skull cracker on the loose after open prison day release, kids killing teachers, just another day


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/06/2014 at 03:04 AM   
  1. What on earth is the asinine formula behind the UK’s sentencing vs actual time behind bars formula? It seems like X * 0.12 or something. Bet you wish you could use that math to pay back your mortgage!

    And what gives with the “released to visit the doctor” nonsense? In American prisons, if they don’t have the docs on site, then the prisoner is transported under guard to the doctor. Huh, my SIL’s husband is a cop and gets lots of overtime guarding inmates at the hospitals. Pretty much just stands around outside the door and collects a fat check, since the perps are usually cuffed to the bed. But none of them do a runner, ever.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/06/2014  at  12:22 PM  

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