Satanic Verses


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 09/21/2006 at 01:35 AM   
  1. Maybe the evil imperialist American should stop buying oil for the good socialist people of Venezuela.

    Many people in Venezuela would be proud to live like a ‘poor’ person in the United States.

    Funny how even the poor live better in our eeevil country than they do in Venezuela.

    Posted by Draven    United States   09/21/2006  at  03:24 AM  

  2. Chavez is a nut and the world seems to be placing more of these moronic gasbags in positions of power (like Abinabhabshamisnaijab in Iran and Kim Dum Ill in S. Korea- not to mention 98% of the DemocRAT leadership and about 70% of the Republican leadership.

    It’s funny that Bolivia and Venezuela have to try to pick a fight with the USA so their despotic rulers can energize their supporters.  They are realitively sure the USA will not really attack them and the creation of an enemy gives them power in their third world countries.

    Posted by pregador27    United States   09/21/2006  at  08:20 AM  

  3. I just do not understand why those who sat there (who claim to be allies, rational or representatives of such countries) did not at the least boo him silent or stand up, take off their headphones and turn their backs on him or WALK OUT. Remaining there and then the msm ad nauseum gives this fruitloop the cred he wants and can use to bash his slave population into even further submission.

    BTW, mr. peace, love and let’s get along - just passed very restrictive laws in his own piece of dictorial paradise to keep his slave population from - get this INSULTING the President!  Can we say hypocrit?lunatic?

    The UN is Wrong, Useless, and beyond Redemption. Time to send it packing and tell them the financial gravy train has jumped the track.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/21/2006  at  09:29 AM  

  4. Given the past histories of some (but not all) South American nations, it shouldn’t be too long before Venezuela or Bolivia has yet another regime change, overthrow or revolution once again, hopefully the new junta, dictatorship, “enlightened grand poobah and exalted ruler for life” has a more friendly attitude towards the USA and a firmer grip on reality. Sometimes peace does break out…

    Reminds me of an old “cold war” era joke, an American student is visiting in Moscow, and he tells his Russian friends “America is a great and free nation, and we are allowed to say bad things about out government”. His Russian friends reply, “Russia is also a great and free nation, we are allowed to say bad things about your government, too”.

    Posted by Rat Patrol    United States   09/21/2006  at  01:11 PM  

  5. I have a new idea for U.N. reform… security council and General Assembly votes are based on how much funding you put into the U.N.

    Posted by Draven    United States   09/21/2006  at  07:11 PM  

  6. If that little moujik dislikes the smell of sulfur, wait until he gets a whiff of fire and brimstone.

    Venezuela has fallen a long way since the era of Betancourt.  This back-alley tomcat version of Castro makes even Gomez look like a gentleman.

    But this is South America, where a swing to either political extreme automatically hangs itself with its own rope.  It is almost invariably followed by a swing to the opposite extreme.  Chavez is the handwriting on his own wall.

    In the meantime, one may be rather sardonically amused that he took the veil off the UN so plainly.  A “comic-strip approach to international affairs” at the UN????



    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/22/2006  at  07:41 PM  

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