slightly different twist on the never ending gypsy curse.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 10/04/2013 at 05:16 AM   
  1. Thanks for using my post - I just watched that video from the other post. Horses are flight animals and many are terrified of vehicles - that is torture in the extreme. And as Drew pointed out - ketamine - is a powerful horse tranq - and there are people stupid enough to purchase it as a ‘party’ drug.

    I worry about every penny we spend - weighing whether it benefits us all and/or must be spent - I can’t imagine purchasing gas these days for a trip (last trip was paid for by son) but to fly in and out to rob? What is wrong with the UK - that they allow this bs?

    Of course meanwhile, here on the other side of the pond - the Dems realize that the American people are really rising up against their idiotic takeover plan (ironically called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) - and are in full crazy mode to shift all the blame on the GOP that finally found a pair. shh - big secret certain person here isn’t eligible for medicaid - and thus can NOT be penalized or is that taxed - under the O’care bs law. shh - don’t let anyone else know. It might start a trend. . .


    This should be fun - the million bikers are planning a DC ride tomorrow - wish I could learn to ride and had gas money to do it - in support of the WWII Vets. Yes, Only Obama could spend money during a ‘gov shutdown’ to ‘close’ and open-air open 24/7 Memorial. Rush Limbaugh always said - it wasn’t going to be Obama’s policies that got him in trouble, he was going to diss someone - amazingly - it wasn’t a cult of personality left celeb - he went after the Greatest Generations Veterans - and it will be the RIGHT that rises up and shuts Obama down. Hopefully, for good.

    And since Sheila Jackson Lee put her two cents in - We now know who was the DC shooter, oops, driver - an unhinged liberal loon. Oh, my bad, they are all unhinged loons.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/04/2013  at  07:02 AM  

  2. Well, at the least you have to give the Gypos an E for effort to come up with that gag. A new version of “Dine n Dash”, aka Cash n Dash.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   10/04/2013  at  08:43 PM  

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