So Let The Side Show Begin


NTSH, MA nothing to see here, move along; BAU.

BAU business as usual; SS, DD.

SS, DD same shit, different day.

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 04/11/2012 at 07:39 PM   
  1. The FBI keeps detailed statistics about who is killing, robbing and raping who in its Uniform Crime Report.

    Go to

    and prepare yourself to be enlightened, enraged and depressed.

    Posted by Al_in_Ottawa    Canada   04/12/2012  at  12:20 AM  

  2. Yes, I see that the witch-finder general has named the charges for the show trial in an attempt to placate the mob.  Unless Florida is as corrupt as Cook County, Illinois (I doubt it), I see no way that they get him on 2nd degree murder.  So I think an acquittal is likely, and then the people who have been threatening to throw a riot if Zimmerman is not given the equivalent of a lynching, will indeed riot. 

    The prosecutor, I hear she is a Republican, should be defeated at the next electoral opportunity; as she seems to be a disgrace to her profession.  Ducking the grand jury, where a prosecutor can get almost anyone indicted, stinks to high heaven.  Especially since one was already going to be called in the case.  The possibility that she could find actual evidence to support 2nd degree murder charges, while the locals couldn’t find a case for anything more serious than a misdemeanor, is almost so slim as to be non-existent.

    Posted by JW    United States   04/12/2012  at  02:48 AM  

  3. I have mixed feelings about this - is it solely a reaction to the media/mob gin up of race-baiting (although since they are two minorities, I’m not sure how that came to be) or is it to put into the public record that Trayvon attacked. The entire thing bothers me - way too many lies and distortions to be comfortable that Mr. Zimmerman is going to get anything close to a fair trial.

    We shall see.

    Meanwhile the NBPP walks away after offing a bounty (ala the KKK of yesteryear) on a man - when in America we are suppose to be a rule of law land - you know innocent until proven guilty. . .

    But then Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder has proven that he won’t prosecute the NBPP - and isn’t that a hate crime?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/12/2012  at  07:29 AM  


    Here is some more data.

    Posted by Reiuxcat    United States   04/12/2012  at  09:27 AM  

  5. I’m not sure what to believe. I do believe that throwing in race in this, or any other incident, is just wrong.

    The worst racists in this country are black. Period.

    You get the occasional white racist, but they advertise: skinheads, Nazi tattoos, easy to spot and avoid.

    I only say that as a former mailman who delivered mail to such neo-Nazi bigots and had to endure their comments about the ‘n•ggers’ across the street. The ‘n•ggers’ in question were a fine young family with three good kids. They were friends of ours and had been over for cookouts. (yes, I delivered close to my own house, just three blocks away.)

    As politely as I could (I was on the clock and in uniform) I informed him I didn’t appreciate his comments about friends of the family. So from then on, until they were evicted for non-payment of rent, (another feature of neo-Nazis: they don’t pay their bills. I’ve seen it several times in my 22 years as a mailman) I was that ‘n•gger-lovin’ mailman. Needless to say, I didn’t shed a tear when they were evicted. I think property values actually went up that day.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   04/12/2012  at  03:02 PM  

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