Still No Bullets


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/17/2014 at 12:22 PM   
  1. I did read somewhere that copper prices have been falling as demand from China has dropped but maybe its picked up again. I know the pikeys here in England are still thieving copper wire from the railways. Now and then they get zapped but not often enough.

    I can’t really see that ammo you linked to would have much armour piercing capability. Though having said that I have shot .223” varmint bullets at 1/4” mild steel plate and it makes a pretty big crater at 100yds. Presumably these bullets are those cheap copper plated steel junk? Nasty stuff that ricochets really badly. It seems to me that they are not really bothered about the armour piercing. That is just a useful excuse to stop people getting their hands on a big pile of “military” ammo at low prices. Someone at the top is getting twitchy that the peasants are revolting would be my take on matters.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/18/2014  at  03:38 AM  

  2. Speaking of the Ukraine - did you catch this: Jews ordered to register in east Ukraine

    (tried to shorten this - but the website wasn’t coming up) Sorry.

    Those who fail to study history are doomed to repeat it.

    And millions of innocents will die.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/18/2014  at  09:00 AM  

  3. Lyndon, that’s just it. Who decides what is armor and what ain’t?

    A plain old lead .2LR bullet will probably penetrate 1/8” mild steel at 50 feet. That’s all the plate armor that knights of old wore.

    A full power rifle bullet may or may not penetrate 1” thick mild steel. Less if the steel is Harvey-ized. But that same bullet will go through any normal bulletproof vest the police have.

    It takes a TOW missile to go through 500mm of depleted, hardened uranium armor on a tank.

    Battleships used to have 12-15” of hardened steel armor, which could stop the kinetic impact of 12” or even 16” diameter armor piercing shells, weighing a ton or more each. But that armor is no match at all for a modern shoulder fired RPG. Or a Hellfire missile. Plasma wins, every time.

    It’s all relative. The military steel core stuff maybe goes through body armor better, but mostly it’s for shooting at cars and trucks, what they call “barrier penetration”. Seems those dinky little .224 lead core bullets tend to disintegrate nearly on contact with hard things. So there’s a need to not just punch holes in them, but to punch through and keep on going. And thus we have steel core “armor piercing”. Because “armor” is all relative.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/18/2014  at  01:00 PM  

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