shootout … cops say possibility a firearm used


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 04/13/2012 at 01:04 PM   
  1. You may not be aware of this, but the majority of these car wash places are controlled by “Kosovans” that is to say the Albanian mafia. If you think the Italian mafia are ruthless they are not a patch on these maggots. Most of the workers are failed asylum seekers and I would not be surprised to learn if drugs and prostitution are involved somewhere in this.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/14/2012  at  01:52 AM  

  2. Agreed LyndonB,

    Most Prostitution, cigarette smuggling and drug dealing in Ireland is controlled by a mix of Irish Travellers, Roma Gypos and Eastern European thugs.

    The government being the usual panderers to the Political Correct crowd tries to hide that fact. Ordinary Irish People in the street know it but are loath to admit their country is rapidly being rapidly flushed down the crapper by foreign criminals and the Garda either refuse to stand up and call a spade a spade or are silenced by the fear of losing their jobs and being prosecuted for “Incitement to Racism”.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   04/14/2012  at  04:41 AM  

  3. This was on the local news last night Romanians gypsies robbing drunks on trains. Of course its just one of hundreds of similar stories.
    Not sure if the Roma can get away with this in Ireland, but in England they are able to claim benefits by claiming to be destitute and the judiciary support this bullshit. Once they are “destitute” the local council is forced to house them. We have lots homeless people in the UK already (many of them ex soldiers) and yet we spend untold thousands housing criminals. We should tell them to fuck off back to Romania and claim your welfare there. No wonder the UK Independance Party is polling higher than the liberals. A recent poll put them at 11% and they are mostly people who tend to normally vote Conservative. If that happens the drawback is that the socialists could get back in, but if we carry on this way the Conservatives and Labour are interchangeable.

    I suspect in Ireland just as in Britain the Judiciary and Garda are full of fast tracked liberals. If they want to get on they have to pray in the church of multiculturalism. Mind you with the painful medicine Ireland is having to swallow after being conned into joining the euro I reckon popularity for membership of the euroweenie club must be at an all time low.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   04/14/2012  at  07:18 AM  

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