Revolt in 2010


Posted by Christopher    United States   on 03/21/2010 at 07:55 PM   
  1. Anyone got a spare guillotine?

    Posted by cbullitt    United States   03/21/2010  at  07:31 PM  

  2. Nope. But I’ve been sharpening my ax.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/21/2010  at  07:44 PM  

  3. great post!!  thanx!  ®

    Posted by Rancino    United States   03/21/2010  at  08:06 PM  

  4. Oh Boy, Im gonna play ‘Devils Advocate’ Just for the hell of it.
    In 2008 52% said go ahead and elect a ONE party government for the next four years at minimum ( 2010 may change that but I assume that was the thinking at the time).
    Over 40% of all citizens do NOT pay any federal taxes ( the kind they would actually notice anyway)so they think this is just another gimme for them.And they wont bitch or care until they possibly see the IRS gag show up on their 1040 in a year or so.
    The left has just as many lawyers and judges and media friends fighting to keep this mess intact as we do fighting to stop or dilute it down.
    Now with this mess on the deck so to speak they are going to move on to( Drumroll Please);Immigration reform, So hispanics can get their fix;Cap and Trade, So the crony capitalists get their fix;And a few other really cool ideas just to draw attention away from this first great theft.
    So now anyone left hating all this is just going to have to grouse about it for a few more years ( or decades)or actually grow a really big pair and do something really really stupid as Bluto suggested in the Film Animal House.
    And now Im going out for a fresh breath of air as we all know its going to get kinda stinky pretty damn soon around here.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   03/21/2010  at  08:20 PM  

  5. Only a liberal would take a bad situation and intentionally make it worse while telling us that it’s going to be good.  Obama’s entire approach to health care is flawed in so many ways that you’d need another 2600 pages to cover it all. 

    Ironically, this will now prevent any substantive reform of the U.S. health care system for the foreseeable future.

    We’re screwed again.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   03/21/2010  at  10:22 PM  

  6. Rich let me clear up a couple of things -

    52% of those who voted (about 23% of the actual population) voted this in - and with the ACORN (14 states still have suits against them, did you hear that ACORN chose to leave OH and not return (even under an assumed name) - rather than admit guilt in the mess here - and oh btw, wasn’t it OH that pushed The Won over the ‘top’?) - so if you cheat to win, have you really gotten 52% of We The People believing in you/supporting you, at all,ever?

    And on the more than 40% not paying taxes - sadly a lot of those are in the military who pay but get refunds (you know, what my parents use to call - the working poor) - this is the first year my hubby and I are not in that category (it was a shock indeed) - But rest assured Rich, never, ever in the entire time did we ever think -’this is just another gimme for them’- at all.

    And I can tell you the horrors and lies of govmint’ healthcare - it’s going on close to 2 years that my disabled vet hubby has NOT seen a Doc. Great care - it’s all about the benjamins - You and I will be paying them and the Klownposse in DC will be pocketing them and the US healthcare is going to go to hell in record speed.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
    Thomas Jefferson

    God Help America - and let it begin. If not Now, When and if not Me, Who?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/22/2010  at  06:49 AM  

  7. Thanks OCM! Stolen for my own blog.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   03/22/2010  at  09:09 AM  

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