Swiss voters say ‘F’ You to EU on uncontrolled migration.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/10/2014 at 05:38 AM   
  1. I bet if you did an honest look at countries that are still solvent, lower crime and a fairly solid economy (Mexico not included in that list) - their immigration standards/border standards are 10 times higher than what exists as (unenforced) Immigration Laws here in the US.

    Once again - the ‘We are the World’ multicultrualism ‘let’s just hold hands and sing kumbyah - Doesn’t work and will get millions killed. Look to a good percentage of the World’s real leaders right now - most are corrupt and/or tyrants. You think that they are going to really, truly embrace a OneGlowBallWorld of peace, love and understanding?

    Look to the mob/organized crime and/or drug dealers - their biggest problem ISN’T LEOs - it is the small guy who gets nabbed or the wanna be who wants to take over. And that is what the OGBW progressive/leftist mess will become if it is allowed to continue to spread - the killing of innocents on the outside combined with the internal struggles on the inside. There is NO honor among thieves, criminals, politicians or governments - at all ever.

    It is why the Founding Fathers set America up the way it did - an educated person knows enough history and learned enough from it - to fear those who CHOSE to step into offices/seats of great power - as the majority of them simply want to Control and amass as much financial gain as possible.

    We are way past duty, honor and country these days - we are on the brink of every man for himself.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/10/2014  at  09:12 AM  

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