“snipers are cowards who shoot ppl in the back.” michael moore is such an ahole, words fail


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 01/19/2015 at 09:02 AM   
  1. As I remarked in the Telegraph....Yes Mike, they are cowards and you are not a fat f**k.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   01/19/2015  at  09:46 AM  

  2. I will just repeat what Clint said about the round mound of stupid;
    “If he ever shows up at my door with a camera I’ll Kill Him”
    shit  gun

    Posted by Rich K    United States   01/19/2015  at  01:12 PM  

  3. I am stunned by Moore’s thought process - his uncle was killed by a sniper in WWII - by his ‘logic’ - wasn’t the US the ‘invaders’ then too? So forever we are to hate snipers - no matter what side of a war that they are on. My uncle died in WWII - I do not blame the Army Air Corps nor the manufacturer of the plane (those flying with him saw/heard nothing to explain why his plane went down). I am really sick and tired of people who must blame someone for a death - it’s a major part of the Legal Lottery system entrenching itself in American culture. Which if you know Moore’s bio - is exactly how he got ‘started’ in ‘documentary’ film making. Once a scammer - always a scammer.

    And most of the time - snipers don’t shoot their target in the back - to insure that they are indeed shooting the correct target.

    “The reason that a few hundred snipers are so important now is that they,” writes Hans Halberstadt and Jack Coughlin in the book Trigger Men about the impact of snipers in the Iraq War, “almost alone on the unconventional battlefield of today, are effective at killing enemy personnel in meaningful numbers. As one US Navy SEAL officer told me recently, American snipers in the battle of Fallujah (from the SEALs, Marines, Army Special Forces, Deltas, Rangers, and other units) comprised less than 1 percent of the total number of friendly personnel on the battlefield but accounted for roughly 50 percent of enemy kills during the siege.”

    And Moore does not do documentaries - he does hit pieces where the interviews of those he is attacking usually lie on the cutting room floor. Which is why the film Manufacturing Dissent came about - two Canadians enamored of Moore set about to make a documentary of him - and became enlightened as to exactly how manipulative he really is.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/21/2015  at  11:05 AM  

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