Six More Weeks


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 02/02/2006 at 11:27 AM   
  1. You want a prediction about the weather, you’re asking the wrong Phil. I’ll give you a winter prediction: It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  12:26 PM  

  2. Your real name is “Phil”?

    2gunsfiring  pig

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/02/2006  at  12:33 PM  

  3. I like to see a man of advancing years throwing caution to the wind. It’s inspiring in a way. pig  banghead

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  12:37 PM  

  4. AH! My day has been made when I can inspire a pig to aspire before he expires.

    LOL  clap  uzi  pig  dickhead

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/02/2006  at  12:41 PM  

  5. Nothing that a .223 can’t cure....  Then stew that damned rodent up into a nice tasty meal…

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   02/02/2006  at  12:51 PM  

  6. Instructions for cooking a groundhog:

    Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scald quickly, and pull off hair while hot.Scrape well--remove feet, tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. pig excaim
    Cut off ears, remove eyes and head if desired. (!!??)Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.
    Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover , add 1 pod red pepper and let stand overnight.
    In the morning remove salt water and pour boiling water over it.
    Cook in enough boiling water to boil up over possum (I cheated. So sue me ) but not enough to cover.
    Cook until skin can be pierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready for baking.
    When ready to bake, place critter in pan with skin side up.
    Bake in a moderate oven until crisp and brown.
    If fire is too hot, skin will blister and burn.
    Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) which have been previously baked. 

    Serve with homemade beer. Lots of it. 5 liters is not too much.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  01:37 PM  

  7. OCM: You’re not smoking the male plants, are you? That could be the cause of your confusion. They ain’t got no THC.

    I was quoting lines from the movie “Groundhog Day”.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  02:59 PM  

  8. OCM:I’m Moe, Oink is Larry and OldCatman is Curley Joe.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/02/2006  at  03:05 PM  

  9. I’m working on a monograph, “Shemp—The Forgotten Stooge”.

    That’s interesting stuff about the male plant, OCM.  Don’t know quite what to say .. Are they anything like Praying Mantises when they mate?  snake

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  05:26 PM  

  10. Have you noticed that, come sunset, OCM is outta here? Maybe he’s got chores and has an early bedtime.  Or maybe he’s too wasted to figure out the fuggin’ keyboard. If the latter is the case, and if he doesn’t use some awful screen saver, I’d like to sing him to sleep.

    Lullaby, and sleep tight.
    Hush! My darling is sleeping,
    On his sheets white as cream,
    With his head full of dreams.
    When the sky’s bright with dawn,
    He will wake in the morning.
    When noontide warms the world,
    He will frolic in the sun.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  07:35 PM  

  11. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .....


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/02/2006  at  08:21 PM  

  12. (OINK stops singing and gently ceases rocking The Skipper’s hammock. 
    He tiptoes to the walk-in freezer where the strawberries are kept.)

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  08:39 PM  

  13. [quiet]
    OK, time to hit the heavy metal and wake everyone UP!

    Fuck the Middle East
    There’s too many problems
    They just get in the way
    We could sure live without ‘em
    They hijack our planes
    They raise our oil prices
    We’ll kill ‘em all and have a ball
    And end their fuckin’ crisis…

    BEIRUT, LEBANON, won’t exist once we’re done
    LIBYA, IRAN, we’ll flush those bastards down the can
    SYRIANS and SHIITES, we’ll crush their faces with our might
    Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks!

    Posted by Macker    United States   02/02/2006  at  10:24 PM  

  14. I do believe these are the most entertaining COMMENTS I’ve seen in a long time.  Good job, everyone!

    Posted by Happy_Retiree    United States   02/02/2006  at  10:42 PM  

  15. OK- let me tell you about groundhogs - I don’t know about Punxsutawney Phil..........I have a groundhog who lives in a burrow in the corner of my back yard - she (I have named her Daisey) has never appeared on February 2nd............she does not emerge until warm weather and then she will feed on the miniature pears that drop from the pear tree in my backyard - the squirrels nibble on these miniature pears & what they drop Daisy will pick up & feed on.........there have been years when she has had babies - one year she had twins, another year she had tripletts............these babies eat my plants - dammit!!!!!!!  Don’t know who the father is - never see another grown groundhog..........I have taken pictues of her over the years from my bedroom window - if she sees me, she runs back to her burrow.........I will go back to my photo archives & find a pic of Daisey to send..............

    Posted by Dottie    United States   02/02/2006  at  10:52 PM  

  16. Lucky you. They are cool animals, Dot.  We have at least one couple on the quarry where we reside.  The Woodchucks/Groundhogs aren’t terribly intimidated by us—they leave at a fast walk when we show up. I know where their burrow is, but I ain’t tellin’. I do NOT allow hunters to shoot anything they don’t eat! Would love to see the pix.

    Happy: Thankyouverymuch , on behalf of me and the group.  Like Shinjin, We’ll be performing here all week.  Tell your friends.

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/02/2006  at  11:15 PM  

  17. Oink - Daisey is VERY intimidated - she runs back to her burrow at the slightest movement by me when I try to photograph her from my windows - I went back to my photo archives tonight & found a picture that I sent to Skipper, hoping he will post it.............I have found 2 openings to a burrow on each side of a dried up stream in my back yard - have assumed that there is a “front” door and a “back” door to her burrow..........
    BTW - I will be out of touch over the next week - am going to Florida with my S.O. from 2/4 to 2/8........then off to Houston for my neice’s wedding from 2/10 to 2/12 - will try to check back in on 2/8 or 2/9 but can’t promise - so much to do!!!!!!!!! Will miss you all while I am away!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by Dottie    United States   02/02/2006  at  11:40 PM  

  18. heart Dot:  Come back to us soon.  The Skipper says, “Welcome to my house! Enter freely. Go safely, and leave something of the happiness you bring!” Don’t worry a minute about who originally said it, or in what movie. pig vampire

    Posted by Oink    United States   02/03/2006  at  01:09 AM  




    Posted by The Skipper    United States   02/03/2006  at  01:10 AM  

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