still not dead yet


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/14/2020 at 09:32 PM   
  1. I did some polling among Liberals. To a person, they would vote for Biden if he is the candidate. I (gently) point out that he is senile, a China stooge, corrupt and in failing health. Doesn’t matter. He isn’t Trump and that’s enough for them. What kind of nation can we have if we have spiteful ignorant willful children voting in a Presidential election?

    Posted by TheHat    United States   05/15/2020  at  07:30 AM  

  2. Biden’s getting the nod - because he knows where the bodies are buried. As soon as he reaches a point - he will be taken out by the 25th Amendment and Dr. Biden will be paid a great sum of money. I know that a woman will be chosen as VP as that is the only way any of the DNC feminazis would get to be President. However - Rush said yesterday that only 31% of Americans believe the economy crash is Trump’s fault. The longer this CCP C19 shutdown extends - the more people who will vote for Trump. The DNC hasn’t realized that Obama and the excesses (Biden included) of those 8 years - are exactly what lead to Trump’s election. Read an article yesterday - going on about Obama’s ‘criticism’ of the Flynn situation. Funny how NO ONE is bringing up that in the Philly NBP voter intimidation trial - that the DOJ had a GUILTY plea - and oh, look - Holder dropped it. I guess some (actually) guilty people are more equal than some (not at all) guilty people. 

    I finally figured out that the baseline budgeting (that did away with line by line budget cutting ability and created the annual increase without a vote) was meant to create slush funds to buy off politicians and of course sexual/criminal accusations.

    Read the Pelosi pig and pork and change America via the Budget nonsense yesterday - it is a huge bunch of crap. Talk about buying votes and such.

    BTW, Pelosi’s one choice of Ice cream (the $12/pint stuff) - is delicious and we get it for less here - because it is made in Columbus OH. I’ve had two now - Supermoon and Honey Vanilla bean. I really shouldn’t eat ic anymore - so the pints work for me too.

    Oh and the cat diner is back up and running - Fluffy continues to drop by every morning. We are trying to get a kitten (or two) but people close by here are idiots. Put up a free to good home and then go silent. Why do it - if you don’t want to deal with people? Go figure. Probably end up at one of the shelters paying for a kitten. Oh well - at least we will know it’s healthy.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/16/2020  at  09:25 AM  

  3. Forgot - as I mentioned a while ago - that local test offerings are not allowed here for people without the standard ‘symptoms’ - I came to realize that there are three reasons that they are limiting testing - 1) they don’t want to really know how many people have been exposed but partied on - A OK, 2) they don’t want to have a control group to do the actual science to prove how over hyped this was and 3) the greater the number of people who were exposed/healthy will drive down the percentage fatality rate.

    And people wonder why some of us are skeptical that this wasn’t a politically motivated sham?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/16/2020  at  09:32 AM  

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