Sotomayor: a leftist crackpot even in college


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/29/2009 at 09:33 AM   
  1. To be fair, most Democrats were/are leftist offense to damaged ceramic, or cocaine containers, intended

    Posted by adagioforstrings    United States   05/29/2009  at  11:40 AM  

  2. As long as the bastards are allowed to continue and to get away with this sort of self serving crap, look for more of the same.
    These folks are enabled by a well entrenched culture of entitlement and grievance.
    That culture needs culling.  Does anyone believe it’ll happen in his/her lifetime?
    Neither do I.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/29/2009  at  12:32 PM  

  3. Excellent post. Linking to this.

    My two cents - This stuff won’t stop until fair-minded people, but specifically whites, realize that the left’s game will only result in them being eaten last the way it is currently being played. We need to do anything and everything possible to show this nation how evil, racist, and bigoted identity politics truly are. And people like Sotomayor need to be exposed, and their message attacked in front of everyone so it’s plain to see. We don’t need to attack *her* ethnicity or gender, just point out the fact that *she* will attack and discriminate against people based on *theirs.* We need to beat the drum over and over and over, until the meme becomes the status quo. It’s the same tactic the left used for the last 8 years, and it worked. We need to learn from it. We can turn her into a trainwreck and a black mark for Obama if we do things right.

    Posted by Moonbat Monitor    United States   05/29/2009  at  01:13 PM  

  4. It’s the same tactic the left used for the last 8 years, and it worked. We need to learn from it. We can turn her into a trainwreck and a black mark for Obama if we do things right.

    God I hope so.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   05/29/2009  at  06:55 PM  

  5. The best comments I think I can make are a handful of Sotomayor’s quotes with a very few comments added.

    “The dissatisfaction had nothing to do with the choice itself,” said Sonia Sotomayor ‘76, a committee member and also a member of Accion Puertorriquena.  “Most of the students were pleased with Mr. Garcia.  The dissatisfaction was with the amount of student input.”

    In other words, they’re bitching for the sake of bitching.  The “advisors” didn’t make the final hiring decision, the university did.

    Sonia Sotomayor ‘76, a committee member and also a member of Accion Puertorriquena.

    This one I’ve got to set by itself.  The translation according to Google is “Puerto Rican Action”.  Now tell me, who’s interests are being represented by Ms. Sotomayor?

    The facts of the complaint are these: 1) There is not one Puerto Rican or Chicano administrator or faculty member in the university; 2) There are two million Puerto Ricans in the United States and two and a half million more on the island itself. Yet there were only 66 Puerto Rican applicants this year, and only 31 Puerto Rican stuents on campus. While there are 12 million Chicanos in the United States, there were only 111 Chicano applicants and 27 students on campus this year; 3) Not one permanent course in this university now deals in any notable detail with the Puerto Rican or Chicano cultures.

    Self-evident lack of commitment

    The lack of commitment on the part of the university to the Puerto Rican or Chicano heritage seems self-evident from these facts.

    It looks as if she is clearly asking for a Puerto Rican or at least a Hispanic.

    In its letter, dated May 30, and in a recent statement the committee complained that:
    candidates for the “minority” position seem to be subjected to closer scrutiny that those for comparable positions. some of the candidates seemed to receive preferential treatment during the selection process. no Asian or American Indian candidates were recruited or considered. the members of the advisory committee were chosen by Simmons herself rather than by the minority organizations they seemed to represent

    “Seemed” subject to closer scrutiny?  Who defined or observed the “closer scrutiny”?  I suppose that’s irrelevant.  No Asian or Amerind candidates?  See above, what was Sotomayor asking for?  If anyone should be cheesed off by the selection process, it should be the black people on the committee.  It looks as if someone found a way to make them irrelevant to the process.

    A candidate’s background or the position he or she seeks to fill should be no reasons for preferential treatment on the part of the university.

    Wait one, isn’t the whole issue of a person’s background the issue she raised?  Didn’t she want a candidate’s particular background (aka race) used as a selection criteria?

    I love turning hypocrite’s words against them.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/29/2009  at  10:35 PM  

  6. I was not too worried about Obama’s choice here, at first.  After all, it won’t really make a difference to replace one lefty dolt with another.

    However, the more I read, the less I like this choice.  To institutionalize modern (i.e reverse) racism in the SCOTUS, is beyond foolish.

    And yet, the GOP is talking about not opposing her nomination, in order to avoid alienating Latino voters?!?!?

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   05/30/2009  at  04:37 AM  

  7. Ace of Spades has a link to Sotomayor’s college thesis, where she questions US sovereignty & refers to the “North American” versus United States Congress.

    Posted by adagioforstrings    United States   06/04/2009  at  07:18 PM  

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