limit her options by what she has done to herself.  Just like the person who decided to get a liberal arts degree instead of a real education.  We have to market ourselves if we want to have a chosen profession.  What education we get, how we look all have to do with that.  She obviously didn’t plan for a high power career when she starting inking and piercing every part of her body.  How would you feel if she showed up as a police officer to take your report?  Would you hire her as your lawyer, even is she had a law degree?  Would you go to her for surgery if she was a surgeon. I know I wouldn’t.  But that’s just me. 

    You need to look the part if you want a certain role in life.  We are all judged by how we look and who we keep company with.  But I doubt it.  She is already proven herself that she doesn’t care what others think about her and wants others to believe she is a non-conformist.  Well, she succeeded.  The most common employers will do not want a someone with those attitudes. They want a team player.  They want someone who will put the needs of the company in first.  This girl has made a physical statement that she will likely not meet these needs. 

    Maybe I’m wrong, and maybe she is a terrific person and would make a great employee.  But she wouldn’t be my first pick if I was hiring.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/24/2010  at  03:37 PM  

  4. I think here’s another way to look at it.

    Suppose you take a regular normal car and you paint it purple with odd custom stripes.  You then put some gaudy 20” rims on it.  Then install every aftermarket chrome goody you can find, curb feelers, neon running lights, fake hood scoop, roof lights, chrome mud flaps, lowering kit, side pipes, etc.  Then, you trick out the interior with some crushed velvet, shag carpeting, $8,000 stereo system that vibrates the trunk lid loose, chain link steering wheel, and fuzzy dice (which really are cool btw).  Well, not to say someone won’t love that car.  But your chances of selling that car is VERY limited.  Only a few select people may be interested in buying a car with these “features”.  I think employers, just like car shoppers, are looking for someone a little more “practical” or “conventional”.  Not to say it ain’t a great car.  Just not for everyone.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/24/2010  at  03:56 PM  

  5. Good analogy sdkar. This woman is what we commonly refer to as one ugly munter. However I wouldn’t waste pixels arguing with ocd man.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/24/2010  at  07:22 PM  

  6. Maybe she could be a hooker? I partly agree with wardmamma, it is dumb when they show, especially piercings, however she should not get welfare as it is her choice so we should not pay for her. A bin bag and zip tie would be best.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/24/2010  at  10:09 PM  

  7. Shocking I tell ya , Just Shocking. I thought for sure this gal would be at the top of your lust list Peiper, Just shocking.
    tongue wink

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/25/2010  at  04:08 AM  

  8. As we say out here in the West, that one is a definite two bagger.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/25/2010  at  07:13 AM  

  9. I don’t agree with it - but tats & piercings are the new ‘fad’ - and no longer the realm of bikers and gang bangers. Yes I would be loath to hire her too - but - and this is a big but - 1) the advisor was wrong, dead wrong with what he said (there is a tactful way to be negative) and 2) that she presents as such - does not mean there are jobs and/or places that would NOT hire her.  And scummy little bureaucrat that he/she was - made the determination on his/her own prejudices and then made it worse by being vile in his/her comments to her.

    That is where I am coming from - sdkar - yes you have a point - but until we stop with this pre-determination of people - we will continue to be a US v THEM World - there is no way to come together if we don’t work toward finding the similarities rather than harp on the differences. [Differences like this don’t kill us and don’t threaten our way of life - those are vital differences which apparently a lot of the World is not acknowledging while harping on stupid little petty things like this]

    And finally - the point is that this woman was seeking a job and in this day and age that should be rewarded, lauded and praised not scorned and belittled.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/25/2010  at  07:17 AM  

  10. Wardmama, you might be too kind, she is more likely to be going through the motions to get more welfare for surely if she really wanted a job she would not have disfigured her self. There are some backward races that worship that kind of thing but thankfully we have developed from that backward notion. The reality of epmloyment is we sell our time to an emplyer who has to produce a product from that time and produce a profit that will pay the overheads and give them a surplus for their troubles. This female thing is showing very bad attitude and seems unlikely to be worth the financial risk. Oldcatman I hear in the old days pirates used to be big and wear earrings, are you a very old pirate?? just askin!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/25/2010  at  09:33 AM  

  11. I don’t know what job she was applying for. But if it was any kind of job where her presence represented the company, then it’s the company’s right to say no thanks, we don’t want a circus side show freak representing us.

    I don’t give a rat’s ass if tattoos and piercing are now considered a societal norm by “today’s youth”. It’s a lie. “Today’s youth” aren’t doing the hiring. The only societies that such things are normal in across the generations wear grass clothing and live in huts made of dried dung and sticks. If you really feel the need to stick holes and needles in your body, do it where other people can’t see it when you wear a business suit. If you just want to express your personal uniqueness, take up fly tying or some other highly esoteric activity. Wear funky clothes on your days off. Show up for a job interview looking like a freak and I won’t even give you the form to fill out.

    No sympathy for her at all. And kudos to the jobs worker for telling her the plain unvarnished truth. Your appearance matters. Businesses don’t hire overweight people or smokers anymore, whether they’ll admit it or not. And there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about that other than lose weight and quit puffing. Is it “right”? Maybe not. But it’s their business and their money, and until “hate crime” legislation and “equal opportunity” group membership is expanded to include those two categories - which we are currently encouraged to discriminate against - then they are SOL. There is no protected category for the deliberately self-mutilated either, and she fits that pigeonhole. She fits at least one if not both of the other pigeonholes as well.

    From the picture, it looks like she could hide most of the tattoos. And most people will overlook a woman’s choice to have a fair number of ear piercings. And maybe she could get away with one tiny nose stud. But a labret in her ear the size of a nickel and at least 8 visible piercings in her face is simply too much.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/25/2010  at  10:38 AM  

  12. Hey old pirate, tell us why? Show me where it’s written, where it’s law that mine is the wrong belief. Or show me morally how it’s wrong. The burn victim analogy doesn’t work; as sdkar wrote, that’s something that the person had no control over. Assuming of course that they didn’t brand themselves, which is another “personal artistic expression” that I think qualifies one for admittance to the nut house.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/25/2010  at  11:17 AM  

  13. OCM: 
    I’m probably also full of shit, but my opinion would be that if she has that little respect for her own appearance, she probably won’t have much respect for her employer.

    My .02 worth.

    Posted by BoynSea    United States   09/25/2010  at  11:52 AM  

  14. A business owner should have the right to say YUCK.  I see lots of pierced and tattooed people and most of the time it’s no big deal.  Ear rings just don’t count.  Extreme piercing and excessive body art can be offensive and disgusting.  And I have as much right to be offended and disgusted as someone else has to mutilate themselves.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   09/25/2010  at  02:53 PM  

  15. So, OCM, what you’re saying is you agree with all of us and that she should NOT be hired because of her tats and piercings...we just need to find a way to tell her she can’t get a job in a nicer way?  Maybe like...she can’t file and type good enough...not because she looks like a caracature.  If so, how is your “feelings” about hiring her any different.  Is it you would be more tactful.  Well, I believe in calling things how they are.  So did this guy who bluntly told her how the world works and said if she wants to get a job, she needs to change her look...only he was insulting.  My guess is he tried to tell her about 20 times politely and she just kept coming at him wanting to know why he would not find her a he finally gave and and spoke to her in a manner she finally understood.

    Your argument that you have an earring does not go here.  I see nothing wrong with one.  If I hired you, I may ask you to remove it depending on your assignment.  You would hopefully do this for me since I am the boss and I sign your check.  If you don’t you are free to find a job that likes your earring.  However, not to get off the point, an earring is one thing, this girl is a whole different level than “just an earring”. 

    My analogy is perfect...Your single earring is simply the curb feelers on the car.  Most people wouldn’t mind seeing these and would buy the car (hire you for a job).  So please, don’t tell me you have an earring and think I will form the same opinion about you as I have this girl.  In fact, I like your style, on my next job have an offer. This girl, no way...there’s the door.  Please don’t compare a single earring to this obamination of a young woman.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/25/2010  at  03:08 PM  

  16. In the UK I had my own bodyshop, I have hired and fired about 50 staff over the years and I find it an infringement of MY human rights to have to employ someone who I would not want as a guest in my house, I found it offensive to have to be dishonest if the person I interview looks like a rapist to find a PC excuse not to hire them, the most important person in any business is the one who runs it, then are the customers, then come the productive workers, then the support staff and admin and last and least the union workers!! The boss is usualy the hardest worker in most small businesses but so the socialist parasites is the biggest sinner in the world. As for miss piggy, no job or welfare until she cleans herself up. By the way OCM one of the hardest workers I employed, from a school age too, had one earring, go figure??!

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/25/2010  at  05:04 PM  

  17. "OBVIOUSLY none of you folks have been in a ‘hiring/firing’ position.”

    Bzzzt!  Wrong!

    Posted by BoynSea    United States   09/25/2010  at  10:46 PM  

  18. BoynSea .... I was about to say the same.

    I am seriously curious WITHOUT arguing over the point.

    Why do older guys wear an earring?  Are they trying to hold on to dead youth? I see a lot of that on the streets. Heck, older construction guys and I do mean older then 40, wearing ear rings.  Their choice and I don’t care. But I often wonder why they think it adds to anything. I guess it must. To them if nobody else.  But they do look kind of silly to a more sober world.

    In the days of my hiring experience, no way would I hire this beast to represent the company.  It isn’t exactly what clients and customers want to look at. And too many ppl are afraid to voice that opinion while thinking it all the while. 

    Wardmom, the fad isn’t too new unless we think of 10 or 12 years as new.  The first time I encountered facial studs was at Heathrow Airport, London those many yrs ago.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/26/2010  at  02:06 AM  

  19. OCM, does that mean you were a pirate in your 20s? just pulling your leg! actually in England, untill the 80s only women and gippo men wore earrings, I suspect the gypsies (and so called travellers) were disreputable enough to make a male earring a badge of dishonesty, the north american continent was not blessed with these vermin so the stigma is not there (is that better OCM? ) And If when I had my own business I found a worker who was highly skilled and with a good work ethic but in the past had a lapse of judgement and had swastikas tattood over his face and with part healed piercing holes arround them, sure I would hire him, thing is someone skilled and with a great work ethic rarely endangers that with displays of immature and reckless self harming so it is a moot question. Gueast, I miss democracy but you are correct.Im off to exercise my work ethic and chop down trees and burn them.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   09/26/2010  at  09:38 AM  

  20. Actually, I’ve been in the ‘hiring/firing’ position. I’d not have hired her.

    I do believe she’s a two-bagger, one bag might tear open…second bag is for safety…

    You do not have a right to be employed by anyone…period. If you are employed, you have an obligation to live up to your employer’s standards. That includes appearances.

    Back when I was a dance instructor/manager for an Arthur Murray dance studio I would NOT have hired her. Precisely because she’s chosen to disfigure herself. My job was to sell and teach dance lessons to the average customer. Last thing I needed was some insecure weirdo who decided to disfigure herself. Would you take lessons from something that looks like that? No, I thought not. And don’t get me started on the health risks she represents.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   09/26/2010  at  03:05 PM  

  21. You guys are missing my points - 1) not all tatted and pierced people are travelers, bikers or gang bangers, 2) not all businesses hiring would automatically not hire her, 3) Yes, indeed even calling a spade a spade could have been done more nicely than ‘wear a bag over your head’, and 4) since 2 exists - this advisor pre-determined the outcome based upon his/her own opinion and this skates the edge (and I admit - she did overdo the piercings) a version of stereotyping/discrimination.

    We do not know what type of job the girl wanted - we do not know what type of job she is qualified for but also as I said - that she was even applying for a job is to be lauded and rewarded not scorned.

    Was she stupid to do that to herself - yes I agree with you on that (and said so, as I said I’d probably not hire her myself) but to anyone - no matter what they look like - if they are attempting to move themselves forward and upward - shame on those putting roadblocks in their way simply because you don’t like how they look. She just might be so grateful for a job - that she’d be a damn good worker. How can anyone know what she is capable of and willing to do - if you throw her out and insult her without even asking her or asking employers. And oh, btw, maybe an employer or two - explaining calmly and politely why they weren’t hiring her - might do the trick to cleaning up her appearance. Certainly much more humane and decent than telling her to put a bag over her head.

    That is why we are going to hell as a World - people who fly in the face of decency to ‘express’ themselves (permanently) without thought to how they are going to look/function in college or a job or even everyday life - and those who respond with petty, mean and juvenile insults - rather than at least attempting to be nice and a little kind while pointing out the truth.

    Where ever did common sense and common decency go?

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/26/2010  at  06:40 PM  

  22. I agree with you above.  But none of us know all the facts.  You claim that whoever said she needed a bag over her head was rude.  Maybe he was, but maybe he was at the point where she did not seem to understand ALL of the kind ways he was telling her that she was having a difficult time getting a job offer.  For all we know, This guy sent her out on umpteen job interviews and she was not getting any offers.  So, she may have started to complain that she was not getting any offers and despite all his kind words in the world...she did not get it.  Finally, she started to blame this job placement officer for her failures and started saying it was HIS fault for sending her on lousy job interviews.  Well, I am sure like many of us here if it was our job to help find this girl a job, and she started to blame any of us for her situation, and maybe even complain and try to tell others we were lousy job placement officers, we would throw kindness and politeness out the window and tell her in no uncertain terms, in a manner she would finally understand, that she needs a bag over her head in order to get a job.  After all, if she started to get rude and offensive and yell at this job placement officer and blame him, he would have had no other choice.  Some people just plain ask for and deserve the treatment they get, and then act all offended when the other person gives it right back. 

    Now, I’m not saying that is what happened, but it could have been the situation.  Since Wardmama wants to try and shed the best light in favor of this girl to make her point, I wanted to shed the best light possible on this poor job placement officer who had the horrible luck of being assigned this difficult task.  The victim in this story could be either one of them. 

    I am sure this girl is old enough and hopefully smart enough to realize that much of her problems stem from her self mutilation.  From what I read in the story, it appears she doesn’t think she needs to change her looks (or her attitude) a single bit and she has the right to a job and is being denied one by this evil man who hates her for no other reason than her looks.  Well, if she really was serious, she would take off the metal from her face at least, wear some good coverup clothing, and at least try to look like she wants a job.  Is she attempting any of this when she goes on an interview?  The story does not say. 

    What I can say is that by looking at her photo and the smug look on her face, she doesn’t look like she has learned anything from all of these rejections.  I see a look that says “The world owes me”.  The fact that she is supposedly going to this office and asking for a job does not necessarily mean she really wants one.  So we should hold our applause for now.  Maybe her welfare or assisted living or some free stuff from the taxpayers program requires she at least feign the interest in looking for a job.  So, she is going through the motions, pretending she is trying really hard and then blaming everyone else for her failures instead of pointing at the person she sees in the mirror.  Again, I may be wrong, but I would take bets I’m not.

    I have dealt with many many people just like the person I described above.  Once in a while, a few surprise me.  But I am seldom dissapointed in my first impression.

    I am not saying this is how things should be and I really really wish the world was all hearts and flowers and unicorns.  But the world is not this way.  Unless this young woman decides to grow up and learn that there is a price to this kind of self expression, she will be stuck as she is now.  She needs to make some serious changes if she wants to better herself. 

    I respect everyone’s opinion here and until any of us know the full and complete story, none of us can truly say we are right and someone else is wrong.  All any of us can do is call it as we see it.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   09/26/2010  at  07:28 PM  

  23. Note to Peiper:

    Run posts on tattoos, piercings, self-imposed victimhood situations more often ... this is the longest comment thread we’ve had in ages!!!


    PS - is there any follow-up to this story? If it turns out she was applying for work as a tank mechanic or a ram press operator, then I might have to revise my opinion. If the agency caved and she now works as the front desk receptionist for Fashion Plus magazine, I’ll have to buy a hat and figure out how to cook it.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/26/2010  at  09:30 PM  

  24. Jeesh ... I didn’t think I was gonna be in here today.  Trying to shake off a mild but annoying bug. You know how some of those things work. Not really ill enough to be in bed cos ur not actually sick, but feel like taking a pass on everything including computers and just reading a book and sipping watered booze, tea and a tranq.
    OK, so the puter called me. I just couldn’t leave it be and thought I’d check mail and BMEWS and wow.  This is some thread and I just had to pop in again.

    Now then, I have no proof of this. I admit that up front. BUT .... has anyone thought she knows exactly what she is doing?  Come on ppl. Take a look at her again.  Does she look like anyone who really wants a job?  What were some of you taught in your job hunting days about appearance? Rightly or not, it does count.
    So what I am suggesting with no proof whatsoever, is that she is on benefits and happy to be there. She knows she doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell but is filling out the forms to present to the benefits office to show that she’s been out there looking.
    There’s looking, and then there’s looking.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/27/2010  at  09:39 AM  

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