Researchers Play Tune Recorded Before Edison :  WELL YEAH BUT …..


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 03/28/2008 at 07:59 AM   
  1. If he didn’t play it back, it wasn’t crap.

    If Edison had a sub-woofer, his would have sounded better.


    Posted by Stick    United States   03/28/2008  at  10:29 AM  

  2. If they didn’t have the ‘technology’ to play it back - how did they ‘record’ it? I might be a technical slow poke - but something just doesn’t sound all that right here.

    Perhaps a cart before the horse deal - or just another msm attempt to dismiss, demean and undermine everything American. Yet Again.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/28/2008  at  04:38 PM  

  3. Edison should keep his place in history not because he was the first one to make a gizmo that could store aural vibrations, but because he was the first one to run the system backwards. There is almost no difference between a mechanical microphone and a mechanical speaker, other than the direction of the sound. Both have a big megaphone with a thin membrane attached to the small end, to which a needle is mounted.

    Scott de Martinville’s phonautograph may have actually recorded an “image” of sounds, but it took another 148 years before technology was advanced enough to play it back. Edison’s device was robust enough to do the job using wax cylinders. The theory of both devices is probably identical, but the intent was totally different.

    If you invented this round thing on an axle, and only used it as a rotating platter on the dining table so folks could get the ketchup easier (ie a Lazy Susan) you couldn’t claim credit when somebody else took the device and built a chariot.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   03/28/2008  at  08:03 PM  

  4. told you guys I was a technical mooron - I just at least have the ability to admit it - Hi, I’m Wardmama4 and I’m a tm cheese

    Crazy here - just did another round of the left hand of gov does not have a clue of what the right hand of gov is doing - while doing it in a whole nother region - expect several hundred dollars to be mysteriously ‘returned’ to us in the coming few months re all these moronic screw ups.

    Meanwhile I am trying hard not to do in the grandchild left in our care - while on spring break - and working feverishly to convince his mother to go to VA to take care of the other two grandchildren - a night, a weekend I can handle - but this day in and day out with people who quibble over the least little thing - I’m so over that.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   03/29/2008  at  09:39 AM  

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