State Of The Onion


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 01/24/2007 at 01:35 AM   
  1. Hey, there were some great moments there!

    * I caught CBS’s intro to the SOTU. They were so patriotic; as way of introduction they just had to mention that Bush would be in office for another 104 weeks and counting!

    * Hillary often looked like she was sucking lemons. The rest of the time she looked really constipated and pissed off.

    * Ted Kennedy falling asleep, picking his nose, and generally looking like bloated death.  Poor guy couldn’t even hold his head up for half an hour; he had to lean forward and rest it on the bench. Wonder what/how much he drank for dinner?

    * Dick Cheney sneaking a nitroglycerine pill on the sly, knowing he was in for an aerobic workout of jumping up and down and clapping every 30 seconds. Oh, it was a mint? Sure, ok.

    * I think Pelosi is a robot. She does this slow eyeblink thing like a metronome. You could set your watch to it.

    * Freudian slip on Bush’s part? When he was talking about tax reform he said “we’ll reduce your income”. I HOPE he meant “we’ll reduce your income tax”!!

    * Our government is run by old people. The place was a sea of gray and bald and really fat. No wonder AARP has so much lobbying power.

    * Who looks more like a scary mummy? James Carville or Michael Chertoff?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/24/2007  at  09:48 AM  

  2. I did not watch it because I figured it was all a dog and pony show.  I also did not want to lose my supper when the continual pictures of Pelosi, the Hildebeast, and other fugly libtards would be appearing on the screen.  I figure that during the day today I will hear enough commentary that I would be able to figure out that it is what it always is...a speech with grand ideas and intentions that stand almost no chance of happening, and thank God for most of it not happening.

    Posted by John C    United States   01/24/2007  at  10:00 AM  

  3. Another good one, captured in the pictures above and over at HotAir. Obama was giving us the finger for long minutes at a time. Or Bush. Class act! Oh, he was just resting his head? Nah ... even a Senator born on an island, raised in a foreign country and educated in a madrassa has to be familiar with that most basic American gesture!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   01/24/2007  at  10:29 AM  

  4. Hey, look at the little button-like thingie on the bench front gizzer - a star of David! Proooof, maaaaan proooof that Joos run things in Worshintin! Zionist cabal and stuff! Prooooofff, maaaan. Bush did it.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   01/24/2007  at  10:55 AM  

  5. Me: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Had it on the bedside radio, it lulled me to sleep around 9:15 PM.

    Let’s see.... Barak HUSSEIN Obama. His chances of achieving Presidency 0.0000001% with THAT middle nema. Maybe he can get a name-change operation to Barry Husqvarna O’Brien, as NO candidate with a non-Anglo-Saxon / Northern European surname has ever won.

    And, perhaps he’d improve his social standing by not sitting so close to rabble such as Red Ted and the Hildabeast…

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   01/24/2007  at  03:22 PM  

  6. I am personally getting a giggle at the two clowns behind the hildebeast - I don’t know what is funnier: the fact they are reading (probably a translation of ) Mao’s little Red book, or the fact that they are hiding their identities rather than be photographed with the she-hag, Obamaramalama (sounds like a kids nursery rhyme) or the bloatmonster from Massoftwoshits. (How is any one going to know he’s dead? )

    Posted by T    United States   01/25/2007  at  09:09 AM  

  7. It truly is a great pic Skipper (the dems gone wild one) - shows them for the immature, self centered morons that they really are.

    I watched - I thought one of President Bush’s better speeches.
    But the great part was ole SanFranGranNan behind him - I kept wondering if she was chewing her cud. My hubby thought she was sending morse code with her blinkfest and to be so blantant about not rising and applauding when President Bush talked about victory in Iraq.
    BTW, catch the zinger President Bush hit ‘em with about putting earmarks in at late night sessions when even CSPAN wasn’t filming - a twofer - you know ole SanFranGranNan nixted CSPAN having their own cameras on them - can’t let the voters really know what they are doing. They wouldn’t get re-elected.

    I think we should start sending al-Quaeda the dates and times, the dems are in closed door sessions crafting their next liberal agenda move to shove through the House - and beg them please to attack then and there.

    But alas, even al-Quaeda knows an enabler when they see one.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/25/2007  at  05:00 PM  

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