sex offenders on the run have a RIGHT to privacy’, and a fishy lawbreaker gets tagged


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 03/31/2010 at 10:15 AM   
  1. Selling goldfish to children? OMG, such a crime! Hang the bastard by his nads.

    It’s so good to know that the UK has a law for everything, every possible situation, every possible activity. So I guess that means that they can abandon Parliament and all the ministers, regular and shadow, since their job is finally complete. Gosh, with a CCTV camera on every corner, cars and garbage cans that report on you when you use them inappropriately etc., neighbors and co-workers who consider it their sworn civic duty to rat everyone out, there can’t even be any more crime, not even “uncomfortable situations”. So who even needs the Peelers anymore? Obviously they have every problem solved if selling goldfish is a crime, and the actual sale of them makes the news!

    No cops, no government. Think of the tax money they’ll be saving!!


    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/31/2010  at  12:15 PM  

  2. yeah but on the plus side theres ... uh .... well for example ..

    the right of privacy for sex offenders. No wait. There’s something not right about that.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   03/31/2010  at  12:25 PM  

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