son kills innocent man, mom says it was accident and no big deal, asks why the fuss.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 02/27/2014 at 06:35 AM   
  1. Feral scum. They should be given a lethal injection pour encourage les autres.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   02/27/2014  at  07:45 AM  

  2. I liked the one comment in the story - she (the egg donor pretending to be a mom) should be thrown into jail too - and not just for 4 years!

    I also agree with another comment - Gill - not being part of the cycling dispute - had no reason what-so-ever to throw the punch. So what is wrong with a life sentence for an unprovoked murder. Just because he did not ‘mean’ to kill him - doesn’t lessen the end result.

    And his rage and unconcern for other people - makes him a threat to society.

    The judge is a liberal idiot.

    Of course our DOJ head is telling state AGs to ‘ignore’ the laws that they don’t like. Talk about inciting treason, anarchy and insurrection.

    God save the World - as it’s getting ugly out there.

    And here’s a story from our side of the pond - as to how low the sub-humans in America can go: [Warning it is disgusting and this is the ‘clean’ one]:

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   02/27/2014  at  08:03 AM  

  3. Sounds like one of Billary’s followers:  “At this point, what difference does it make?”

    Feral scum, indeed.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   02/27/2014  at  11:02 AM  

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