Story Time


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 02/17/2005 at 09:15 AM   
  1. Thank you and your family, Vilmar, for coming to the USA! It is so sad to think a country with as much corruption can still continue to run.

    Guess I’ll have to figure out another country where I can go and experience the Southern Hemisphere. Australia is a much better bet, wouldn’t you agree?!

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/17/2005  at  09:54 AM  

  2. And if you do raise your issues as you have done correctly, you get pegged as a “gun nut”.  This is all part of the intelligencia-left’s way of implementing defensive maneuvers to ‘win’ their arguments.

    These maneuvers are, in no particular order, Deny, Deflect and De-emphasize.

    First, deny. Most frequently, these are outright lies. Despite being presented with hard facts, the left will simply deny reality and continue stating their mantra. Although the 9/11 commission’s final report claims that President Bush did not lie about Iraq’s WMD claims, nor did his administration pressure our intelligence agencies, expect to hear the chant “Bush lied - babies died” constantly. Even though France, Germany and just about all of the administrations detractors in Congress are on record making many of the same claims about Iraq, somehow Bush, the evil-genius, knew more and took us to war knowingly on false pretenses. Of course the ‘denyers’ also refer to Bush as a bumbling idiot.

    Second, deflect. Another favorite defense when the left is caught being bad is to attack the attacker. For example, anyone who attacks the resigned Governor James McGreevey of NJ over his horrible judgment is instantly labeled a homophobe. What’s that? You think Jesse Jackson is a shakedown artist? You racist! And who can forget the vast right wing conspiracy? Any question of John Kerry’s assertions from his 04 campaign trail were merely vitriol from the mean-spirited Republican attack machine. A Vietnam vet who stood up on the DNC stage with Kerry? He’s a hero. A Vietnam vet who calls Kerry unfit to be C-I-C? He’s a stooge of the RNC.

    To be fair, the left does not have a monopoly on ‘deflect’. Some Democrat politicians are scrambling to avoid the tag “liberal” like grade school kids squirming to survive in a game of dodgeball. Even some liberals not running for office are opting for the term ‘independent’ as a new moniker. A few questions about their viewpoints will indicate they are clearly liberal despite their claims otherwise - see “Deny”.

    Lastly there is de-emphasize. When outright lies are too lowbrow and attacking the attacker has become tiresome, there is basking in the warm fuzzy rationalization of being right, just because you are a liberal and your heart is in the right place - so it’s OK. In a summertime appearance on “Meet the Press”, Sen. Robert ‘Sheets’ Byrd was interviewed about his book in which he claimed that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq. Furthermore, Byrd’s book states that all the senators who voted (77-23) to authorize the president to attack Iraq were “weak”. Tim Russert then asked Sen. Byrd if Kerry and Edwards, who voted for this authorization, were also weak. “No”, Byrd replied, “they were misled.” Another sweeeeet example of de-emphasize was an interview with Robert Kennedy on the Fox News show, Hannity and Colmes. Robert Kennedy was preaching the evils of SUV’s and lecturing us on how we should all be taking the bus. At one point Kennedy was asked how often he had flown in a private jet. Red-faced, he replied that he did not see how that had any bearing in the matter. More examples of this hypocrisy: anti-gun US Sen. Dianne Feinstein who holds a rare California concealed weapon permit, because she needs one and you don’t. Or the media grilling that Sen. Trent Lott took for praising former segregationist Strom Thurmond and the dearth of similar abuse for CT Sen. Chris Dodd after he praised former KKK member, Robert Byrd, calling him a “great leader”.

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:02 AM  

  3. >>Australia is a much better bet, wouldn’t you agree?!

    ...not sure if you are being tongue-in-cheek or not, but it you want to keep your firearm, don’t go down under.

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:04 AM  

  4. I said I like stories—they appeal to the old part of the brain.  Listening, while sitting around the campfire, gnawing on a buffalo foot.  Or, “tell me a story daddy!”

    Some are more fun than others.  I’ll have to re-read yours later today when I have more time.  And I will.  And my empathy goes out to you and your family.

    (South America is not unique in the following, but it certainly has an impressive market share.) Why is every S.A. government a new set of thugs, promising to set right what the last set of thugs did?  Could it be that countries with a long history of being occupied and enslaved cannot manage democracy? 

    Is it something inside the citizen’s head?  Hmmm?  I would vigorously defend that scum Michael Moore if the government tried to stop him from showing his lying bullshit.  Is that part of it?

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:10 AM  

  5. Vilmar says OCM because you are a Socialist who voted for John Kerry (D-MA).

    My neighbor across the street is from Brazil and is going to have a baby.  She invited all the old people to her house, who she didn’t know, to give her gifts.  Her husband said, “We will have to buy a bigger house with all of these gifts.” So yes, America is good for Brazilians, at least in my neighborhood.

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:13 AM  

  6. that is exactly why I own a pretty good sized collection of “armas” and a supply of ammo too.  Of course, hunting and shooting clay pigeons is fun, which I engage in from time to time, but the REAL reason why it’s so fucking important is that an armed populace is the last bulwark against a totalitarian government.  IF you own guns Never put your name on any lists or anything!

    They banned handguns in England, and the murder rate tripled.

    Posted by ztucka    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:24 AM  

  7. The Socialist Canadian Governor of Michigan is attacking free speech as we speak.  She wants to ban video games with violence.  She wants warnings on TV shows like Desparate Housewifes.  She sounds like Tipper Gore attacking music in the name of God.  Democrats are going for the God vote in 2006 under the direction of Dr. Howard Dean the conservative screaming centrist.

    Senator Mel “the Uniter” Martinez tried to make up with Michael Moore but Moore said, “No.” But I do think Moore’s new haircut looks a lot better, but of course he still is 100 pounds over-weight.

    One good thing, the Michigan Canadian Governor can’t be President. tongue rolleye

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:31 AM  

  8. >>of course he still is 100 pounds over-weight.

    time to update your prescription eyeglasses! cool smile

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:39 AM  

  9. BobF - I recall a story about houses on Long Island putting up signs in the 70’s as you described. They were all broken into. I could not find a link, but try this!


    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  11:33 AM  

  10. OCM, I used your post because you said, “Never happen........too large of a country with a population spread.....the only way we can “lose” this country is if SOMEONE gives it away.”

    Which were exactly the points I led up to:  that if we leave this country in the hands of socialist gun-grabbers who keep telling us how bad things are, the next thing you will have is gun control to the n(th) extreme.  This will happen over time just like it has in Europe, South America (remember South America was founded by basically the same folks that founded us) and Australia.

    People become complacent, government takes over more and more of what people want or need and the next thing you know the place is a shambles.

    It happens so sublty and over so long a period of time that you do not notice it.

    Macker:  Australia is a great place to visit.  Not to live permanently.  Read my journals about Australia in my other web page Vilmar’s Adventures

    ztucka:  you may say you have guns now but this movement will outlive you and your kids will be subjected tho the constant brainwashing and be less likely to buy guns and their kids, and so on.

    Posted by Vilmar    United States   02/17/2005  at  11:57 AM  

  11. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
    Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.


    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  03:00 PM  

  12. i guess it helps if i actually READ all the posts first, huh?

    Posted by tuffbeingright    United States   02/17/2005  at  03:58 PM  

  13. Vilmar - thank you for sharing this with us. You and Allan come up with some real gems, which is why I frequent this site. Having said this, I’ll comment on these statements:

    BobF: “....I have never yet seen a sign on someone’s front door stating “This is a Gun Free House” or a sticker on a car stating something similar.....”

    Vilmar: “....People become complacent, government takes over more adn more of what people want or need and the next thing you know the place is a shambles.....It happens so sublty and ovber so long a period of time that you do not notice it.....”

    The reply is - CANADA. But far worse and more recently NEW ZEALAND.

    Anyone remember the scenes of rows of workers using chop-saws cutting up ALL of the citizens firearms?

    And BobF - Canada requires that ALL firearms, including pellet guns over 500fps. be registered. There is a central registry in Ottawa and the headquarters in Mirimachi, NB. It’s been hacked. OK not real “signs”, but the badguys now know who has the guns, and that is a two edged sword. It means:

    1. The baddies know who to hit for weapons.
    2. The baddies also know that a home invasion might be detrimental to their health.

    Vilmar - absolutely true about the subtlty. For those who may not be following what’s happening up here in Canada is this (in a very short form and no particular order):

    1. It started here with registration of all handguns and limitations on how, where and when you could transport them to and from a legitimate range only. They are classed as Restricted Firearms.

    2. Some long guns got moved to the Restricted category.(AR-15; L1A1; AK(XX)

    3. Some handguns got moved to Prohibited status - barrel length under 105mm (4-1/8"), all .25 and .32 calibres. And ALL Full Autos.


    5. Magazine capacity more than 5 rounds in long guns, and more than 10 rounds in handguns - PROHIBITED.

    6. You MUST have a valid Firearms licence to buy, own, possess, borrow or use a firearm.

    7. ALL FIREARMS must be locked up in a non tamper container (a safe) and/or have the fireing mechanism removed or trigger locked AND the ammunition stored in a manner that is not readily accessible to the firearms. You cannot openly transport, display or otherwise make visible any firearm - unless actively hunting as a licenced hunter in a designated hunting zone.

    8. As a firearm owner, (or any other Canadian Citizen for that matter) you give up the right to: search and seizure without a warrant at any time of the day or night, inspection of storage facilities at any reasonable time, any confidentiality of any or all medical records.

    This last one is the kicker. Mainly because the uber-liberals haven’t even realized that they are subject to this law too since it was snuck in to the original bill.

    So this is how it starts. If you think it can’t happen in the US - you are WRONG. Although it ran out, the Assault Weapon band was there. So are there states that ban carrying - concealed or otherwise. Some states have firearms laws that make it very hard for people to own firearms. (And I’m not sure if the law is still in effect about not being able to buy the Butler Creek 25 shot mag for the Ruger 10/22.) Remember some of the firearms bills that the dummycraps were proposing prior to the election. Still think it can’t happen?

    You people live in what I believe is the most powerful, free, democratic country IN THE WORLD.

    God knows, I hope you can keep it that way. But I see you standing at the top of a very slippery slope. Don’t take that first step.

    -Dan D,

    Posted by Dan D    Canada   02/17/2005  at  06:05 PM  

  14. Damn, Dan! I remember Canada as a great country.  Hope this affliction isn’t traveling south.

    Long ago, I read that it was seriously proposed that all booze (whiskey, gin, etc.)must legally be put in uniform bottles.  I forget why.

    This went too far, even for the socialists.

    Best to you, and be careful not to profile yourself on the horizon. (i.e. don’t give yourself away)

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2005  at  06:19 PM  

  15. This has probably been covered already.

    VILMAR—form of WILMER

    Gender: Masculine
    Possibly derived from the Germanic elements wil “will, desire” and meri “famous”. It is a masculine form of WILMA.

    Also Portuguese for “Why don’t you kiss my ass at First and Main, and give me 30 minutes to draw a crowd?”

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2005  at  06:40 PM  

  16. Jeez, Oink! Are you self-destructive?

    I’m getting the hell out of here before V starts droppin Moabs and Daisy Cutters on yer haid....(LOGOUT, Bye.)

    -Dan D,
    Canuckistan, (running for cover.)

    Posted by Dan D    Canada   02/17/2005  at  07:53 PM  

  17. WHAT?  That was Vilmar talking to those communists!

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/17/2005  at  07:58 PM  

  18. Vilmar, your family in the old country should do like the other important people, employ the police as after hours guards, pay them well, they will fish elsewhere.

    use the system,

    been there, seen it,
    rick in North Georgia

    Posted by RickD94    United States   02/17/2005  at  10:36 PM  

  19. Sorry Oink. Just came back to add something else to that long post above and to apologize. I didn’t properly interpret what you had said about V or took it out of context.

    I also meant to add to that thing above about licencing all firearms that you would also require a firearms licence to buy ammunition as well. Forgot that part.

    And actually, it’s not really all that bad up here or I’ve gotten used to it. Or I’ve been brainwashed to believe the bullshit. Or both.
    And we have real manly-muscle beer up here. Not that diluted weasel piss you guys pass off as beer. Also, you have to be able to pronounce it as “biere” too - just in case the frogs don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. See? Now you’re bi-lingual and can get by anywhere east of Saskatchewan!!

    -Dan D,

    Posted by Dan D    Canada   02/18/2005  at  02:28 AM  

  20. 1. Forgetaboutit.  I was obscure.

    2. Getting used to it? Isn’t that what Moynihan called “Defining Deviancy Down?” I don’t want to get used to Nannys, Nibshits, Thieves, and wanna-be Hitlers without the balls.

    American Fruit Punch/Sheep-Dip With Alcohol-in-it? {In other words, Budweiser(et al.) Lite?} Are you suggesting that your beer is superior to the American Piss Dredged from a Stagnant Sump-pump Pit at Chernobyl? I’ll have you know that I sent a sample of Budweiser (et al.) to the finest independent laboratory and the analysis came back:  Shoot the horse ! I guess there’s no accounting for taste! But, guess what? WE’VE GOTTEN USED TO IT !
    beerstoyou toilet barf  LOL

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/18/2005  at  03:19 AM  

  21. Well, at 5%+ alcohol content, you get pissed-as-a-newt faster and no longer notice it much after the first few. It’s more like British ale.

    Living west of Sask., you’d be in quasi-redneck country. As in: (C)consrvative land. Like Texas but without the ‘y’all’. I really like CAS (Cowboy Action Shooting.) Only thing I wish we could do is carry - openly or otherwise. Oh well, too old to move again.

    —30 --

    -Dan D,

    Posted by Dan D    Canada   02/18/2005  at  03:41 AM  

  22. Dan D says, “You people live in what I believe is the most powerful, free, democratic country IN THE WORLD.”

    I suppose Dan, the fur trapper, thinks this way because of the B-2 or maybe it’s the USS Nebraska or even the USS Ronald Reagan.  Yes, Dan, we have Weapons of Mass Distruction.  But, It’s bigger than that.  If you thought the Roman Empire was big, hang on, because the future USA Empire will write the book on domination.  Sorry, just calling a spade a spade.

    Oink is right about the beer.  Beer is all in your head and what you think you like.  First of all, we won’t drink the water in Mexico but we will pay $4 a bottle for Corona.  So beer fixes any water.

    Fear not Dan, unless you speak French.  Your Socialized Medicine in Canada is called Medicare.  When we get done REFORMING our own system we will bee line it to Canada and set you people free too, except those fur trappers in the East who speak French.  Those Queerbecers will have to remain Socialists as an example on how not to run a government.

    But, we are knee deep in Canadians here in Tampa so let’s pass a law that Canadians can’t vote in US elections or hold elected office.  Then we can force the Canadian Governor of Michigan to resign with all of her evil Socialistic ways.

    President Bush, “We will be exporting our Ownership Society to a country near you.” vampire

    Posted by Z Woof    United States   02/18/2005  at  06:03 AM  

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