Silent no more


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/28/2010 at 05:38 PM   
  1. Too bad she was not paying closer attention a few elections ago, but late is still usually better than never.

    I wish her good luck if her friends & family are still so sunken in idiocy that they’ve not yet turned away from the Ever-dimming brightness of the One.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   03/28/2010  at  05:21 PM  

  2. I think a lot of Americans are in a similar boat - wondering quite rightly as just when did America start to fall off the tracks - and where the hell was I that I didn’t see it?

    Obama is a double edged sword - while it is a good thing that given his ‘mandate’ win (and if you lie, cheat and commit election fraud to win - is it even a mandate?!?) and his majority in congress (see above for my opinion on that; Franken, Owens and probably a couple of others should not even be there at all) - passing his Obamacare garbage should have been easy -

    So I have to wonder - as to why (if Obamacare was his ‘legacy’) why he did all the crappola he did first?!? I know that the Porkulus bill was to pretend to the stupid masses that he was doing something to help the economy while actually hiding a huge slush fund to steal the midterm and/or next Presidential elections. So then go to Obamacare - but no we had to do other things including the destruction/takeover of the American car makers.

    So this whole Administration is not about __________(fill in the blank, jobs, economy, housing, healthcare) It is about the destruction of the American way of life.

    And I think that instead of making a bill here or a law there that crept them ever forward - Obama in his ‘I WON’ 62% approval (hey The Won - still never have reached Bush’s high of 88% - but I do believe you are well on your way to beat his lowest (29%))and went for the whole takeover - and it will spell his doom.

    FDR secured a 40 year reign of Democrats by starting this entitlement gimmies in the US - so the other side of the double edge sword - Obama is going to secure a forever reign of Constitutional, conservative and patriotic Americans - simply by attempting to destroy America.

    What no one on the left is seeing - you can not destroy the desire to be Free and the desire for true Liberty - without killing people - and Americans will stop this socialist long before that happens.

    I got this in an email - so I will end on a chuckle:
    A short spelling lesson

    The last four letters in American ........ I CAN
    The last four letters in Republican ...... I CAN
    The last four letters in Democrats ....... RATS

    End of lesson. LOL

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/29/2010  at  07:56 AM  

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