Still here


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 03/19/2009 at 11:51 AM   
  1. AIG got US$85Billion in bailout money. In US Dollars, that is 85,000 millions.
    $165,000,000 is a HELL of a lot of money to anyone, but next to 85,000,000,000, it is petty cash. that is approximately 2/10ths of a percent of the total being paid to the
    people who negotiated it into their contracts.

    *Puts on tin-foil hat and locks the door*

    In my opinion, this is a ploy to keep the unwashed flocks of sheep from noticing all the
    money going into these farces called the Economic ‘stimulus’ package, which is neither economical, nor is it stimulating to the people who need it, us.

    I, personally, am tired of it. Drew, have you read anything about the ‘Tea Parties’ that have been rolling out across the country? I didn’t either, until I went through , who seems to be the only news agency with the cajones to, Fox News.
    The press is trying to become the 4th branch of government, manipulating us for their own gains, as well as power.

    Bah.. I’ll stop rambling now.
    (somewhere in a deep bunker)

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   03/19/2009  at  01:47 PM  

  2. my anger knows no bounds either....but if i post a rant where do you stop......afraid i would just ramble also........®

    Posted by Rancino    United States   03/19/2009  at  08:30 PM  

  3. Parlor magic. Smoke, mirrors and misdirection.  While the rat-bastards are pursuing an illegal persecution of the perfectly legal (albeit ill-advised) bonuses being paid to individuals, the REAL damage was being done by fiat behind the scenes. The Treasury is providing the Federal reserve with $1+TRILLION to be used to buy up Treasury Bills!  Taking new money (printed from thin air), from one pocket and putting it into another pocket. This will effectively put an ADDITIONAL $1 Trillion into circulation which, since it has NEVER worked anywhere before, will probably push the value of the U.S. dollar to a par with toilet paper. The price of gold was up $75 today. Practice putting your head between your knees and kissing your ass and our country good bye.

    Posted by Len - KC    United States   03/19/2009  at  09:36 PM  

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