Standing Up To Stupid


Fred is a stand-up Guy

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/14/2007 at 09:30 AM   
  1. "People are already becoming campaign-weary, and we’re a year away from the elections.”

    I blame John Kerry. He’s the one who started this never ending campaigning crap. My guess is the candidates for the 2012 election will announce a week after the election this coming November. Unreal ... in this day of instant communication there is no need for this whatsoever. The candidates should be able to run their entire primary campaign in 30 days, and the whole election campaign in 2 weeks. Enough already ... especially as several of them are holding down elected positions and obviously not doing much of the job they’re paid for.

    C’mon, do you really think there actually are undecided voters? My only indecision is “how much can I get behind these other guys if my guy loses the primary?” I have NO indecision that I might go and vote for the other side, or “punish” my party by not voting because they didn’t put forward a perfect candidate. (channeling Joan Rivers) Oh grow up!

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/14/2007  at  09:22 AM  

  2. Well, boys and girls, get your selves to the primaries. THAT, by God, is where we make the statement. If we want FRED!, we must vote for him in the primaries. Then, and only then, can we vote for him in the general. Send money to his campaign. This helps.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   12/14/2007  at  10:39 AM  

  3. Absolutely well said, Drew - the problem is that the Dems don’t campaign on ideas, beliefs or issues - so they have to pander to as many people, for as long as possible to be able to have in print the endless ‘talking points’ in the hopes that they can figure out the best way to steal the coming election. . .

    Think about it - we are at 2007 - strong recovery (economy wise particularly) from 9/11, winning in the GWOT, no attacks on the homeland since 01, and still record un-employment figures - what ever can the DNC really campaign on? That we want to screw that all up by allowing 12 to 20 million criminal illegal aliens become citizens without even doing what legal aliens have to do and then ruin forever the American economy and healthcare system by making it government run and a beauracratic nightmare. . .As a consequence - most are still venting on the 2000 election.

    Along with Madam Shrieker of the House’s (12/13/07) comment - ‘They like war.’ The DNC (who is being controlled and played like the fools that they are by Code Pink and - is headed for a big, embarassing fall. BTW, the icing on the cake might just be the report that the biggest spenders of the (Worst) Congress session in American History (110th Congress, 1st Session) are the Democrat Freshman! So much for a more financially responsible and ethical Congress.

    You are right - I will vote for anyone with an R behind his/her name. Yes, I’d prefer a solid, unwavering conservative - but hey given the socialistic garbage all the DNC wants to hoist on America - even the Demlites and RHINOs would be a better choice in the long run.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/14/2007  at  10:42 AM  

  4. Woodman, how many attacks were there on U.S. soil during the Clinton years? How many have there been during the GWB years? Since we’re “winning the GWOT”, are we now safe, or safer than we were? It’s interesting too that the strong economic recovery you mentioned isn’t impressing the majority of the voters. Now, before you go blaming the media for their doom and gloom assessments, let me say that the real reason the majority of voters are disgruntled is because they’re not seeing any of this economic pie that you seem to be enjoying.

    I was very impressed with Fred’s response and his refusal to play along with that type of crap. Of course, I could never vote for him.

    Posted by andy42302    United States   12/14/2007  at  11:13 AM  

  5. Sorry I keep forgetting liberals and indys nit pick conservatives to the nth degree - no attacks on American interests, other than in the combat theaters since 9/11 - how many on Clinton’s watch - 1993 WTC1- 6 killed, 1995 - Saudi Arabia, US Military HQ - 5 US servicemembers killed, 1995 - Saudi Arabia, Khobar Towers - 19 US servicemembers killed, 1998 - Kenya & Tanzania - US Embassies - killing 224 in employ of the US, 2000 - USS Cole, 17 US servicemenbers killed. . .

    Do you think - maybe just maybe if Clinton had done a damn thing other than pretend to hunt them down and try them in US courts - maybe none of the other during his term in office, much less 9/11just might, might not have happened?

    Considering the number of radical islamic terrorists now dead, the Taliban out of controlling Afghanistan and Saddam not in charge of Iraq - yes, Andy I do believe we Americans are safer, much safer than before even Clinton took office.

    Sticking your head in the sand and/or blaming our resolve to react to the worst terrorist act upon innocent Americans is not going to make the terrorists go away. Their hypocritical leaders - both secular and religious - are to blame for their poverty, backwardness and hopelessness, yet they turn it on the US and other countries. That is not our fault, but since liberals here in America blame America for everything and anything wrong in the World - so the petty tyrants, dictators and religious nuts - have a good example to follow.

    I don’t know what you mean about the economy - I was just stating what is published regularly in the newspapers - and as to my personal ‘seeing any of this economic pie that you seem to be enjoying’ - well you know what, we have a roof over our head, a car in the garage and food in the refrigerator, we are able to pay our monthly bills and - that is enough for us. . .The secret of contentment is learning to enjoy what you have. We’d have even more, if we weren’t paying for all the criminal illegal aliens and entittlement crowd who have their hands out instead of using them to earn a living.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   12/14/2007  at  12:07 PM  

  6. Wardman, didn’t mean to strike such a nerve there buddy. Obviously, you don’t fancy well with others asking that your comments withstand a touch of scrutiny. I guess I too get a little emotional when I hear that garbage about taking credit for only having the worst attack on American soil happening a measly one time as being credible. I mean, it’s like giving kudos to my lucky rabbit’s foot that we haven’t been attacked again. Good job bunny paw, keep up the good work!!!!!!! And, my bad for comparing those 6 U S soil fatalities and 265 other Clinton casualties to The Bush’s 3000 Soil, 4000+ foreign, 30,000+ wounded, a possible $2,000,000,000,000,000 debt and an ongoing war. And, if you remotely think that we are less vulnerable to another attack as a result of this War on Fear then you obviously believe in Dancer, Prancer, and Cupid as well.

    I’m really delighted that you’re happy with your environment and lifestyle. I just wish that the oil industry and those that are prospering so well from this administration and it’s War on Fear could be that content with what they have too. Andy

    Posted by andy42302    United States   12/14/2007  at  03:17 PM  

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