someone I would dearly like to delete. I’d take pleasure in taking my time about it. see why.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/30/2013 at 01:42 PM   
  1. Now that most of them are dead, or too old to fight back, it’s easy to smear their good names and piss on their good deeds.  Yeah they’re all gone or too old, but their families aren’t.  If I were you bitch I’d relocate to another part of the world ASAP.  Here’s hoping they find you before you can.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   05/30/2013  at  09:56 PM  

  2. Well obviously a book about a few bad apples would not sell in the climate her audience inhabits so embellishing the truth and the numbers to such extremes is her only way to profit from this Idea.
    shit  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/30/2013  at  10:19 PM  

  3. [redacted screed against France and the fwench] ...

    Lastly, does Roberts herself somehow now contravene the testimony of all those women back then? Were they not “rape raped”, and only merely “raped”?

    More importantly, how is it that nearly all of those victims somehow just knew to point the accusatory finger at the chat noirs? Because they could identify their attackers, or because, in spite of a major language barrier and separate living areas (towns vs army camps leading to limited social interaction time), they somehow instantly picked up on AND shared the American prejudice of the era? Just what is she saying ... or NOT saying ... or walking around while whistling Dixie with her eyes closed ... that 130 of the 152 convicted rapists - 85.5% - were black??? Seriously, does she expect us to believe that some french woman got raped, complained to her local constable, the constable went to the US Army, and the Army just gave the Pick A Nigger wheel a spin? Please. Even with blacks, even in the Army, even in 1945, some due process still existed: at the VERY least, she would have had to identify her attacker.

    Or is there extreme subtlety at work here, and we’re supposed to read between the finest of lines and understand that tens of thousands, millions, of rapes went on non-stop - the sound of tearing clothes could be heard in Trafalgar Square - and yet ONLY 152 cases were ever even mildly investigated, and the majority of those were a big fun game of Pin The Tail On A Darky?

    What a flaming load of horseshit. Perhaps all those saintly French ladies would have been safer under the Nazis. Or better off being treated like the women of Berlin when the Soviets got there??

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/30/2013  at  11:03 PM  

  4. She is an abomination to my Dad, my uncle (killed in WWII) and mostly to a Navy Doc by the name of Bob - who got the feared assignment of ‘going ashore’ with the Marines in the Pacific. He was captured by the Japanese. And while he was not held for years - his captivity turned the world upside down for him, his best friend (also a Navy Doc, my Dad) and a young Navy Nurse - Bob had been caged and not fed and my Dad and the Nurse took care of him - day and night after his re-repatriation. Bob married his Nurse and the two families stayed lifelong friends. These were decent men - who were doing what their country asked of them - leaving behind family - to give up their lives and futures - for freedom.

    Women like this do not deserve to call themselves American. Were their rapes - probably - but does that smear the entire Armed Forces? Are all Hispanics - criminal illegal invaders or gang bangers? Are all blacks on welfare or in gangs? Are all muslims radical extremist terrorists who happen to be islamic? Why, oh why is the Left so INTOLERANT - not to apply the same standard to those whose allegiance lies in God, Country and Family?

    Besides the French hate Americans - so they’re biased - just like the Left. I’ve got an idea - ‘Americans’ like Ms Roberts - need to move to France so that America can once again be about those people who love America and want to build it up - President Irrelevant can join her - but he is one of those ‘ugly Americans’ that the French whine about.  So they won’t want him.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/31/2013  at  07:57 AM  

  5. BTW, want to give Ms Roberts a big hissy fit - I should send her Admiral Halsey’s End of War in the Pacific Thank You telegram - the media would have collectively blown their head apart (and we’d still be hearing about it today) if evil Booooooosh had written a similar one to the Troops in Iraq - instead of simply standing in front of the Mission Accomplished banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln - it was rough and very graphic (and probably ‘racist’) in it’s reference to what the men did to win the War.

    War is hell. I hate these revisionist cry babies who have to drag up every negative thing ever done IN THE PAST. Clean out your eyes you stupid liberal - why not write about what muslim men do to muslim (and other) women every single day NOW? Why not write about the murder and slavery going on in Africa - NOW?

    It doesn’t take honesty or courage to re-write history - it takes courage to point out the human degradation and horrors going on in your own time - Now that’s doing something important.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/31/2013  at  08:06 AM  

  6. Why don’t whores like this openly point out about how muslims love to rape women and think it perfectly hunky dorey and A-OK to RAPE 9 year old girls?  I bet this happened and still happens WAY MORE than our few bad apple soldiers in WWII.  If she did, she would find herself on the receiving end of a FARTWAD, not to mention, her fellow liberal slimeball friends would would become very disappointed in her sad stereo-type way of thinking.

    Sure, it’s real damn easy to pick on men who are no longer with us, are too old, and just plain have too much dignity to even respond to someone like her.  It is turds like this that are why this country is going to hell in a handbasket.  Denigrate the men who provide her every freedom she enjoys and say nothing of those that would behead her just for showing too much ankle. 

    Stories like this would have never made it to print in the good old days.  Today, any chance to bad mouth and destroy America is the order of the day.  How sad. How truly GOD awful sad.  America is being tested...and I do hope it can hold out until the tides turn and the libs/democrats/progressives/commies are finally seen for what they really are.

    Or am I being way too optimistic and our once great country will disappear, and that great experiment our Founding Fathers came up with, will finally falter and fail?

    Posted by sdkar    United States   05/31/2013  at  09:26 PM  

  7. Sdkar, In the days of our founding fathers and for some time beyond, shits like this excuse for a human female would never have become teachers much less college profs. The poison atmosphere that has bred her and her kind did not exist. But it does now and they are free to continue to destroy our country and cozy up to and agree with American hating euros that Americans are all stupid, unsophisticated and uncivilized.  I plead guilty to the last as what I’d like to do to her is totally uncivil. In fact, I wish we could take out everyone like her. I’m still pissed off. Like lots of folks here, I had kin who fought in that war also. All are gone now, one had medals for bravery and the Purple Heart. It just festers.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   06/01/2013  at  05:53 AM  

  8. Both my Grandfathers fought in WWII.  My maternal Grandfather fought against the japs and killed a few up close and personal, hand to hand to the death.  He was later injured and had to leave the war before it was finished.  Same for my paternal Grandfather, who was a side-gunner in a bomber that crashed in the ocean.  He was saved, but broke his back and he too left the war early. 

    I think it funny that because my Grandfathers had to go home early due to injury, that my parents are not considered baby boomers, which as I am sure most everyone knows, is the crop of kids that popped up 9 months after the war was over and born from 1946 to 1964.  Because of my grandfathers’ early return, my parents were born in September and October 1945.  Which means my Grandfathers made it home sometime in December/January, before the war was over.  Either that or my grandmothers had some ‘splainin to do.

    Anyway, these men were upstanding men who believed in something greater than themselves.  I have spoken with my paternal Grandfather before he passed and I can tell you he was deeply upset that he had to leave the war before it was over.  He felt ashamed that he could no longer fight for his country.  I am sure neither man was a saint, but they didn’t go overseas to rape and dominate women and be tough guys.  They fought because it was their duty. 

    In fact, I have read in many places that men who were labelled 4F (unfit to serve) were deeply upset and some even considered suicide over the embrassment of not being able to do their part and fight for their country.  Of course, this heathen woman would have you think my Grandfathers and those who could not serve or were forced out of the war due to injuries were upset because they could not longer loot and rape women. How sad that her outlook is this bad.  That when she looks at our soldiers, she sees horrible evil men...whereas, when I (and I am sure most normal Americans) see a man serving in uniform, I feel pride and respect. 

    This women is a pussball and I hope she one day sees her error...but I doubt it.  Despite what she says about our men in uniform, they still have the dignity to fight for her right to say such things.  She isn’t worth the spit on the bottom on the boot of the men she denigrates.  Shame on her.

    Posted by sdkar    United States   06/01/2013  at  10:50 AM  

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