sarkizy strikes again … vive la france … vive le sarkozy …


Those NIMBYs who claim that gypsies are being persecuted and should be mollycoddled at every opportunity are the ones who have never been subject to the crime and trouble that follows them around, or had to pay the cost of cleaning up the mess they inevitably leave. Not one of them has ever volunteered to have them move into their area; they’re not stupid, and Mrs Reding is following a long line of hypocrites who won’t put up or shut up.

Sarkozy is the only politician on the continent with the guts to tell it like it really is: he’s reflecting the views of the majority of those who’ve had dealings with a section of society who operate outside of its norms and as such he’s doing the right thing for his country.

Why don’t we do the same for ours?
Chris, West Sussex,

Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/16/2010 at 12:41 PM   
  1. The problem is they can kick the pikeys out but what’s to stop them coming back? Before 2003 thousands of pikeys from Eastern Europe got into Britain by claiming asylum. Tens of thousands were shipped back at the taxpayer’s expense only to have them come back again a few weeks later. The French can ship these deadbeats home but they will be back. The only way to stop this crap is to pull out of the EU but no one has the balls to do that.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/16/2010  at  07:38 PM  

  2. Sad and true Lyndon.  In fact, in interviews they say they will return to France when things cool down. Life is better there they say.  Of course it is.
    Hey, with the bogus Nazi claims against Sarko, can you imagine the uproar if French police actually began to open fire with kill orders on those sneaking back in.
    Which really is exactly what it would take, for them to take back their country. And add the muzzies to that list also.
    Nah .... Lyndon ... the west (Europe at the least) may be doomed.  It needs a serious culling of lefty liberals first.  The USA will survive for awhile I’m sure, but I couldn’t predict how long.  Of course, many (Americans) are armed. So there would be a fight. Might be bloody, and the reins are in the hands mostly of the pc left and the fifth column I’m always on about.  So it’s uphill for us as well.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/17/2010  at  06:39 AM  

  3. Don’t read it then ... but we all see ur here. Get used to it. There will be more. LOTS MORE!

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/17/2010  at  08:57 AM  

  4. Something you may have missed because I really doubt you read the article.
    The point of which was, at last. Here’s a head of state that doesn’t mind saying what ppl think. I won’t go into the whole thing cos what you think matter not at all on this subject. In fact, I have received comments of surprise that things like this can exist in these times and there is some interest. However .... you can always skip the story as you haven’t any interest. Which is ok.
    Voting is fine but the problem there is .... we have far more people who fall by BMEWS then actually comment. And many we know are here often and so they haven’t complained.

    Anyway .... stay tuned as I just happen to have a small follow up to the Sarkozy story.

    Feel free please not to read it. Of course you’ll comment on it anyway.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   09/17/2010  at  09:32 AM  

  5. I read these with interest.. Like a fungus, these things are going to spread aggressively. I’m surprised that, while we have a gypsy problem, they aren’t as bad as they are over there.
    Those who ignore the weed problem in their neighbor’s yard are going to have to pull their own weeds later.

    Just a thought…

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   09/18/2010  at  03:35 AM  

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