Shoot To Kill


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/01/2005 at 07:18 AM   
  1. I like the shoot ‘em and hang a sign on ‘em idea too. Taking food and water for survival is excusable. I might do the same myself. I’d definitely do it for others who might be depending on me.

    Flat screen TVs, running shoes, jewelry and the like are not survival items. There is no excuse or reason for it. These animals are also shooting at cops and rescue helicopters. They need to be put down with “extreme prejudice”.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/01/2005  at  08:15 AM  

  2. I’m with you, Bob. I also have a “Survivor Kit” similar to yours. And I will not hesitate to use any or all of it, as necessary. In the event of a catastrophe like this, there are two kinds of people in my world: those that leave me and mine alone and those who have gone to meet God (or Satan).

    cool grin

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/01/2005  at  08:18 AM  

  3. Second picture:  Wow, nice sweater puppies!

    Posted by KentuckyJoe    United States   09/01/2005  at  08:24 AM  

  4. Meanwhile, in Pascagoula, Miss., police have had to play catch-and-release with looters:

    Many people stayed in their homes during the storm, including Nanette Clark, who lives several blocks behind the boulevard. She and her friend, Jayne Davis, spent the night and day of the storm moving furniture to a higher floor as water lapped, then pounded, at the front door. Some water did seep in, but the door held.
    Davis was glad she stayed there; her own home was one of the St. Charles Condominiums in nearby Biloxi, where 30 people were killed by the storm surge on Monday.

    On Tuesday night, Davis said, she and Clark shot at looters from the second-floor balcony of her pink house with gingerbread trim. Nobody was injured and the looters scattered, she said. Many hand-painted signs in that neighborhood warned looters that they were likely to be shot by armed homeowners.

    Police said they had detained dozens of people for looting, but had to let many of them go because the city’s jail, and others in surrounding communities, could not be occupied because they lacked power and plumbing. “We treat each one on a case-by-case basis,” Ferguson said Wednesday. Most of the looters, he said, “are the unusual clientele we have even when there isn’t a storm.”

    Posted by MJS    United States   09/01/2005  at  08:30 AM  

  5. Efforts to evacuate the Superdome is on hold after choppers were shot at and at least one officer struck by a bullet.
    Reports from a Reverend that there are punks with AK-47’s roaming the inside of the Superdome and fighting with other gang members. 

    The police simply don’t have the situation under control and the innocent that are just trying to get out are hindered by these scumbags.  Time for the police and national guard to start shooting on sight those who are a threat.  Military Marshall Law needs to be implemented.  The reporter on Fox had to evacuate a hotel where many police were staying and everyone was leaving.  They were provided a blue police light for their car and while leaving they came across a rental truck with looters who waved an assault rifle at them and yelled “Fuck Da Police!” and a shot rang out! 

    An entire medical supply truck enroute to a hospital was hijacked by looters with guns!  The hospital is now slated for evacuation due to a lack of supplies.

    Posted by MJS    United States   09/01/2005  at  08:40 AM  

  6. It’s starting to sound more and more like a “shoot ‘em and be done with ‘em” scenario to me, MJS.

    No jails? Fine. One more reason to send the perps to a dirt nap. Somebody is going to have to give the order to the military and national guard to shoot on sight before this is over. Declaring martial law would be the first step.

    I sure hope Dubya has the cojones to give the order. He’ll catch hell from the bleeding hearts and Democrats but .... as far as I’m concerned, they can be shot too.

    Dang! I sure am grumpy this morning!

    cool grin

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   09/01/2005  at  09:11 AM  

  7. I have got to agree with BobF too. 00 buckshot or SSG! and a semi auto to hand. Put some lead in their collective pencils. I imagine the Governor has to call a state of emergency or martial law before they can institute a shoot to kill policy? At least in the US you don’t have to jump through hoops to get some personal defence. Thank God for the second amendment!
    People should be able to legitimately defend there home and property.

    I shudder to think what would happen if a storm surge like this took out London. There would be a lot of blood on the streets, and since hardly anyone owns a gun there wouldn’t be much you could do to prevent it. If you did the bastards would prosecute you not the perp!

    O/T somewhat but I am truly shocked at just how bad the damage is. This is going to take years and billions to put right. My heart goes out to the decent people of the South who have lost everything and I hope the looters get the rewards they truly deserve.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   09/01/2005  at  09:11 AM  

  8. The funny ironic thing about all that “gun control” is that the bad guys don’t seem to have any problem acquiring guns.

    I don’t think that those punks with AK-47s are in the superdome. Everyone was searched before getting in there. I did hear a report that there were armed gangs running the streets in other parts of N’Orleans.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/01/2005  at  09:30 AM  

  9. I saw that, Bob. It was Shepard Smith sensationalizing reporting. He was really pushing them to play the tape. I dunno if he was looking for a Pulitzer or what. He did note that the body had been covered with a blanket. I’m thinking that was all that could be done for him at the time.

    The priorities have been set. Rescuers have been pushing the dead aside to get to the living. Bodies haven’t been collected because there’s no place to put them. This is true through much of the area.

    I saw a reporter last night who was saying that they didn’t have enough refrigerated trucks to store the bodies they had in the community he was reporting from in Mississippi so they were leaving them where they were.

    Some of the survivors are now shooting at the rescuers and looting on a grand scale. This is bringing rescue and evacuation to a standstill. I’m not even clear on whether the jails were evacuated to other jails or if they just let the prisoners loose on the streets to fend for themselves. The situation is bad and appears to be deteriorating.

    N’Orleans especially looks to be a real flustercluck.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/01/2005  at  12:42 PM  

  10. These people are acting like animals. It’s disgusting. Put them down like the mad dogs they are. If they are so amoral that they go on rampage the moment civil enforcement is diminished then they don’t deserve to live.

    As for the rest of us, I hope everyone realizes that they need at least one firearm for every member of their family big enough to use it, and several hundred rounds of ammo for each one. (we’ve got that covered several times over at my place) This is a real SHTF* situation and will remain so for at least another week.

    * Shit Hits The Fan, Kimspeak** for a general breakdown of law and order. Time to arm the family, grab the Go Packs and get out of Dodge.

    ** Kimspeak, the lingua franca of Kim DuToit, gun happy blogger par excellance (for the one or two readers here who don’t also go there). Too bad his blog had to go on hold the other day, I’ll miss him.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/01/2005  at  02:45 PM  

  11. Yes Bob, it is hard to comprehend or to accept that this could happen here. I once read somewhere that no society is more than three meals away from a general uprising. I understood it on an intellecutal basis but I didn’t really accept it as something that could happen here. This shows that it can happen here.

    I really don’t understand the mentallity that would fire on rescuers, though. That doesn’t make any sense at all. I don’t know if they think that they’re going to take over the city and be able to keep it or what the hell they’re thinking. No sane person would want to occupy a flooded city without food, potable water or electricity. Maybe that’s the answer, they’re insane.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/01/2005  at  04:18 PM  

  12. This is one reason Gun Control freaks simply should STFU. There’s nothing down there that can’t be handled by the proper use of either an UZI or an MP5K in the hands of someone trained to use it.

    Posted by Archangel    United States   09/01/2005  at  10:39 PM  

  13. When they start shooting at helos trying to rescue people. When they start hijacking hospital supply trucks and causing functioning hospitals to shut down. When they are raping and murdering as well as looting. When they start shooting at firemen, guardsmen and cops. When the police forces have to switch from search and rescue to law enforcement. The time has come to shoot them where they stand slink.

    I dont know who these shooters are, OCM. I do know that N’awlins is about 70% black, not “99%”, so there’s a 7:3 chance that the shooters are black. I don’t know what difference that makes. Whoever they are they are fomenting anarchy in a disaster area and making things very difficult for others who are also mostly black. Evacuation had to be curtailed when these critters started sniping at the SuperDome. Just look at who’s at the SuperDome. That’s mostly black people too being victimized again by these shooters. Who’s side are you on? I’m with the decent people who need help. Help that’s being disrupted by these criminals.

    Posted by StinKerr    United States   09/02/2005  at  09:01 AM  

  14. The NRA is up in arms at the fact that the NO cops stood around while looters ran past them loaded down with anything but water and food, meanwhile the posse tackled a 90lb. woman, whom they were trying to “convince” to abandon her home, when she simple showed them that she could stay because she had a 38 for her own protection.  At least three of them tackled her,,,she had the gun flat in the palm of her hand, and did not make any threats, threatening moves, etc.  It is the right of the people to bear arms, particularly when the looters have accumulated every gun they can steal from local stores, and all the guns they had prior to the disaster.  It is also the constitutional right of the people, Eminent domain, not to be forceably removed from their homes if they want to die there.
    The press is purposely not reporting the fact that there were a number of level 3 bioresearch labs, independent and university, experimenting with biohazard agents, with thousands of experimental animals and primates, in New Orleans, which also flooded and greatly contributed to the “stew”.  If the residents want to stay or are in a hurry to return, trusting the word of Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanked Out, more power to em!

    The cops took many guns from a number of other residents, more than they took off badguys.  You can bet on that!

    Posted by blondegenes    United States   09/16/2005  at  10:31 AM  

  15. I just heard there have been over 13,000 gun purchase background checks submitted from all over Louisiana!  Apparently gun purchase background checks are way up all over the country as well!  Seems folks got the msg, the police won’t protect you in a major disaster, you must be prepared to protect yourself and your property!

    Posted by MJS    United States   09/17/2005  at  07:17 AM  

  16. The only difference is, that I would not have wasted the ammo shooting over their fucking thieving heads.They would have been corpses right there and then.End of story. machinegun

    Posted by Dominic    United States   10/06/2005  at  10:08 PM  

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