SCOTUS Upholds Abortion Law


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 04/18/2007 at 11:42 AM   
  1. Score one against evil.

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   04/18/2007  at  11:23 AM  

  2. Almost forgot: Fucking ACLU HAG BITCH

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   04/18/2007  at  11:24 AM  

  3. Ginsburg must have survived the procedure....what a homely hag!  witch

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   04/18/2007  at  11:31 AM  

  4. What you are inside shows on the outside and this is one ugly souled person to look so nasty outside.

    I hope that another one of these liberal legal morons either gets sick enough or has a family issue and steps down (of course logically I know with President Bush in office, it will have to death before the remaining liberal legal morons leave the Supremes) so that the majority can once again at least be sane and legally thinking justices.

    I guess that way to do get rid of the set-up and bad law of Roe V Wade is to dismantle it one piece at a time.

    Keep moving in the right direction - more states need to challenge these stupid and legally bad ‘laws’.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/18/2007  at  11:45 AM  

  5. It always amazes me that people that claim to be for “small government” decide that it is somehow their business how others chose to lead their lives.  IOW, you busybody do-gooders need to annoint yourselves with the title that you are.  “Religionists” that demand everyone kow-tow to your imaginary super-best friend.  IT’S NONE OF YOUR DAMM BUSINESS!

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  12:04 PM  

  6. Fiftycal, could you please show me where in the constitution their is a womans constitutional right to abortion?  Even a vague reference will do.  You do believe it’s a constitutional right, don’t you?

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/18/2007  at  01:42 PM  

  7. WHOA! Back up there Fiftycal. Nobody mentioned religion and this has nothing to do with government either big or small. It’s about a barbarous act of murder. Are you saying that partial birth abortion should always be an option for any woman who gets pregnant? Why not extend that argument and say that when a child is born, before it is allowed to breathe the parents are allowed to examine it and decide whether to let it live or not?

    Just where do you draw the line between a woman’s “choice” and murder? I’m not picking on you. I just want to understand where you stand and why.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/18/2007  at  01:49 PM  

  8. Fifty cal, I don’t see how your ‘small government’ argument has anything to do with the right( or lack thereof ) to partially birth your baby and then scramble its brains with an ice-pick.  As far as the ‘IT’S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS’ argument - I can follow that, except I would have to know exactly when it goes from being something less than a baby to a baby.  Can you give me a date?

    Posted by Fine Old Cannibal    United States   04/18/2007  at  02:20 PM  

  9. I like your argument Skipper...pick of the litter!  Hell, why not throw out the runt? And some wonder in amazement what the world is coming to, ie. school shootings ...why life to some seems no longer valued?

    Posted by Gizmo    United States   04/18/2007  at  03:39 PM  

  10. Well this ruling end partial birth abortions? No. They’re still allowed when the mother’s life is threatened, or in cases where the fetus is not viable or is already dead. Nor does it eliminate elective use of the proceedure, for some physicians will fudge the reason for doing the procedure.

    Are abortions specifically allowed under the Constitution? No. But, there is an implied right to privacy contained in parts concerning such matters as search and seizure. Abortion got included in this with Roe v. Wade. Now consider this; a woman determined to get an abortion, regardless of cost, will get that abortion. When abortion is illegal she will place herself in danger. When abortion was illegal women did place themselves in danger, and many died or were rendered sterile thanks to incompetent practitioners or unforeseable complications. The SCOTUS decided that it was better to make abortions legal, and thus safer than they had been before, and so spare lives that would otherwise been lost. It comes down to this, better the spare the live of the woman, because she could always have another child. The other way you stand a good chance of losing both mother and child. Yeah, it’s a cold equation indeed.

    A long, healthy life is not guaranteed. I have clinical depression. I will have it till the day I die, unless some great advance is made. Your life can be short, it can be long. It can be wonderful, it can be miserable. No guarantees. And sometimes God does call you back early. No one knows the day or the hour of his death, and very often the time of death is determined by somebody else. And yes, there are times when death comes because a woman decided she was not ready to have a child. So a life is cut short and a soul returns to God.

    Is this, necessarily, a bad thing? Do we truly know what happens to the souls of unborn children, or are we going by supposition and what sounds good? For that matter, how do we know that God does not allow souls to be born again? Reincarnated that is. We say reincarnation doesn’t happen, but how do we know that? As Walter Heisenberg once remarked to Albert Einstein, “Stop telling God what to do.”

    Be it God’s will to send a soul back for another life, who are we to tell him he can’t? Have you caught Leviathan with a hook? Have you pierced Behemoth with a spear? Have you ever gotten a toddler to listen to reason?

    And don’t expect me to believe abortion is equivalet to murder. No, it isn’t. Murder is the taking of a life that has, at least in part, fulfilled its potential. It’s the taking of a life that has had an impact on the world. It’s the violent death of a person who has influenced others and made a differnce. Murder ends lives that have touched others in a myriad of ways. What does abortion end? A life that up until the moment of death had been lived quietly inside a woman’s womb. No doubt it’s touch her. Possibly even other people. But it never had, could never have, the immediacy or the impact of someone who’s lived for years. And in whom so many hopes were placed.

    Decry the act all you want, you won’t change a thing. There will always be those women who either don’t want a child, or think they are not ready to have a child. Better to minimize the possibility of their death, so they can go on to have a child when they feel ready for one, or decide that they want one.

    As for the souls of the aborted. God wants them to have a turn in the world, they will have their turn in the world. Don’t underestimate what God can do, or what He has already done and continues to do. For there are more people visiting this blog who have lived more lives than you would ever expect.

    Posted by mythusmage    United States   04/18/2007  at  04:25 PM  

  11. 6. Where in the Constitution is the government given the POWER to regulate women’s menstruation, pregnancy or the vitamins they take?  Try reading the tenth amendment.
    7. We were talking about the LAW that SCOTUS just blessed.  Seems like that relates to government.  And the anti-abortionist will try to use this LAW to further BAN abortions.  I don’t know of any medical school that teaches “partial birth” abortions.  The procedure that seems to be “banned” would only be used in the last trimester of pregnancy.  So it could already be regulated by states.  As to where I stand, abortion should be a woman’s choice until the baby can be “born”.  Physically that seems to be around 32 weeks.  Any woman that can’t make up her mind in the first 90 days should have the baby.  And I don’t see the POWER of the government to interfere with that decision.  I also can’t understand why people that rail against “big government” somehow think it’s THEIR BUSINESS what someone else does with their body.  And that includes pregnancy, drugs and damm near anything else.
    8.  So you want to “make sure” there are no “partial birth” abortions?  OK, then government aka BIG BROTHER will have to know when women are PREGNANT.  Now this is the way BIG BROTHER works.  Given the “mandate” that BIG BROTHER “know”, it will require that an inventory of POTENTIALLY PREGNANT people be kept.  And the only way to “know” will be to TEST this inventory in a regular fashion.  SO, every female, from the time they start menustrating until they hit menopause(and can prove it to the appropriate bureaucrat) will have to come to the equivalent of a “drivers license bureau” EVERY MONTH, drop her drawers, bend over and PROVE she is not pregnant.  And then if she IS pregnant, another set of bureaucrats will INSURE that she eats right, doesn’t smoke, exercises, etc, etc.  all for the GOOD OF THE CHILD.

    Now you may not think this is “big government” but I do.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  05:24 PM  

  12. Mythusmage: where to begin?

    Can you imagine a case where a mother’s life would be saved by mostly birthing a baby breech (or backwards, for those of you from Rio Linda), then bashing a hole in its skull, scrambling its brains, then sucking them out with a vacuum, which also collapses its skull, allowing the birthing process to finish? Is there some situation conceivable where it’s safer for the mother to go through the rather traumatic process of giving birth, made worse by pulling the infant out feet- or even ass-first? Come on, use one of your brain cells.

    Reincarnation: nope, doesn’t happen. I know for a fact that I am living 1 out of 1 possible lives for my soul, and I am damn sure that everyone else reading this blog in the same situation. Throughout the entire Bible, we are given the idea that each human lives only once, then we die and are judged. Even aborted babies go back to God, because they’re dead.

    Be it God’s will to send a soul back for another life…

    He certainly has the ability to do so, but He does not do that. That’s not the way God works.

    One of the things that angers me the most about this whole abortion thing (outside of the partial-birth procedure) is the idea that it’s a choice whether or not to keep the baby growing inside. Pardon me, but the baby is the consequence of a choice that has already been made, the decision to have sex without protection or medication to keep a pregnancy from happening. If you can’t serve the time, don’t do the crime. If you don’t want a baby, don’t screw around, or be prepared to live with the consequences.

    And how the hell is it not murder?

    Murder is the taking of a life that has, at least in part, fulfilled its potential...But it never had...the immediacy of the impact of someone who’s lived for years.

    WTF?!? That is exactly the sort of “thinking” that figured into the death of Terri Schiavo, <Godwin_s_law=on>not to mention the millions killed by the Nazis during WWII.<Godwin_s_law=off> I mean, come on here. This is exactly the sort of thinking used to justify euthanization of the sick or the old!! What gives you the right to decide which life is worth saving, and which deserves aborting, especially via such a horrendous method?!?

    Abortion is most certainly murder, and “partial-birth” abortion is probably the most disgusting and heinous form of it. Your reincarnation garbage is just another way to justify killing babies, just like embryonic stem cell research. The fact that you can state with a straight face that God might send an aborted soul back for a second chance is abominable.

    Posted by Red Five    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:13 PM  

  13. Fiftycal, I hate to say it but mythusmage makes a better argument for this than you do. Not the parts about God and destiny or reincarnation but the argument that women will do what they need to do regardless and it’s safer to allow them a legal “out”.

    I am opposed to partial birth abortions simply because of the brutality of the act. I believe if a woman needs to stop the birth then she needs to make up her mind within the first trimester - and most do. I still don’t totally like the idea of ANY kind of abortion. It just doesn’t sit well with my conscience but it is not my job to tell other people what to do with their lives.

    If I were a woman I can’t conceive of any reason why I would ever abort a child. Then again, since I’m not a woman maybe I don’t understand all the circumstances that could lead to that decision.

    As for the BIG BROTHER thing, I think you exaggerate wildly there, pardner. To stop partial birth abortions you pass a law and it is then up to the doctors and patients to obey the law. There is no call for “dropping drawers every month”. Nobody in their right mind would ever condone such a thing.

    The problem with the whole abortion argument is that there is just WAY too much emotion coming from both sides and an almost complete lack of reasoning with each other to arrive at a solution that everyone can live with.

    This thread illustrates that very well. Every time the subject of abortion comes up we all get involved in endless screaming and wild accusations. People have been shot and killed over this contentious issue.

    Nothing is ever solved with emotions. Reason is what prevails.

    My position is nicely packaged in those two sentences.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:24 PM  

  14. And mythusmage .. I can’t buy your argument about human life being inconsequential until it has “touched someone” or altered the course of history. Nope. No way. Nuh-uh.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:27 PM  

  15. Terri Schiavo died when her brain was starved of oxygen.  The fact is that “modern medical science” was able to keep her body functioning for sometime without there being any “there” there.  That was the worst form of family abuse, with the parents wanting to keep the braindead body around so they could stroke her hair and tell her how much they “loved” her.  And then some politicos figured they could win some votes from the religious superstitionists by passing a law to “keep her alive”.  Pandering at it’s worst.  So all you superstitionists that figure everything is “gawd’s will”, take heart that a court finally put the body out of it’s misery.  It was “gawd’s will”.

    BTW, since you consider a baby “born” at conception, where does it’s “soul” go if it is aborted or dies at, say, 4 days of gestation?  Since it was “born” into “sin” and hadn’t “accepted jesus” as whatever, where did the “soul” end up?

    And thanks so much for telling us how “god” works.  I guess my mother misplaced the warranty papers. 

    Thank “gawd” for freedom FROM religion.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:29 PM  

  16. 13. Skipper I mostly agree with your position.  And if people were “reasonable” there would be no reason for police or alcohol. Now if we were to look at “partial birth abortion” RATIONALLY, there would be no reason for this law.  The only MEDICAL reason for such a procedure would be where the baby had turned anacephalic in the last trimester.  That is a condition where the brain fails to develop and amniotic fluid fills the cranium and expands it to a size larger than can pass thru the vagina.  Like bigger than a watermelon.  A c section could remove the baby, but the baby is ALREADY DEAD.  How the body is removed is a MEDICAL decision.  NOT a decision for POLITICIANS in WASHINGTON DC.  It’s estimated there are about 50 such procedures in the entire US in a year.  Otherwise you’d have to figure that women get their rocks off by getting knocked up and having a baby growing in their belly for 8 3/4 months and THEN they decide to kill it.  Duh.

    As to “big brother”, you think that “it is then up to the doctors and patients to obey the law”.  Huh?  By that logic, speed limit signs are put up and then “then it is up to drivers to obey the law”.  Great.  No more speed traps and laser guns.  Get real.  If a law was passed that everyone had to wear clean underwear, there would be a bureaucracy charged with ENFORCING the law.  It would be as big and as topheavy as “homeland security” and as effective.  There would be HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of employees, poorly trained and managed, out there telling people to drop their drawers or raise their skirts so the underwear would be checked. 

    People wouldn’t stand for it?  Is that what you said when you wrote that check to the IRS?  The last time you took off your shoes so the TSA could wand you for hidden bombs? 

    Among other things the Constitution stood for was freedom FROM government.  Hell, about 1/4 of the people WORK for the government (yes, I’m one of them) and you almost have to have a permit to FART!  And this is somehow “freedom”?

    If you don’t want an abortion, THEN DON’T HAVE ONE!  And keep YOUR nose out of everybody else’s business (not you personally, but you get my drift).

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:48 PM  

  17. Oh.  And please to note:
    The 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion.

    So women still have a “CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT” to an abortion.  It must be “gawd’s will”.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  06:55 PM  

  18. If the unborn baby suffers from anencephalia, and dies in utero, then it’s not an abortion, it’s a stillbirth or a miscarriage.

    There was more-than-reasonable doubt as to whether Terry Schiavo was completely brain-dead, or she was recovering somewhat and was able to respond in any way to her environment. In modern justice, if there is a reasonable doubt that someone is innocent (or at least not guilty), then the case is decided in favor of that defendant. Schiavo was brain-dead until proven otherwise, and reasonable doubt was thrown out the window. She was put to death for being a vegetable, regardless of evidence that contradicted that idea.

    Roe v. Wade created an inalienable right that should never have been there, forced upon us by activist judges. I count this as the first step in the long road to putting the abortion decision where it belongs, in the hands of the several states, and the legislative process.

    Posted by Red Five    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:06 PM  

  19. Fiftycal, you still haven’t answered where in the Constitution it says a woman has a right to an abortion.  Just because SCOUTUS says it’s a Constitutional Right doesn’t mean it’s in the Constitution...the Supreme Court said slavery was Constitutional too. 

    Have you read the 10th Amendment?  Just what are you trying to say?

    Amendment X
    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people

    Whether it’s legal or not, a woman will always be able to get an abortion.  She can always get drugs, prostitute her body, kill her children, and murder; so what’s your point?

    If you ever come across a Bald Eagle’s nest with eggs, destroy one of the eggs.  You’ll go to Federal Prison for that but kill an unborn child and you’ll be exercising your “rights”.  Funny how a bird is more precious than a child.

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:21 PM  

  20. 18. How many anacephalic babies have you seen?  Hydrocephalic?  I still don’t care.  IT’S NOT YOUR BUSINESS!

    And the autopsy proved Schiavo had mental wasting disease and had been BRAIN DEAD for years.  Yaah, her parents still came around and combed her hair and said how much they “loved” her.  But she was no less dead. 

    And Roe v Wade did not “create” a right.  It RECOGNIZED it.  Unless you think there are ONLY 8 “rights”.  Read #’s 9&10 sometime.  SCOTUS might “create” a right YOU need someday.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:22 PM  

  21. Murder is the taking of a life that has, at least in part, fulfilled its potential. It’s the taking of a life that has had an impact on the world. It’s the violent death of a person who has influenced others and made a differnce. Murder ends lives that have touched others in a myriad of ways. What does abortion end? A life that up until the moment of death had been lived quietly inside a woman’s womb. No doubt it’s touch her. Possibly even other people. But it never had, could never have, the immediacy or the impact of someone who’s lived for years. And in whom so many hopes were placed

    mythusmage, with your statement above, I take it that you agree 100% with Skipper when he made this hypercritical statement?

    Why not extend that argument and say that when a child is born, before it is allowed to breathe the parents are allowed to examine it and decide whether to let it live or not?

    How about a 3-day throw away policy?

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:25 PM  

  22. Hypothetically statement, not hypercritical..

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:27 PM  

  23. 19.  I’m really sad that you have nothing better to do but concern yourself with other people’s lives.  I guess your copy of the Constitution includes the 10th Amendment and then says “but it’s MY BUSINESS how other people exercise gestational issues and should get my blessing before they do or don’t have a baby”.

    Feel free to start your own country and demand that females that get knocked up have whatever crawls out of them. 

    You could start in China.  That government said that women COULD NOT have but 1 child.  Now, since Chinese culture values boy babies more than girl babies, about 20% of the boy babies will NEVER have a wife.  Or maybe sex with a woman.  Perhaps homosexuality will rise?  Or rape?  Who knows?  Time will tell.

    And a government that can tell women they HAVE to have a baby is the SAME GOVERNMENT that can tell them they CANNOT HAVE BABIES!

    And bald eagle eggs are delicious with a little venison sausage.  You only need one to make a BIG omelet.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:32 PM  

  24. A lot of parents that I know would like the power to abort their kids up until they are 18.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/18/2007  at  07:33 PM  

  25. Wow, Fiftycal - go to the library and get Mark Fuhrman’s book - Silent Witness and thumb through the pictures. There is one of Mrs. Schiavo before Mr. Schiavo won the legal lottery of his (false basis; autopsy said she did not suffer from bulimia) lawsuit - then comeback here and tell me that is a brain dead person. BTW, while this debacle was going on in America, here locally (OH) a man got a phone call. It was from the rehab center his daughter was in (10 years I think). The next voice almost felled him - his daughter said ‘Hi Dad’. No, she did not get up and walk the next day and yes, she has years to go of recovery, but this was a first and completely unexpected step. [And yes, like Mrs. Schiavo, this young woman was declared brain dead, oops].

    Second, in the womb, the heart starts beating at 17 days - viability (’able to be born’) is now 25 weeks (14 weeks before the normal 40 weeks of gestation) the lowest gestational age survivor was 22 weeks, the lowest weight 12 ounces. As asked - where do you draw the line - up or down? How do you make that decision? And why, are you GOD?

    And who gets to decide ‘quality’ of life decision - You, man I never want to be in ‘your’ country. Me, don’t think you would want to be in my country.

    I gave birth to one of those babies 22+ years ago - he ‘knew’ who his mom & dad were, even the medical staff was amazed at how he moved around and turned toward us when we spoke. I was not a proponent of abortion prior to that but will never ever support it for one reason since. He was a 24 weeker. BTW, the abortions of today are suspected in many cases of sterility and a rise of other womanly diseases - but of course the feminists won’t let the medical profession study that connection.

    What determines humanity is the soul. Ginzburg, Nazis, Peter Singer et al - are questionable to me, if they have one. Unborn children have one and are welcomed into heaven - as are all WHO NEVER HEARD THE WORD OF GOD, AS THEY CAN NOT BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE (try reading the Book, to know what it says).

    How dare you to think you even have the RIGHT to determine who lives, who dies, who has the right to live, the right to die - you are no one, and certainly not in any position what so ever to make any of those decisions. And I fear people like you - you will kill anyone NOT you at the drop of a hat, or on a whim. And blather on about how good and concerned with society you are. Your only concern is yourself and your convienence. You disgust me.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/19/2007  at  01:26 PM  

  26. Ok got too po’d two things on my last post
    1) 25 weeks. (that is 15 not 14 weeks ...)
    2) show me where in the Constitution the RIGHT for abortion is.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/19/2007  at  02:15 PM  

  27. Yah, “belief” will go a long way when the facts don’t support your cause.  Mark Furman?  Isn’t he the genius that managed to create enough sympathy for OJ that OJ was found “not guilty”?  Great source.

    You against abortion?  Great.  DOn’t have one.  Just keep your nose out of other people’s business. 

    Can’t find a “right” to abortion in the Constitution?  Well the Supreme Court did.  Why they even published it the other day.  “The 5-4 ruling said the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act that Congress passed and President Bush signed into law in 2003 does not violate a woman’s constitutional right to an abortion.”. 

    Happy now?  Or do you believe, like a lot of religious superstitionists, that ONLY the EIGHT RIGHTS enumerated (look it up) in the Bill of Rights exist?  Great.  Then you don’t have a RIGHT to electricity or a computer.  Get the hell off.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/19/2007  at  06:04 PM  

  28. Fiftycal - ‘Great source’ - I agree with you on that one - however I did not tell you to READ the book, I said look at the picture of Mrs. Schiavo prior to his winning the legal lottery - it was astounding of the difference in her appearance.

    ‘Just keep your nose out of other people’s business.’ Except that it (through Planned Parenthood and other ‘laws’ pending)abortion is being FEDERALLY FUNDED - therefore murderers of babies are forcing me to pay for something I morally disagree with and therefore it is my business.

    No, the Supreme Court ruled that the medical decisions between a woman and her doctor are private - everyone took it to mean that the right to an abortion was in the Constitution. Even the woman who was ROE does not agree with how her complaint was used.

    You believe as fact 100% of everything you read in the media - I feel sorry for you. And I am sorry that even the Supreme Court Justices would be foolish enough to state that it is a Constitutional Right. It is simply bad law.

    I don’t believe a single religious superstitionist (whatever the heck that is) - sorry I don’t attend a church. I have a deep abiding Faith and a belief in GOD.  I have the Constitution right here - see no RIGHT TO ABORTION and I counted 9 plus Amendment 9 which is pretty open as to what Rights the people have (funny I never hear anyone talk about that one).

    I never claimed any rights to electricity or a computer - I earned them. And who are you to tell me to get the hell off.

    Go back to your left wing rant blogs and leave us to discuss and debate a real issue.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/19/2007  at  06:46 PM  

  29. WIth the proper amount and placement of strings, you could of had Schiavo’s BODY dancing a jig.  THAT still doesn’t make her “alive”.  And after x number of years in a coma, she was not alive.  It was “gawd’s will” that they finally pulled the plug.

    And “abortion” is FEDERALLY FUNDED???  What planet are you on?  BTW, feel free to join the other zealots and not pay your taxes.

    Don’t like the abortion law?  THEN DON’T HAVE ONE.  Near as I can tell, abortion is not mandatory, YET!  You do realize that a government with the power to BAN abortion is the SAME government with the power to DEMAND abortion.  QV China.

    You should try out for the Olympics, you can JUMP to so many conclusions.  I guess a deep and abiding faith in an imaginary super-best friend helps.  I am FAR more a respecter of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS than a religionist that believes their “gawd” holds all the “right” answers for every LIVING being on earth.

    So show me where in the CONSTITUTION there is a BAN on abortion.  PS, for one to be “living”, you have to be BORN.  Fetuses don’t count.

    Posted by Fiftycal    United States   04/19/2007  at  07:28 PM  

  30. Guys (and ladies), give it a rest, OK? We don’t normally have our Annual Abortion Smackdown Brawl until July or August when all those June brides suddenly find themselves pregnant.

    SCOTUS simply jumped the gun on us this year. I have reprimanded Chief Justice Roberts for starting the melee early.

    Now if you want to refer to the Constitution, then quote me chapter and verse. Same goes for refernces to the Bill Of Rights and the Federal budget. I’m having trouble keeping up here.

    You’re not convincing each other of anything and I’m completely lost as well. Settle down and talk it over without all of the high blood pressure and accusations.


    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/19/2007  at  07:40 PM  

  31. Funny this nation did quite well for 200 years while abortions were banned.  It’s sure strange how people believe the boogie man is going to take all your rights because something that was outlawed since the birth of our nation was again banned after being in existance for only 34 years.

    Posted by BobF    United States   04/19/2007  at  07:57 PM  

  32. #12. Red Five, don’t tell God what to do.

    #14. Skipper,

    You have a point there. Every life touches someone, even if it’s just the woman bearing the fetus. But, there always has been, and always shall be, those who either don’t want a child, or who don’t think they are ready to have a child at that time.

    There’s also the whole social dynamic behind abortion vs. murder. Murder ends the life of someone who has had a substantial impact on many people. Often a deep impact. Abortion ends a potential. In the case of a homicide we have a pretty good idea of what we’ve lost. in the case of abortion we can never know. And since we can’t know, it can’t impact us the way a murder can.

    As a society we’re rich enough not to need infanticide. The infant has any chance of growing to maturity, we can find someone, some situation where it can reach it’s full potential. Even if said potential is limited. Then there are situations where a child can appear healthy and responsive, but be dying the moment it is born. Children who would need extraordinary efforts to keep them alive, with no hope at all of getting better. All you can do for such is to give them a quiet place where they can die in peace.

    The only real way to change things is to get over our fear and hatred of sex. To accept sex for what it is, a way for two people to bond in a way that will last. And to accept that children are a consequence of this bonding. A consequence we need to be ready for, for no method of contraception is ever 100% reliable. We really want to see abortion (and child abandonment) made rare indeed, we need to stop treating pregnancies as horrible things that can only ruin the lives of certain people.

    Why do some new mothers abandon their babies to the elments. Even kill them upon occasion? Because they’re afraid to be found out. Afraid of the shame and the humiliation. It’s time to stop that. It’s time we accepted that pregnancies will happen whatever we wish, and that becoming pregnant does not damn the woman or girl to eternal fire. It’s time we stopped making sex a crime, and pregnancy a mortal sin.

    Posted by mythusmage    United States   04/20/2007  at  12:00 AM  

  33. About my avatar.

    So that’s what I look like in the morning. smile

    Posted by mythusmage    United States   04/20/2007  at  12:02 AM  

  34. LOL  I decided Recon Patrol posters needed an avatar of some kind just so I can tell them apart quickly on the Recon Patrol page. I tried to match everyone to a character that seemed to fit or was just comical in nature. You can change it to anything you like in Your Account control panel. Look in the right sidebar under Member Information.

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   04/20/2007  at  12:47 AM  

  35. Skipper I apologise for my part on this outragious turn. I just hate stupid comments. This decision did not affect abortion at all, the ruling was on the constitutionality of a ban to one procedure. But leave it to the left, libs, femnists and media to act as though Roe V Wade was overturned.

    Sorry. I am getting tired of libs who jump into just to drop ‘talking points’. And I should not have taken the bait.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   04/20/2007  at  02:07 PM  

  36. #32 mythusmage: I am certainly not “telling God what to do”. I am telling you what He says He does or does not do. It’s in the Bible.

    For instance, there is a passage, the location of which escapes me for the moment, that says it is appointed for a man to live but one life. That is why I do not believe that Moses and Elijah will be the 2 witnesses mentioned in Revelation; I believe it will be Elijah and Enoch, neither one of which actually died according to the Scriptures. Everyone else, including Jesus Christ, either has died or will die.

    There is no “fear or hatred of sex” mandated in the Bible, either; it’s only been generated throughout time by certain Christian Church denominations. There is, however, a Biblical prohibition ("don’t do it”, not a “be afraid, be very afraid") of sexual behavior outside the bonds of marriage between one man and one woman. Anything different from that is an abomination to God.

    It’s time we accepted that pregnancies will happen whatever we wish…

    It’s time that the people who engage in biblically-unsanctioned behavior accept that pregnancy is the result of their actions, the consequence of their choice; it is not a choice in itself. Pregnancy is not a mortal sin, it is the result of sin, a natural and logical consequence. The sin is sexual behavior outside of marriage, and pregnancy is only one of the possible consequences.

    Abortion ends a life, not a “potential”. Think of it this way: I’m nearly 31 years old. Some arbitrary group of humans determine that I have the potential to become a Nobel laureate. But if I never become a laureate within some arbitrary timeframe determined by this arbitrary group people, then I never fulfill my potential. By your estimation, because I have not fulfilled some arbitrary combination of potential and timeframe, I should be put out of society’s misery. Sorry, but that doesn’t work for me. You see, I’m alive, and I have a God-given right to live my life as I choose (preferrably, following His will for my life). Abort me in the womb, or murder me on the street, it makes no difference. The result is the same: the end of my life, and the inability for me to live that life as I wish.

    Whether or not your mother was “politically” pro-life, she was pro-life enough to let you into the world. What right do we have to end a life that God Himself has willed upon us?

    (Now, don’t try to connect this with capital punishment; that’s a completely different issue, for another topic)

    Posted by Red Five    United States   04/20/2007  at  02:59 PM  

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