same movie, same plot, same species with different cast.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 05/26/2012 at 09:08 AM   
  1. Yup,

    Another feral sub-culture cultivated by Liberal, Socialists do-gooders.

    Shell out taxpayer monies to keep these sewer-rats in housing, food, clothes and put the rubber stamp of approval on their criminal activity.

    Any attempt by a Conservative group of calling a spade a spade will reap a torrent of RACISM!

    In fact those who try to alert the public to these swine are more likely to be incarcerated than the “people of colour”.

    Posted by New Jersey Yankee    Ireland   05/27/2012  at  02:03 AM  

  2. You don’t need pictures to identify what “ethnicity” these deadbeats hail from when the names are kalee and precious. Look like a couple of second gen Nigerians.

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   05/27/2012  at  05:12 AM  

  3. Lyndon, ur right. As soon as I read the names before linking to the whole story, I knew.
    And btw ... I believe for all his possible bumbling, Starky had it right when he spoke of whites taking the mannerisms and culture of the black gangs. And we have it in the states also. I’ll never understand that.

    I’ve done a bit of admittedly light reading on the system here, not that I understand all I’ve read, but it is upsetting (regardless of color or race) to see examples of villains, some who are even killers, being given short or no terms or being given a get out of jail pass early and then as I have read lately, the SOB gets out and kills some innocent citizen within hours of his release. AND ... turns out he is not even here legally.

    OH .... but the USA and France and the UK I read only today, are talking about the events in Syria and are angry at the violence there and the killing of innocents and it’s the old shit. “We must put a stop to it.” Sure, folks there are dying in numbers that make headlines while here they’re only dying in smallish numbers. One here, two there and then another one again. Not impressive enough I suppose.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   05/27/2012  at  08:44 AM  

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