Reports here say Al Bore is possible and this editorial says it’s time for Hillary to Step Aside.


In an editorial yesterday the Telegraph reporter said that Al Gore could be a very real possibility as Shillery falters.
Anyone ???

Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 04/01/2008 at 10:52 AM   
  1. The Brit says that Hildabeast is a “fighter” I say untrue. If you read the books, and look at some of the great sources I have accessed She isn’t a fighter, she’s a whining bitch who pushes and bullies until everyone folds like a house made of cardboard.
    But, Brit does have a valid point. My mother, who isn’t the most politically observant person in the world *sorry mom* just said before I logged in: Hillary and Obama aren’t getting her votes because they are Communists, and McCain is just as bas as they are. This is from a 66 year old woman who hasn’t read a paper in 20 years, and ignores the news.
    It gives me some hope, if my news myopic mom can identify this, any sane person with a decent intelligence can see this and vote accordingly.
    Unfortunately, what strips this new found hope, before it takes root, is that in this world of entitlement, people love the ideas that Hussein and The Hildabeast espouse.
    We are going to hell in a handbasket, and it sucks. The over medicated, undereducated, spoiled brats of the over-protective 70’s and 80’s are coming into play. The child abuse over prosecution laws are going to bite us squarely in the ass. TOO MUCH TOLERANCE. If it doesn’t hurt you ignore it. If it is hard to do, don’t do it. If you have to think about it, You must let someone more qualified decide for you. The Government is here to make all your decisions for you.
    We are approaching 1984, and all the sheepies are standing around in their pens waiting for free food and shearing. Anyone who stands against it shall be trampled by the sheer numbers of the mindless proletariat.
    AMERIKA here we come.

    Just in a morbid mood.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   04/01/2008  at  12:50 PM  

  2. Damn, he must have read that Way Of Harry thingy I linked to yesterday. And darn if I couldn’t read the whole thing ... after Chapter 27 all I got was an ad for some dumb book.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   04/01/2008  at  01:38 PM  

  3. Doc DETH, you’re using words like “sane” and “intelligence”.  Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to confuse fact with reality?  The whole reason either of the Dem candidates have a chance is that people don’t or won’t think.  I’ve been enjoying watching Obama and Hillary hurt each other.  In fact the worst problem I have with Obama pulling ahead is that they might get a consensus at the convention instead of having a public brawl and disgracing themselves.  If anything like the Chicago convention of 1968 happens, we’ll have an easy time.  The mere mention of Gore as a possible alternative makes my stomach twitch though.  He might actually be a stronger candidate against McCain than Obama.  I’m not that worried about Hillary, I’m pretty sure McCain can take her. 

    The breakdown is like this: 

    Hillary really has nothing except that she’s one of the most devious and corrupt politicians we’ve seen in decades and she’s springboarding off of being the First Lady.  A fair number of people a starting to get the idea of what she is.  McCain can break her with this.  McCain has a lot of experience and he is considered to have pretty fair integrity.  The POW business doesn’t hurt his cause any either.

    Obama is more dangerous.  He has the power to cloud men’s minds and turn them into smiling idiots.  Even though he has little qualifying experience and a pretty minimal agenda that he’s willing to talk about, people believe in him.  Again, I think McCain can beat him.  Whether we like it or not, McCain is considered experienced and flexible, not bound to doctrine.  He is perceived as being able to analyze a problem and adjust accordingly.  An experienced pol, he can attack Obama over experience and agenda.  Any more like Rev. Wright and he can hit him hard on integrity too.  Obama may subtlety play the race card against him, just as he has against Hillary, but if McCain keeps his head he can beat it.  Hillary blew it when she got openly nasty and arrogant.

    Gore.  God help us if Gore gets involved.  To many, he has developed nearly the cult status of Obama.  Additionally, the global warming b.s. and Nobel Prize are making him look pretty good to many and getting him a lot of notice in the media.  He has political experience.  He’s associated with the beloved Bill Clinton.  Even the weight he’s put on helps.  It makes him look benign and wise somehow.

    I hate to say it, but pray for an overreaction to the protesters that will show up at the Democratic convention.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   04/02/2008  at  03:05 AM  

  4. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I see two flaws in this writeup:

    However, either of these two Jack-ass party’s nominees is likely to start this great land of capitalist opportunity sliding down the slippery slope to Socialism.

    Um… didn’t that start when Woodrow Wilson sold the US Mint to a banking consortium, creating the Federal Reserve? We are a LONG way down that road…

    Now she has reached the position where, because she can no longer win sufficient votes to secure the nomination outright, she must rely on the votes of the Democrats’ super-delegates if she is to contest the presidential election.

    I can’t be certain, but I don’t think *either* of them can get enough votes to win without the superdelegates. I fail to see how that by itself is enough to say she needs to bow out, yet doesn’t mean anything when applied to Sen. Hussein.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   04/02/2008  at  05:30 AM  

  5. I just realized I missed the main part of the post.. The Smartest Man On Earth deserves a note here. The Inventor Of The Inter web.
    It would not surprise me if Mr. Gore used this opportunity to weasel into the election.
    He does remind me of a vulture sometimes, circling in the background, in his feleet of Gulfstream Vs, waiting for his chance at easy pickings!
    There would be a lot of people sitting on the fence who would vote for him because he hasn’t had almost a year to embarrass himself again, he has the accolades of the world on his back, and as a “senior statesman” has props that Hussein lacks.
    He has hit the level of cult status with his ‘Earth has a fever’ rhetoric, and he has a (GASP) Nobel Prize! Could this be the reason I haven’t heard him publicized as much as usual in the last couple of months? could he be waiting in the wings, keeping a low profile, waiting for the final foul-up from The Hilldabeast or Young Hussein to destroy themselves?
    Gore may be 2 steps above functionally stupid, if that, but he is a crafty bastard, with the money to buy the craftiest bastards around to help him strategize. He has an army of large eyed, mentally dysfunctional, overzealous, and mainly, LOUD gorebots to jackboot on everyone mewling their messages of Gore-bal warming at the ignorant, while avoiding the facts, or the lack of actual ideas or intelligence from the Gore camp.
    He may scare me as much or more than Hillary or Hussein.
    Plus there’s the added bonus, that he too is a Commie?

    By the way GOF, You are correct, I should have said Open, but relabeled Communism.


    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   04/02/2008  at  01:02 PM  

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