something went bump in the night … ?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/22/2010 at 09:50 AM   
  1. Oops. Looks like a career ender right there. Hey, at least they didn’t bump uglies with one of the French boats this time.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/22/2010  at  10:43 AM  

  2. Looks like a career ender right there.

    Normally I’d agree, but during sea trials, maybe not. Depends on whether the reason it’s on the rocks is the skipper or the boat.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/22/2010  at  01:48 PM  

  3. I agree Grumpy. All it takes is on Quartermaster to forget to update a chart or a small change in ballast to make a clear channel into a wading pool. Since it was on shakedown, I would say it wouldn’t be so major if it didn’t happen in public view like that.
    Oh, and Peiper, 1.2B GBP is 1.88B USD at this particular moment smile
    Even though the Captain is responsible for everything on the ship, sometimes there are things that are an act of God, or technology issues.

    Just a thought..

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   10/22/2010  at  11:10 PM  

  4. I don’t know how many of you are actual NavVets, but this is a career ender. Charts notwithstanding, sonar should have informed the skipper.

    But then, my experience was in the US Navy back in the ‘80s. The Brits excuse everything. No doubt it’ll be blamed on ‘racism’, or some other multicultural crap.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/22/2010  at  11:26 PM  

  5. It always depends Christopher. In the 2 shakedowns I was on, there was usually a group of civilians on the ship telling the Captain, who didn’t really have formal command, what to do. He’s just there to keep us in line. We also don’t know what systems were up, if the sonar was correctly calibrated.. All kinds of factors, including out of date tide tables and such for the area. We’ll have to watch. If the old man was a fault, then he deserves to be hung by his heels.
    Remember, there are several American ships that have done this as well, including the Sinking Sarah, some destroyers, and according to a 25 year bubblehead friend (even though it is ‘classified’)a few subs. They just usually happen out of sight and the public and press don’t know to demand the skipper’s head on a stick.

    I do think, that if it does happen to be something he has overview of, he should be hung out to dry, since, as I said, he has ultimate responsibility for everything that happens in and on his ship up to the place where the gangway touches the ground, and to an extent, everyone who has a berth on his vessel.

    I do agree that, yes, if it turns out to be his fault, it is a definite career killer. The man will be lucky if he even gets to pilot a bathtub with a trolling motor after this.

    Shoulda had a local pilot…


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   10/23/2010  at  04:13 PM  

  6. Sorry now I didn’t save it. Brit paper published a list, by year, of sub mishaps and collisions of both our navies.
    btw ... The sub in question here can go 25 years without refueling, which the paper says would be the life of the sub.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   10/24/2010  at  02:23 AM  

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