Still Fast, Still Furious


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 07/14/2011 at 09:57 AM   
  1. Take a look at history - the Nazi’s, the Commies - it always comes out - they write it down, it’s there for all to see (i.e. PROOF). Sadly however, it is usually after many, many innocents are dead.

    That is why we need the NBC Constitutional issue done - yesterday - The Won is removed from office, Bite Me is removed from office and all the czars, debt, appointments, drilling moratoriums, GM takeover, QE 1, 2, 783, TWMBR - all of it is gone, nada, nichts - no more reset to 2008.

    And then the Rs should move immediately to kill all the survivors - EPA, NEA, ATF, Dept HS, NLB, Dept of Energy (like 34 years isn’t long enough to get us ‘Energy Independent), etc.

    They are all scams just to suck more and more taxpayer money into liberal & union pockets to destroy FREEDOM, Independence and Prosperity from American citizens.

    And then lock The Won up forever for committing fraud upon the American citizens, Constitution and Election system. Oh, yes - TERM LIMITS for every single political office in the US - forever.

    It would be a good start.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   07/14/2011  at  02:34 PM  

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