Rhodes Ravaged by Right - UPDATED


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/16/2007 at 11:59 AM   
  1. Someone has even updated Wikipedia about the incident stating it “may have been politically motivated.”

    ummmmm huh....

    Posted by Stan_is_IT    United States   10/16/2007  at  12:37 PM  

  2. And just to add more insult to this “injury” comes the news that it didn’t even happen!

    Air America host Randi Rhodes wasn’t mugged

    Air America radio host Randi Rhodes is temporarily off the air, but claims she was brutally attacked near her Manhattan apartment are bogus, her lawyer and a police source said today.

    hat tip to dear Rachel

    PS - The crazies reacting so strongly to the false story never stopped to consider that it’s almost impossible to find a Conservative in Manhattan, much less a violent one.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/16/2007  at  01:03 PM  

  3. Guys it was all just a ploy to remind the stupid masses that Air America (failed,failing)still exists and that they have a (truthful- yeah right) radio option.

    They can’t get advertisers, they can’t keep ‘hosts’ and they probably can’t even buy listeners, but heck make a story up and blame it on conservatives - I bet their rating points go up 1 or 2 in the coming hours.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/16/2007  at  06:46 PM  

  4. I’ll be fair and point out that Elliot DID retract his claim this afternoon and apologized for jumping to conclusions.  In recognition of this I sent him one of my favorite recipes for such occasions:

    Crow Casserole

    6 Crow breasts
    1 quart sauerkraut
    6 strips bacon
    1/3 cup chopped onions

    Brown the crow breasts in a skillet, when browned, place them in a
    casserole dish on top of a 1 1/2 inch layer of sauerkraut. Lay a strip
    of bacon on each breast and sprinkle the onion on them. Next layer over
    them again the sauerkraut and some of it’s juices. Bake at 350 deg, for
    2 hrs. Enjoy! Jason

    Posted by Orion    United States   10/16/2007  at  08:51 PM  

  5. Ms. Rhodes experienced “an unfortunate incident” as a result of getting pie faced?…

    Back in my drinking days (shudder), I never managed to swan dive onto concrete no matter what the level of intoxication… tongue rolleye beerparty  threebeers  barf

    Posted by memoryleak    United States   10/16/2007  at  11:20 PM  

  6. Just think, ladies and gentlemen...the DemocRATS want to play with Your Tax Dollars and investigate the VRWC which includes Rush, Sean, etc.

    Posted by Macker    United States   10/17/2007  at  05:41 AM  

  7. They got to her! The Karl Rove Mind Control and Weather Creation Machine (with double martini maker attachment) took control of her mind to make her THINK she was shitfaced and not mugged by the eeeeevil ReMUGlican hate machine!

    We gotta get up a rescue and perform an exercis- I mean, intervention!

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/17/2007  at  02:08 PM  

  8. "She was abusive to the barstaff and generally gross, crass, loud, and pretentious.” And this was unusual in what way?

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/17/2007  at  02:11 PM  

  9. I keep coming back to this post.  The beginning is the statement by Jon Elliott that Ms. Rhodes was attacked by the “right-wing, hate machine”.  What I find most interesting about this is that it was precisely the hate and hypocrisy of the “liberals” that led to my final split with the neo fascist philosophy currently known as liberalism.  I will never consider any of the current crop of “liberals” or “progressives” to be either liberal or progressive. I have lost friends, not because I didn’t honor them as my friends, but because they wouldn’t talk to me after realizing that I no longer mouthed the “liberal” line.  I like being agreed with, but I can accept it if you don’t.  Decent, informed people of personal integrity can examine the same set of facts and draw different conclusions.  Interestingly, the “liberals” claim to embrace diversity, yet they don’t.

    While I have had plenty of debates and disagreements with conservatives, on a variety of subjects, I have never experienced the hatred and threat of violence that I got from disagreeing with a group of Hollywood liberals. 

    btw - one side note.  The real Hippies I knew 40 and 50 years ago, had no problem embracing and respecting the ethos of the warrior and many other things not normally associated with the term hippies.  Originally to be a Hippie meant that you were willing to examine and consider things beyond your immediate personal experience and prejudice.  This required an acceptance of real diversity, totally unlike the current attitude of the left today.  There was a large exception about Satanism - the worship of evil was just too sick.  The degenerate people that are currently referred to as hippies may bear some physical resemblance, but that’s about it.  In the social and political turmoil of the mid 60’s a lot of good ideas were corrupted or lost.  It’s very important to me that such classifications be correctly applied.  Call the degenerates what you will, but please understand that they are not Hippies.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/17/2007  at  02:44 PM  

  10. The Hippies or the degenerate trash?  Why not just call each what they are?

    There are very few if any true hippies around today.  In many ways, it’s a very hard to define concept, so I will do my best with some ideas and examples.  If you want to find one, look for someone who not only isn’t frightened by different ideas and concepts that run counter to his current thinking, but is freely willing to embrace a new discovery that lets him expand his life, spiritually or physically.  This can include anything from Eastern Mysticism to serious Christianity and the study of Haiku written by Samurai or a study of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton.  Personally, the study of Zen Archery has improved my pistol shooting tremendously.  You might want to read a short book; Zen and the Art of Archery, by Eugen Herrigel (sp?).  The same goes for the physical world.  Look for someone who doesn’t follow anyone’s dogma, but instead looks at the facts beyond the headlines and carefully considers the ramifications of each option to decide what is best.  Look for respect for others, even if there is disagreement.  Probably a functional definition of a Hippie would be someone who re-examines dogma and makes up his own mind.  The hippie wants to learn and grow in both the spiritual and physical senses and is also happy when you grow.

    Robert Heinlen, demonstrates this concept.  While many folks got some very strange ideas of spirituality from Stranger in a Strange Land, Heinlen himself certainly didn’t believe it.  He just thought he’d thrown out some ideas to make an interesting story.  Conversely, consider his rules for a lifeboat or his ideas of citizenship.  On sexual relations, he both admired traditional norms and celebrated completely liberated women.  The man embraced a wide variety of ideas, many of them seemingly mutually exclusive. 

    When Kurt Vonnegut died, many here admitted admiring him and enjoying his work, while seriously disagreeing with much of his philosophy.  There’s another example of what I would consider being a Hippie.  You may disagree with parts, yet you still respect, learn from and enjoy what is before you.  Many of the folks here at BMEWS demonstrate these admirable qualities.  Long hair, beads and drugs do not a hippie make.  Honesty, open mindedness and a willingness to learn do.

    I hope that I haven’t made a total mush of this and that I’ve helped some.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/17/2007  at  03:53 PM  

  11. Peace, Love, Woodstock, man!

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/17/2007  at  05:48 PM  

  12. "If you can remember the ‘60s you weren’t really there!”

    Posted by Orion    United States   10/17/2007  at  08:43 PM  

  13. Dr. Jeff - you make my point (and philosophy) in life, about the New Left, Hippies perfectly. So what do we call the New Left? I’d vote for hatefilled, narrow minded, ‘talking points’ spouting moroons. But hey that is just me.

    I go to the Left websites (not as much as before, as I can’t stand the vileness) to see what and how (and if it does change) they view things.

    Deep into some of them (mostly personal op-eds or blogs) I find a line, a belief or a truth that I hold too.

    I want . . .And they want. . .So why are so many throwing verbal invectivess, f bombs, lies, distortions and pure hatred for anyone not them? And allowed to by others in society? What made all of us afraid to say - That is not Right, that is Treason, that is Against the Law, that Violates the Constitution - any or all of the above? Because I still believe that the majority of people are not these vile people, but rather just not speaking up, fully against it.

    I am sorry but I believe that the dangerous, the true degenerate and despotic have wrest control of our Government, our Society, our Discourse and our Institutions. It is way past time to stand up and start Fighting back. Before America is utterly destroyed - from within.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/18/2007  at  10:24 AM  

  14. Frankly I like the term Neofascist.  Starting with good intentions, they are creating a nightmare.  I really don’t know where the good intentions and ideals went wrong, but we have all seen the result.  One starting point seems to have been that many good ideas have been taken to an irrational and destructive end.  Consider the argument; “If it only saves one child...” It’s pure emotional hyperbole, but it has become an almost common argument.

    Churchill’s (Winston, not Ward) quote about the truth being so precious that it must be guarded by lies comes to mind.  We are also looking at a generation of politicians who learned their favorite techniques from Joseph Gobbels and Madison Avenue.  Our political leaders (there’s a few on the Republican side who bother me too) feel that they must lie to the people in order to save the people from themselves and the people don’t analyze the situation enough to see the reality.  A buddy of mine used to make a joke that what wasn’t forbidden was compulsory.  Doesn’t seem as much of a joke now.

    An easy place to see how the politicians and special interest groups have corroded our ability to run our own lives, consider the laws requiring parents to make their children wear helmets when riding bicycles.  The politicians convinced us that we could not make a decision about our childrens’ welfare on our own.  I think we all grew up riding our bikes without helmets, how many brain injuries resulted?  (hold the jokes for later - ok?)

    btw - as far as fighting back - isn’t that what we are doing here?  We discuss, debate, distribute information and try to communicate as best we can.  This is a fight of ideas and principles.  Hopefully it will not come to a physical fight.  I’ve seen what happens when angry demonstrators and riot troops meet head to head.  Not pretty for either side.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/18/2007  at  01:10 PM  

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