So now authorities have to worry about upsetting young thugs, by calling them “YOUTHS”


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/28/2009 at 10:28 AM   
  1. Maybe, due to the lack of education they have receieved, they don’t know what the words “youth” and “gang” mean. What stupidity. Good that they are teaching some manners again, apparently, but when the goverment has already taken over almost all other child rearing responsibilities, that’s what they have to do to make society run enough to make money for the folks at the top.

    Posted by Nicole    United States   11/28/2009  at  10:48 AM  

  2. Well said. Lots of teachers complaining however, that their job seems to be social work as much as it is teaching.  Things traditionally thought to be within the province of the home, are now being demanded of the teachers. I really don’t see any hope for this place and to be honest, many “conservatives” can pass as members of the other odious party here.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/28/2009  at  11:03 AM  

  3. It’s not any better here. The US is headed down the same road only without the huge influx of Islamists (so far anyway). We get Mexicans instead. They are a tad less ‘splodey and beheady.

    The public schools are nothing but social experiments in babysitting. They do nothing like education. But they won’t allow vouchers for people to opt out of public schooling and use their tax dollars to pay for private schools. That would let good little brainwashed progressives out of the system. They might learn to think for themselves and the future society can’t have that.

    Posted by Nicole    United States   11/29/2009  at  12:22 AM  

  4. Silly me - I always thought that youth meant young - Wow what a lousy education I had!

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   11/30/2009  at  06:38 AM  

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